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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by himalaya62

  1. Can I join in? I'm so frustrated. I was a failed gastric sleeve 2 1/2 years ago and I had revision 23 days ago to gastric bypass. Starting weight was 250 and I'm down to 230 but have stayed at 230 for the last week. I do an hour on the treadmill everyday this week and even played golf 18 days post op. My trouble is I can't keep and puréed food down. I'm so afraid I'm not getting adequate Protein even though I have a shake everyday. I can keep the shake down but as soon as I have some puréed Beans and turkey it comes right back up. I just don't want to be a failure again. I sure could use a mentor!

  2. Well I am now 10 days post op GS revision to RNY..... That was a real trip. I had it done at Cleveland clinic Florida and they were excellent there. The worst part of my entire journey so far was that darn JP drain. Since it was my second abdominal Surgery I had to go home with one for two weeks. After a week I developed a reaction on my skin so I had to travel back and get it removed. What a relief that was. Other than that and of course the gas pains the rest was tolerable as long as I had appropriate pain meds. I am 17 pounds down from my presurgery weight. Today I got to start soft dairy. Cottage cheese never tasted so good. I have had absolutely no nausea (yet) I start soft Protein on 8/10. Can't wait to taste something meaty for a change. Good luck to all. I will let you know how it goes.

  3. My surgery is scheduled for tomorrow 7/29. I'm having a sleeve to bypass revision so I kind of already know what I'm facing and guess what? I have been freaking out majorly until last night. Fortunately one of my best friends is also my cardiologists. She told me by all means I am doing the right thing and if she had an inkling of doubt she wouldn't let me do it. I'm 240 lbs and would love to get down to 140. She guaranteed that I will be off my heart and cholesterol meds as well as my Gerd and sleep apnea will go away. Even though I already knew this I needed to hear it from my own friend/cardiologist. Today I am FINALLY AT PEACE! Let's get this show on the road!!!

  4. I'm scheduled for sleeve to bypass revision on July 29. Tonight I am terrified. I hope I'm doing the right thing. Since my sleeve in 2013 I have been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation sleep apnea and High cholesterol. My lowest weight was 212 pounds but I am back up to 250 pounds. I know Healthwise I am making the right decision but I'm just so scared. Being a nurse I think of all the complications that could occur although unlikely. I have great faith in my surgeon but I'm still having second thoughts. Is this normal?

  5. Hey. I'm having my sleeve to bypass revision next Wednesday, July 29. I was sleeved in February 2013. I lost about 40 pounds and kept it off for a year when I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and was started on a beta blocker. I gained 20 pounds the first month and it has just gone up since then. My insurance said only one bariatric surgery per lifetime however I decided to try to have it approved and they approved it within two days. The insurance company considered my failed sleeve a complication as well as my new heart condition and borderline sleep apnea. I thought for sure I would have to appeal the denial but was happily surprised. So if your insurance states one bariatric surgery in a lifetime, try to get it approved anyhow. You may be pleasantly surprised. I have completed all my preop requirements and I started my diet today. Has anybody gone through this and are you glad that you did this? My biggest fear is not the surgery itself but being a failure again. It's so embarrassing. I am telling very few people I'm having RNY. They all think I'm having a hiatal hernia repair. I would appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.

  6. I agree. I started out at 258 on 2/4/13 and I'm 205 now. Looks like we are all going about the same rate. Try not to compare too much. There are so many factors that contribute to our weight loss. I know I'm losing slower because I'm older but I try not to let it get me down. Hang tough! Your doctor should be ashamed of himself!!!

  7. I know what you mean!! I lost my gusto too I'm afraid. I'm not eating bad but I'm just not exercising. Sometimes is just difficult to stay on track and focused in our busy lives. We both need to re focus in the prize. We can do this!!! And I know you meant 1000 calories a day. I can read through typos. I wish theee was more help with the staying on track part months after surgery.

  8. Help! I'm almost 4 months post op. (2/4/13). I am so tired all the time. I felt great for the first three months but the couple weeks all I want to do is lay my head down. My weight loss has slowed way down too. I started at 258 and I'm down to 208! I haven't exercised much because I just can't get the energy. Granted I work full time and also care for my elderly mom and helped my husband through two hip replacements but I should be full of energy and I'm not! I'm taking all my Vitamins as ordered and was found to be slightly anemic with my blood work in March so they increased my Iron but I'm still just blah!!! Any others out there like this?

  9. Thanks for posting. I find I still have an issue with cocktails. I'm a social person with a need to have a couple cocktails when I go out with friends. I know this is slowing down my weight loss but I'm so stressed with my hectic life I can't seem to not order or make a drink. Granted I only drink 1 or 2 drinks but it still bothers me that I do that. Any suggestions???

  10. I was also sleeved on 2/4 and went from 258 to 206. I've been on so many stalls but I'm sure my occasional cocktail isn't helping. I need to exercise more too but I am using excuses not to. I'm in the sandwich generation with elderly mom and kids still at home plus a full time job and my husband just had two hip replacements in the last two months so I can honestly say that the lack of exercise isn't really my fault. I'm running like crazy from 7 am to midnight everyday. I wish I could take control of "me" again! I need to get back on track. I sure look and feel a lot better though! ????

  11. And I say KUDOS GOV. CHRISTY!!! You rock that band Mr. Governor!! ! Just like we are rocking our sleeves!!!! I admire the man for speaking publicly about it as I tell everyone I had my sleeve done if they ask how I lost the weight!!! As a nurse I feel that it is important to spread info promoting good health and that there are so many roads to take for weight loss and what worked for me!! WE ARE AWESOME!!!!

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