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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SPOILED ROTTEN


    Slipped Band... will it be ok?

    I am a little concerned after reading all of your posts. I get "hiccups" sometimes after I eat. I got those before I was banded thou. Should I be worried. They are loud also. I found out before surgery that I have a hernia. PB=productive burps I assume that means vomitting--or is my hiccups??? Please someone let me know. I have rarely vomitted. If I did it was right after a fill. Now if I eat a salad I can feel it go thru do to I guess how slippery it is. Should I be concerned about that as well. Reading these posts definately makes me worry!!! Please let me know someone!!

    Snack Ideas--help!!!

    My nutritionist gave me a few ideas, but I am now bored w/ them. The doctor says 6 meals a day----I need meals I can grab out of a bag or quickly make. I have a job that busy w/ patients all day. I want to keep my meals going to feed my metabolism, but I find it hard at times. I will take any suggestions!! Thanks,

    what can YOU not eat?

    Lucygirly~~ Once you get fills you will become more restricted. I had a girlfriend that had the same problem. She got more fills --problem solved. I have only had two fills and feel very well restricted. Once you get a fill there may be some adjust time. It usually take me a week to get adjusted to the new fill. good luck!!

    new food products

    I know it's not new, but...I like to use the Wal-Mart brand sugar free add to water mixes. They are great. I hate to drink plain water. It is gross to me. I add these packets to my water and drink it like its juice. I like the fruit punch the most. I just tried Cherry Limeaide and it is pretty good. I also recommend the lemonade one as well. I add two packets to a 1 liter bottle and can end up drinking two bottles of it and not even realize I'm drinking so much water. Enjoy!!

    Why? Why? Why?

    Band Chick~I completely understand what you are going thru. Our emotions do control our eating sometimes. WE need to control the food. With the band you kinda have control what you eat to become healthier.I still find at times when I am upset and emotional I want to go look in the frig and gorge, but I can't. You may want to seek some kind of help like a shrink. I think it helps. I find that as I get older I don't let other people bother me so I don't become emotionally upset and want to run for the food. I find now that I have lost 59 lbs that I do seem happier due to feeling better. I was so big at one point (don't laugh) it was hard to wipe my butt. I was at 314lbs and MISERABLE. My husband is and was supportive saying he loved me no matter what. If you don't have support like this-look in the mirror and remind yourself that you are wonderful, beautiful and you love yourself no matter what. You have you!!! You have to love yourself and remember that you do.

    Soy Crisps

    thanks for the information--i will have to look better next time i go!!!

    what can YOU not eat?

    I am fearful of steak so I haven't even tried it at all. I find thick breads are hard, so I eat wraps a lot. I find mid day meals are hard sometimes. It all depends how I have eaten throughout the day. If I have eaten my snacks and meals, dinner usually have no problems. I also found ground beef (hamburger meat) was horrible as well. So read meats have not been in my diet for a while now. I heard it was great for the arteries anyway. I have no problems w/ chicken (unless really dry). I love seafood as a great food to eat and chicken if made properly. I don't have any problems w/ lunch meat if I chew properly.
  8. From my understanding sodas can extend you pouch or make your band move due to the carbonation. I have also been educated that drinking while eating can wash your food down faster. I personally can not drink during meals. I attempted once and it wasn't pretty. Soooo ever since then no drinks w/ food. I have been waiting the half an hour before and after meals before drinking. I know eventually I could move that to an hour. I thought it was very hard to not want to drink before and after meals. NOW though (6mths after surgery) I have no problem. Even my husband is use to it and knows when I can drink if someone offers me a drink. I find w/ carbonation ( only tried once) my stomach feels bloated like something isn't right. The one time did it for me and I have not had a soda since. Don't really miss them at all.

    Soy Crisps

    Where can you get these soy crisp? I have never seen them in the grocery store.

    Protein Shakes?

    I meant American Protein WHEY

    Protein Shakes?

    I use American Protein Why ( i believe that is the name). Here is a recipe to try: 2 scoops of either chocolate or vanilla =40grams of protein 4 oz of light soy vanilla milk 4 oz of h20 1 small squirt of hershey chocolate 1 tsp of Skippy all Natural Peanut Butter (the greatest) 10 ice cubes Blend in mixer. I crave the shake now--and we all need our protein. I hope you like it!!!

    Will I ever eat pasta again?

    I find cake, donuts, and thick breads are not worth the pain that occurs after eating them. So now I understand what you were saying before. I find it is not worth and the other thought is that those things are what got me to the place needing my lap-band. I try to eat so much healthier now. I will eat a piece of chocolate if I really have the craving.

    Snack Ideas--help!!!

    Thank you all so much for great ideas!!! I will keep them in mind when I grocery shop this weekend. I have really gotten a lot from this website and appreciate the knowledge. txs~~~

    Everything tastes YUCKY!!!

    The milkshake is great I hope you enjoy it. I had chocolate this morning and it tasted like peanut butter cup. I forgot to tell you to add one small squirt of Hershey chocolate syrup. A SMALL SQUIRT. you don't really taste it too much. I think it is more for color.

    Will I ever eat pasta again?

    I don't understand how things taste differently. Chocolate still tastes like chocolate and other foods the same. I don't crave red meat though anymore. I have a fear that steak will get "stuck". I tried eating a burger w/ out bread and that didn't fly so well. Again, I don't know how your taste buds change. Or is it you don't crave it anymore?

    6 Small meals a day???

    Six small meals a day from what my dr. says keeps your metabolism going so your body will burn FAT and not muscle. I have done pretty well. Granted not every day I am able to eat that many meals in a day. I end up usually driking my protein shake as one meal though.

    How does weight lifting effect weight loss?

    My doctor said that lifting weights will help in burning fat---I do cardio and weight training every day i exercise (3-4 days a week). I do the eliptical machine for cardio and weights for legs and arms. My core I end up doing floor exercises or w/ the ball. keep up the good work to everyone.

    Will I ever eat pasta again?

    I find that I can eat pasta w/ no problems. I don't eat it a lot. I find it eat it when I treat myself to a dinner out. I usually try to make sure it is mixed w/ either seafood or lots of vegetables. I do believe if you are going to eat pasta to try to eat a wheat pasta. It is better for you.

    Everything tastes YUCKY!!!

    For your protein shakes I take 4oz of h2o,4oz of light vanilla soy milk, either vanilla or chocolate protein (=40grams of whey protein)2scoops, 10 ice cubes, 1tsp of Skippy all natural peanut butter-mix in blender pretty good milkshake-I use to hate them and not drink them until someone else gave me this recipe. Mix the mash potatoes w/ chix broth or even beef broth instead of water and butter. Grits aren't bad w/ different flavors-but I agree watch the calories. You will get thru this time. When you are able to eat real food again this time will be worth it. I promise.

    Sushi?? Good or Bad

    I find sushi was okay-chew chew chew-I have only had two fills. The plain sushi w/out rice is probably great protein for you. I have had no problems so far with it. Enjoy!!
  21. I try to stretch after working out. Especially my back. My doctor stated that after you lose so much weight your body can change and it is readjusting. I no longer have lower back pain though.
  22. Keep up the great work!! the first time I worked w/ the trainer I wanted to never go back. I go three days a week and love it now. Build muscle it BURNS FAT!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
