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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Fat2PHAT

  1. Spoke to my surgeon yesterday and he is completely confident in my primary care physician's assessment and has also cleared me. He wished me all the best! With all the struggles in the past and the fact that I still have irregular periods both feel this is something that won't happen for a few months anyways. My fertility specialist has also checked over my blood panel and is confident that this surgery's end result will be me with a child in my arms. Best decision of my life!

  2. I'm 5 weeks post op and had a follow up with my family doctor (I live in Canada so healthcare is free) where she did another X-ray, a full blood panel to check Vitamins & nutrients, blood pressure, blood sugar and a pap and I'm in killer health!!! (Yay)

    My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 6 years with countless fertility treatments and failed IVFs. My doctor said that I'm ready to try again! I'm nervous and excited and just wanted to know others experiences. It's hard because EVERY surgeon is SOOOOO different and everyone from all over the world has different experiences, so I'm just throwing it out there :)

  3. Hey guys!

    I have read a lot of threads but can't seem to find my answer... So I will have to throw it out there. I'm 16 days post-op and my one incision (below my bra line) is still open. It doesn't hurt, isn't red/swollen/leaking but it doesn't seem to be closing up? My information package said this can happen and to keep it dry & clean as we all heal at different speeds. I'm not sure if I've spent too much reading about it and have myself worked up or if its "normal"? I have been cleaning it with a wound wash and have left it uncovered. Any suggestions would be ace! Thanks :) I have uploaded a picture (gross I know & I'm sorry) but I anyone has ha a similar experience I'd love to hear from you!


  4. I also was sleeved on Friday morning by Dr. Almanza in that hellish place. I will share my journey and experiences only to help heal my mind and move on. Move forward with my new life.

    - We got picked up at the San Diego airport an hour late. No biggie. I was confident in my decision based on visits with my family doctor, reading and learning about my new sleeve, but most importantly to be healthy. Well when my group was all together I was in complete shock that there was a very young boy (later found out he was 14!) and a very old and weak lady (later found out she was 73!). She wasn't even able to walk to the van and needed a wheelchair. I began to question the morals of the doctors & the facility. It was a long drive across the border where my thoughts went from nervous fears to "uh-oh did I make a mistake?!" As I sat behind the old couple I knew she had no idea what the procedure was or what her recovery was going to look like based on her conversation. I was scared. She got a discount because so many of her family members have had it done. She didn't really have a reason for it. She admitted that.

    - After crossing the border we are dropped off at the clinic? We all thought we were going to the hotel for a nice hot shower and to get a good nights rest. This didn't happen. We were shuffled upstairs into a small waiting room like area with large, hideous Jesus paintings all over. No one told us what was going on. We waited and waited and waited.

    - The owner of the facility comes out dressed head to toe in diamonds stuffing his face with handfuls of nuts explaining that we would be meeting the surgeon (who seemed very kind) This owner was disgusting. He had blown up pictures of himself throughout the clinic with his shirt open and I knew he wasn't there to help people become healthy. He was there to pump as many of us through as he could so he could make money. Anyway after talking to us he tells us after we can go to the hotel and have a nice meal?! A nice meal? I have been fasting for 5 days. I'm glad I didn't trust him.

    - I was taken to a small cold room where I had my blood taken. No one wore gloves and when I was getting my IV in the next morning I bled all over the floor and the lady "cleaned" it up with one of those blue booties. Again she had no gloves on. PLEASE IF YOU GO THERE HAVE AN HIV/HEP C TEST AS SOON AS YOU GET HOME!!! (Please note to retake the HIV test again 3 months to be sure!)

    - Well after a long night of waiting they decided to do a surgery right then. So an older single man went in. At 9:30pm at night!

    - We finally got back to the hotel at 12:30am and were told to be downstairs at 5am. How is one suppose to sleep and rest their mind and body for surgery when they give you no time?!?! I was exhausted.

    - Surgery day. What a nightmare. Again you are taken upstairs to the waiting room while your loved ones wait in the smallest lobby ever. You are gowned and put on IV and you sit. You sit and wait as people go down and come back up. After surgery you are bombarded by other patients asking how you feel over and over and over because you are scared and alone. There is no support for anyone with questions or fears so you are left to rely on other sleevers and the Internet. It was nerve wracking.

    - My surgery was done and I was very tired and dry heaved a lot. This actually made it so I had no gas pains in the end though. One or the other was my experience.

    - I was placed in a room with a girl who was doing well and all I remember was that she had to pack up her belongings to move down the strip mall to another bed. I was out of it and confused. I got another roommate shortly.

    - The beds that are there are no better than a twin cot and one had blood on the mattress. It was so small they only had room for one IV trolly which means if you needed to go to the bathroom you had to put your IV bag in the sink. It was pathetic.

    - Every sleever will tell you walking is so important. It's almost impossible to do there. One there is no space and 2 not one IV trolly rolled. Not one. Maybe if the owner spent less on the disgusting air fresheners to make his clinic smell clean he could afford a rolling trolly.

    - After being there one night you are then taken back to the hotel. I was relieved to be with my friend and to sleep.

    - The bus rides were awful. The drivers didn't care about bumps and made no effort to drive with caution. They sucked.

    - I had some more fluids, a leak test (which was so rushed I had to stepped over the girl's vomit that went before me and no one cleaned it up except by placing paper towels over it.) and then I finally had my drain and IV out.

    - I am one week tomorrow and feeling good. This surgery is amazing. But please don't go to this place. Start your new life off on the right foot with the right care! You'll thank me for it :)

    *if you have any questions I'm an open book that hides nothing so feel free*

    Thanks for reading my post

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