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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by SPOILED ROTTEN

  1. I don't have dentures, but if you have problems w/ chewing food have you thought about dental implants for your dentures??? It secures them better for better chewing force. JUst a thought!! If you have questions let me know about the implants. I am a dental assistant that works w/ a dentist who does them.. Not trying to sell just educate if you are interested. Good luck!!

  2. Great Protein Shake:

    10 ice cubes

    1 Tbsp of Skippy All Natural Peanut Butter

    1 small squirt of hershey's chocolate

    1 or 2 scoops of your protein mix (I use american whey vanilla or chocolate)=20 to 40 mgs of protein

    8oz of light soy milk or you can do 1/2 soy (4oz) w/ 4oz of water

    mix in blender for 1 minute

    BEST shake YOU WILL EVER HAVE if you like Peanut Butter cups thick like a milkshake but better for you. I hope this helps...Good luck and congrats on you band. Keep reading on and you will find other helpful tips.

  3. I agree with the others. We all have great days and bad days. I have a sweet tooth at times. I eat that piece and get over it. Do I gorge myself NO WAY!! I have eaten a few chicken wings and enjoyed each and everyone. Did I do that for the rest of the weeks NO WAY! We still have cravings. if you haven't had a fill yet, don't worry a fill changes the things you can and can not have. Good luck you will do fine. Just pick yourself back up and start over--call it a DO OVER. everyone has had this problem if they want to admit it or not. You will do fine. It does help to read the postings on here to let you know we are all battling the same thing.

  4. Good Luck to you!!! I have noticed in your postings it seems you may seem a little worried about how other people will react or think about what you did or are going to do. Don't worry about others. Some bandsters on here have told their friends and family and some have not by their choice. I am one that has told some family members and not some. You are doing this (guessing) to change your way of life to be a better feeling person. If you do this you will around a lot longer for your kids. That is all that matters. You can be a strong woman-think positive thought- and pray!! It is a life changing surgery. I wish you all the best of luck and will say a little prayer for you. GOOD LUCK!!

  5. Don't be discouraged your dr was looking out for your best interest. I believe he have checked this before putting you under though. It will happen. Think positively it will happen and IT WILL HAPPEN!!! He was probably just concerned whatever it was on you stomach could cause worse problems later w/ your band. It could have caused a bigger infection internally or something. Good luck!!

  6. I guess my problem mentally is that I can't imagine what I will look like if I get to the goal my dr wants (100 lbs more already lost 64lbs). I don't ever remember being that small. I saw pictures of when I was a kid showing I was small. I guess I will find out--One thing though I don't want to be too thin. I still want some meat on my bones. I feel if I get to thin I will look gross. I guess I will wait and see. Good luck to all!!

  7. I find slime is when the food is having a hard time going down and your saliva builds up. When I say it builds up to me its like sitting on top of the food and can't go anywhere but up. I don't PB either sometimes after that has happened. It doesn't happen alot but it isn't great I will agree w/ that. I can just go to the bathroom and open my mouth and here it comes w/ no force or energy-it just happens. To me it is better then getting sick w/ food. That is my opinion on Slime.

  8. I have noticed the same thing. My body temp is all off. I seem more cold now then I ever have. My husband keeps it 67 in our bedroom and I have to use 2 blankets to keep warm. I have to agree w/ the person that said we have lost some of our insulation and that's great!!


    Dear Luvli23,

    I had the exact same problem. The only problem I had was being over weight. It does depend on you insurance. I have Mamsi (a great insurance). I said the same thing to my dr. My BMI did it alone to get my surgery covered 100%. Good luck!! Also I didn't have to wait any waiting period time for approval. I went in one day and had the surgery 3 weeks later. I wouldn't change a thing. We are just the healthiest big girl they know. good luck sweetie!!

  10. I agree w/ the person that said get half. You did work.... you took care of him and the house. That is a job. He owes you some severence pay (sp x). Get a great lawyer. Be strong and you can get thru this. I also advise that you learn from this as well. My mamma always told me if they cheat on you once they will do it again. You deserve better and you need to look in the mirror and tell yourself that as well over and over again. I have been cheated on it feels horrible. I took him back as well. Guess what he did it again. I should have listened to my mamma. Good luck to you and have your family support you.

  11. I have felt the shoulder pain before as well. I notice it more if I think I ate too much or didn't chew properly. I find it mostly if I think I didn't chew properly. I wonder if the nerve is being pushed because you stomach is up against it or what. I just know it can very painful at times. I have taken Tylenol Arthritis and it seems to make it go away w/ no problems. I thought in the beginning it was just I pulled something.

  12. I do understand that I may have to concentrate on calorie counting maybe eventually. For right now thank goodness, I am still losing weight. I do chose my foods wisely. I rarely have sweets and hardly in breads. I do believe I need a fill right now because I can eat more than usual. Knowing that though I am still restricting the amounts. I believe calorie counting is good, I just right now am not focusing on it. My DR my eventually advise it. His wife is the nutritionist and she does speak of calorie counting YET!!

  13. I finally at work wore the correct size lab jacket. I was wearing a 3xl and today I put on a XL. I finally could look in the mirror and say way to go to myself. I am starting to embrace what I know I can become. It is very hard I think to change in your mind what you look like because we are so use to just looking at our face or quick glancing just to make sure the out looked right. I had a fello co-worker show me a picture of my husband and me at a party. I said oh my god I finally see the difference. It was very rewarding. Take out an old picture and say look where I'm not going back to and look into the future. remember this: WE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT!!!!:clap2:

  14. You should be able to feel it. I feel my all the time~~not to the point it gets sore so you may want to stop that part. I have been banded for almost 8mths in the beginning I touched the port all the time, now I don't seem to do it as much. It does feel odd though. I even let other people touch it because as soon as you say you have a port they go ewww. I inform them it's under my skin, duh!!

  15. I find when I look in the mirror I still see the girl that weighed 314. Though on the other hand the other day I walked by a mirror and said WOW I HAVE LOST SOME WEIGHT!!!!! I think it does depend on your mood for the day (at least it does for me). I am working on reshaping my body w/ exercise, which I can see it somedays. My husband finally said something (they see you every day and dont notice as much) the other day on how much smaller I am. I felt beautiful. I also am starting to want to show my body a little more. Right now I have a shirt on I normally wouldn't have attempted 59lbs ago. I am starting to wear shirts and pants that fit properly. I have a old pair of jeans that fit at my highest. Those pants are in the closet to remind how far I have come already. Good luck and WE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT!!:clap2:

  16. My co-workers have been a great support. They are always complimenting me on how good I am doing and looking. They are great!! I have resisted telling some family members due to judgement. I really don't want to hear it from them. My immediate family knows but was asked not to tell anyone. My in-laws slipped of course. I wonder if they meant to rat me out!!. My husband has BEEN WONDERFUL. He was concerned w/ the surgery. He said something the other day about how much smaller I am now and it made me feel wonderful and pretty. I do have one friend that I avoid talking about it too much due to her boyfriend complimented me and she was not pleased w/ that comment. She has had problems losing weight, she doesn't seem to say much to me as well. I just know it's hard for her. When ever I notice she has lost weight I always compliment her on the good job.

    Maybe we need to evaluate how good of friends are they if they are unsupportive in the first place. I know it makes me think. We all have each other on here it seems to be very supportive. I have enjoyed reading and responding to posts. It makes me not feel alone in this journey. :clap2:

  17. When I feel like I have the golf ball feeling stuck I lift my arms up and it seems to help. I have also done the walking thing. Take it as a sign (at least I do) that you didn't chew your food enough or maybe took too big of a bite. The slime thing coming up is weird though as the one person stated. It is like your saliva backs up and has no where else to go but up and out. Also like the other person said no food comes up though. Be careful when eating follow all the instruction. Good luck!!

  18. I am just like the one person said...I had horrible acid reflux before the band. I was taking 2 150mg Zantac a day. Now I have only had it one day and I believe my meds did it to me. I have never had it again. I love the band just for taking the acid reflux away. It was a great benefit along w/ losing the weight.

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