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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by whitneyb

  1. Im still pre op so i haven't experiened and dramatic weight loss but when i do and i get those types of questions i think i would make a joke out of it.

    Reply with somthing real sarcastic like " what are you talking about i haven't lost any weight" Then just walk away leaving them looking stupid.

    It worked for me when i quit my job to have my baby and went back to work a year later 80 pounds heavier. Everyone wanted to know how i could gain that much weight that fast. I would tell them things like oh no i haven't gained any weight my doctor said its just Water. After a while they stopped asking because i wouldn't give them the response they wanted.

    As adults i think people should know what kinds if questions to ask and when its appropriate. And if they dont know i dont dignify their question with a answer.

  2. Just got home and i feel great. It was really nothing to be worried about. They put me to sleep with the iv sedation. In all i was only out about 15 min. Which i must say was the best sleep i have ever had. LOL My throat was a bit sore but i just eat a sandwich snd im fine. The only thing is that the doctor found a hernia which he will be removing during my sleeve surgery but its nothing to worried about it is common after pregnancy snd in over weight people and i am both. Lol

    Thanks to everybodys comments it really helped me along!

  3. Thanks for easing my mind. I thought i was going to be awake. Lol i couldnt imagine watching while they go down my throat. But i have never been put under so i am nervous about that a bit. my husband always jokes that, that would be a good time to ask me questions and i wouldnt remember. Lol

  4. Hey everyone im whitney. I am so happy to have found a site where i can communicate with people going through some of the same issues i am. I am post op hoping to have my surgery sometime this year.

    Out of all the things people say you should expect after surgery the one think that bothered me was the hairloss. I am one of those ladies who relaxes and flat irons her hair religously. I just wonder what effects the surgery will have on relaxed hair or is going natural something i need to consider.

  5. Hello everyone. i've been doing some planning since all of my preop insurance requirments are all coming together and i have a delima.

    Im in nursing school and im planing my surgery in the of the middle semester and was wondering if i could possibly have surgery on our mid year break which is a week long.

    i plan to go back to class the next week. Im not talking any major physical activity just sitting in class.

    Does anyone think this would be unreasonable or unsafe? Missing anything more than two days is grounds for removal from the nursing program regardless of the reason so missing class is not an option so i wonder if i should put surgery off until i graduate which is a year away. I just really want to get the surgery and get on to the new healthier me but i dont want to make myself sick and i also dont want to jepordize my soon to be new career either.

  6. Hello everyone! I have a big problem i am pre op and after attending my pre op classes my insurance requires me to attend i learned that i have to lose 5% of my body weight. The problem is i have gained 15 pounds. In order for my insurace to cover the surgery i must lose the weight by the 6 month mark which is june. Seems like far off but its really not. The nutritionist has suggested i do a liquid diet. I have about 30 pounds to lose and keep off until june. Any suggestions of diet plans or anything i can do.

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