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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BigFrank

  1. Amanda Rae, my initial reaction may have lacked some "tact," but I was just shocked. I literally read this site probably 95% less then most users and when I do I just stick to this one forum on the top of the page. There are way to many forums here with just so many people posting that it's all hard to follow. With that said, I had not yet encountered a thread with someone with such a low BMI getting sleeved. I remember someone a couple months ago saying that they were getting sleeved with a 35 BMI and I was thinking to myself WTF??? When I saw a 30 BMI'er saying they were getting sleeved I was like this is just NUTS. Hell, my ultimate goal is just a couple of points under 30 and I looked damn good when I was there at age 19. As far as their rude and cruel behavior, well to be VERY blunt, I think these few women have a screw loose. I'm not kidding. The three that attacked me were 30 BMI'ers that got sleeved for obvious mental issues surrounding their vanity. Hell, one is posting pictures of herself on the Internet in her underwear. Thankfully it doesn't bother me, it's just the Internet with people I don't know, will never meet, or would ever care to meet. Attached is a photo of me when I was at a 27.5 BMI, just a couple points under what these woman are having themselves cut up to be under.
  2. Libby, I just noticed that you live in New Zeland as well. I'm glad that I don't live in such a place where the people are so shallow and rude.
  3. I think I see your point O.T.R. Americans are VERY fat as a nation. I just watched an HBO documentary called "Weight of the Nation." It really opened up my eyes and made me thank God once again that I did what I did. Just my blood pressure alone, I was 150/100 and on Lisinopryl a month before the start of my pre op diet. At my three month post op visit with my surgeon on 3/21 my BP was 126/61 and I have been off of Lisinopryl for 2 months now. I recommend that everyone checks that documentary out. As far as the original poster is concerned, I seriously feel for her despite the numerous personal attacks that her and others have leveled at me in this thread. It's sad that she feels that society has made her take such drastic measures. I hope in the long run that she seeks help and becomes happier with herself. After all, that's the goal that we are all seeking.
  4. How long did it take you to get to goal weight? A whole month? You say you're "a Christian" but you said some pretty idiotic and immature things in this thread. Not very Christian if you ask me.
  5. Laura, to be honest with you, I have taken a light hearted approach to this thread, especially with the comments from fatties on the fatso site telling another fellow fatty how fat he is....kind of ironic and comical actually. Anyways.....the poster BigFatLoser said it best. If someone with a 30 BMI feels that pressured by this discriminating world and resorts to something this drastic, then I SERIOUSLY think she needs to seek psychiatric help. This person has issues a lot deeper then a "weight problem." The doctor is also in question since he obviously cares more about a lousy $5,700, then potentially screwing up even worse someone that already has issues. I'm just being honest.
  6. No, no, no. Actually to be honest with you, I worked at the Twinkie factory here in Chicago. My bosses were jerks so I decided I would teach them a lesson and began eating all the Twinkies. I ate so many of them that the company subsequently went out of business, you may have heard about it on the news. Yeah, that was it.
  7. Forget that answer above. Actually what really happened is that I was kidnapped by a serial killer and he tied me up put a gun to my head and made me eat and eat and eat. He then painted "sloth" on the wall. Just before I exploded the police burst in and saved me. I was quite relieved. I then had this surgery to reverse the damage from that awful ordeal. Yeah, that was the reason.
  8. My goal was simple really. I was conducting an experiment on how much a human being could possibly eat and drink before they split open and spilled all over the ground. I failed. I then figured, ah, the hell with it and decided to go back the other way.
  9. LOL!! Good luck with your surgery!!
  10. There's no where safe rollagrl. The worlds a messy and imperfect place. Especially the Internet where everyone's an expert and a critic!
  11. Actually, I'm happy. Happier then I've been in years actually, but then again I was a 55 bMI, I just broke back into the 30's. Either way, good luck. If you think this radical surgery is going toile your life better then more power to you.
  12. I just don't understand how a "doctor" could do this to someone with a 30 BMI, I just don't..... I rarely post here but when I read this site it upsets me. There are doctors doing crazy things all over the board with absolutely ZERO consistency. Pre op diets from none to 30 days, different post op eating schedules as far as puree, soft, and solid foods, some doctors making a lot of money selling you their crappy food for pre op and post op diets (that should NOT be allowed under ANY circumstances), different everything. It's actually bad, and there should be more regulation or industry/surgery standards in this area of medicine.
  13. rollagirl, let me ask you something. Did you go to an American doctor and inquire about VSG surgery?
  14. Rollagirl, you sound like an immature kid when you keep making personal attacks about how "big I am" or how effed up my liver was, or how I have no will power. Knock off the childish crap and read what I have written. I have not personally attacked you but have questioned your logic and the crappy information you were given.
  15. I'm not picking on you because I thought it would be fun, but how the heck do you know how you're going to feel as you go through the different stages of post op VSG???? Seriously, I would just think about this before you spent 6g's of your hard earned cake to get radically altered for the rest of your life. I will add one more thing. You look pretty young in your profile pic. Think about being gutted with 85% less stomach when you're 80. For me it was an easy choice. I could have been gutted at 80 or dead by 50.
  16. You're right Laura. I personally believe that will power is THE absolute most important factor in this whole journey. For me personally, I think that's why I think I have been so successful. I am rigid to a point of craziness sometimes. I have lost 126 lbs in 4 months and a week for a reason. I have stuck to the fundamentals of this surgery and have not wavered off the path even once. Having this surgery is no freakin joke. For a doctor to allow a person with a 30 BMI to do this to themselves is almost criminal in my opinion. Unless again, like I said, they have some sort of serious medical condition which warrants it. (whatever that could possibly be)
  17. I don't know who told you that you don't have hunger after surgery, but you do. It all comes down to how you let your mind handle that hunger.
  18. You are obviously the one with the crappy attitude. All I asked is why on Earth would someone with a 30 BMI want to be cut open and have 85% of their stomach removed for the rest of their life. Unless you have some serious medical condition which warrants this surgery, you should really give it some thought. I can't see an American doctor doing this to a person that has a 30 BMI.
  19. You're a 30 BMI and you want to get sleeved???? Why?? That shouldn't even be allowed. Also, my surgeon MADE me go on a month long liquid ONLY diet before surgery. I lost 49 lbs in those 28 days. I am glad that he did it and believe that every sleever should do a month long liquid diet, it really gives you an idea what you're in store for. These 24 hour pre op diets are also rediculous and shouldn't be allowed.
  20. Thanks for the great response! Gubbie617, I am still amazed at the "miracle" aspect of the sleeve. On the last day of my hospital stay (day 2) the general medicine doctor came in and told me that my blood sugar and blood pressure were completely normal. Again, this was within 48 hours of surgery!! I stopped my Lisinopryl right then and there but my PCP told me to stay on the Metformin until he saw me a month later. I did and when he checked my Hemoglobin AIC it went from 6.1 I believe in October 2012 to 5.3 in January 2013 which resulted in my "official" removal off of those pills. Just amazing. And Amanda Rae......ABSOLUTELY true.
  21. LOL, this is so crazy......I have never even heard of this "bougie" thing until it came up yesterday in this post.
  22. BigFrank

    Poop and get naked!

    That's my routine as well, all done when I wake up! Good for you!
  23. Broke, I have never heard that term used (or even know what that thing was until Laura just explained it) and I have NO idea what he used. I don't think I will be to popular here if I say this but I think a HUGE factor in this entire process, actually I think it's the biggest factor far and away, is the mental one. All of this "feeling hungry" business and other things that go along with it.....get over it! You're eating less, OF COURSE you're going to feel "more hungry." I just put it out of my mind and that's it, a few minutes later and I've forgotten about it. NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING gives me a better long term feeling then looking in the mirror or trying on those jeans that are 10 inches smaller then my fat jeans. And to think, I'm only 3 1/2 months out from my initial liquid diet! Where am I going to be once a year hits, ya know? Sleeve size, and all of this other stuff.....baaaahhhh. MAKE yourself eat less and get to the gym! I personally don't believe it's possible NOT to lose weight if you do those things. Discipline Discipline Discipline.....then throw in a few determinations, that's what it's all about.
  24. Just a small update, I am 112 lbs down now. The crazy part is that I just put on a pair of 42 jeans that fit PERFECT from OLD NAVY (not FatsosRus) that I haven't worn since early 2008! I'm melting! Overall stats, started liquid pre op diet on 11/23/2012, sleeved 12/21/2012. Starting weight 445, now 333. Original BMI 55.6, now 41.6. Was on Metformin for borderline diabetes and Linisopryl for high blood pressure, now OFF OF BOTH. Original jean size 52, now 42. Attitude before diet, SUCKED, now off the charts happy!

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