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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by himalaya62

  1. himalaya62

    The journey has just begun...

    Me too but I'm 50 ( and fabulous) and have a 22 year old son now. My sleeve is Feb 5th. Woohoo. I currently weigh 258. My goal is 140.
  2. Oh dear!!! That's not good! I refuse to cheat the two weeks prior to surgery because I am only cheating myself! Thanks for the advice.
  3. Thanks for posting! Gives me more confidence that I'm doing the right thing. U look so cute!!
  4. himalaya62

    Hi, I'm new. *wave*

    Hi Katie! We can do this together. My sleeve date is Feb 5th and your right. The wait is agonizing! I start my pre op liquid diet on Tuesday so I am full speed ahead. I live in Cape Coral FL but having my surgery near Ft. Lauderdale. I'm excited! Take care and God Bless!
  5. Hi Beverly! First of all congratulations on your accomplishments so far! You are doing great! Being on this forum is just what you need to keep you motivated too. I have not been sleeved yet but I am scheduled for Feb 5. The people on this forum had been awesome and I even friended a couple and we traded phone numbers to talk easier. You can find people on this forum from San Diego and I'm sure someone will be nice enough to pick you up and take you to the support group meetings. They are of utmost importance. I have had a couple of anxiety issues about going through with this but I am full speed ahead. I asked my husband if rolls of fat or loose wobbly skin was more attractive to him the other day and do you know what he said? He said a healthy wife is the most attractive thing. Good answer huh? Stay positive. I know you can do this. You have come a long way already. Focus on health vs. body image. And find a local reverse in your area to be sleeve buddies with. Good Luck and God Bless. Btw my name is Marcy. ????
  6. Wow! I hope I'm wrong then and they can schedule you soon! That would be awesome! Good luck!!!
  7. I'm feeling much better today. My anxiety had gone away. I think I was having a moment but alls good and I am back on track!! Who needs beer anyhow! Not this old broad!!!
  8. I went to a support group tonight. Problem is I am having my sleeve on Feb 5 on the east coast of Florida and I live on the west coast (about 2 hours away). My insurance only paid for Cleveland Clinic Florida which I am thrilled with but its a long way to go for the support groups. I decided to check out a support group here in my hometown and although they had good intentions and everyone was so nice, I freaked out and started crying. I was the only one in the group of about 25 that was pre op. Although everyone had good results (except one who started drinking soda and beer post op and stretched her sleeve), it brought it all to reality to me. I'm scared to death. I am an active "social butterfly" who loves to have fun and enjoy evenings and happy hours out occasionally with my friends. Many said its not possible anymore. They talked about how difficult it was to change their lifestyles and how they just stopped going out because the temptation was too great to have a cocktail. I am by no means an alcoholic and I am 50 years old so this has been a big part of my life for a long, long time but I do enjoy a couple drinks after a tough week on the job, a day at the beach, a cold beer at baseball game, sharing a bottle of wine with my husband at a nice romantic dinner, etc. You get my drift. Even my job requires me to attend work related networking events and business trips. And it's not just the drinks, it's just how everything will change and I love the way my life is now except for the fact that I am obese. Can I tolerate the changes I am about to undergo? Can I really do this? Am I going to regret this decision? Am I going to start refusing to go out or to the beach or hang with my friends anymore? Will I still be a fun person? AUGH!!!!!!! This is so much harder then I thought and I cant stop crying. Help!!! I don't want to get this far just to chicken out!!
  9. I don't think so yet... But it's a start. It just means you either meet criteria with your BMI and comobitities but you still have to follow a doctor supervised weight loss program for the set time according to your insurance company and all the pre op testing including the psych eval. Stick with it though. It goes by quickly. I started in November and I'm being sleeved on feb 5. Good luck!
  10. You can have wine 12 days out? I was told one year. Damn!!!
  11. I appreciate your honesty. I need to hear the good, the bad and the ugly. I know about the risks involved but its far riskier for me to continue to live at this weight much longer. I have bad knees a torn ACL three herniated discs in my neck had a back fusion in my lower back,high cholesterol, GERD, plantar facsitis and my father past away at the age of 65 after 4 heart attacks. Plus everyone in my family has diabetes except me but.....it's going to happen if I don't do something about it. My BMI is 43. I have a job that requires a lot if walking and socializing so looking good is also an issue. Sorry to say but we live in a world where the skinny girls get all the business and success. Thanks again for your response. It is greatly appreciated. I'm feeling much better today and I'm going through with this on 2/5. ????
  12. himalaya62


    I agree with no am vitam. I'm pre op too (feb 5) and I appreciate all the positive messages and gorgeous pictures. My anxiety level is through the roof and this helps alot. Thank you and you look beautiful. Well done!!!
  13. himalaya62

    The day finally came & it's over with!

    Congrats! Im happy for you. My surgery is 2/5. Im scared but I feel better when I read about happy people
  14. himalaya62

    Horror Story

    What a tragic story. So sorry to hear about her unfortunate post op. we are all made aware of the risks involved, including death. This is just a choice we decide on to improve our quality of life. I'm sure that was what your sister was planning on as well. It's very obvious how much you love your sister and how knowledgable you are with the medical terms and equipment. I'm a nurse and I can tell you care. However, on that note it is important not to judge others on what they choose to do with their bodies. Who are we to judge how a person lives, eats, dresses, etc. you can only be there as a loving support to your fellow man. I will pray for you and your sister for improved healing both physically and emotionally. Praying goes a long way. Also counseling is helpful to deal with the anger, confusion and sadness associated with this tragic event. God bless you and to everyone else who feels trapped in a big body. It's not fun but there are solutions.
  15. himalaya62

    surgery day

    Good luck and a speedy and easy recovery. You are doing the right thing for you and your daughter. My surgery is Feb. 5th.
  16. himalaya62

    7 mos out 123 lbs down

    Wow! Wow! Wow! Way to go!!
  17. himalaya62

    Approved! January 29

    Congrats! I got the call today too that I was approved for Feb 5. Hooray! We are going to look and feel fine!!
  18. himalaya62

    Approved! January 29

    Congrats! I got the call today too that I was approved for Feb 5. Hooray! We are going to look and feel fine!!
  19. himalaya62

    9 months out and going strong!

    Thank you thank you thank you! I needed to hear this! My surgery is scheduled on Feb 5 th and I'm terrified and excited!! I'm 260 lbs and 5'4". I am very active but I pay for it with all the aches and pains I deal with on a daily basis. Can't wait to move without being sore. I just need to know I'm doing the right thing and I won't regret it 10 years down the road.
  20. OMG! Just got a call from united health care and I'm approved to be sleeved. Just waiting for my doctors office to call me back with a surgery date! I hope it's soon because I'll go crazy waiting much longer! I'm excited and scared and happy and nervous and OMG! Every emotion is going through me now. Has anyone had their surgery at Cleveland Clinic Florida? Happy happy happy!!
  21. himalaya62

    I'm approved! ????

    Got my call from my doctor. My surgery is Feb. 5th. So excited!!
  22. himalaya62


    Wonderful! I got my approval today too from United Health Care. My sleeve is Feb 5. Nervous and excited all at once!!
  23. Hi everyone, I am still waiting from the final word and authorization number from United Health Care. I have long since finished all my testing. The wait is killing me! Instead of preparing to my new diet I am eating every thing in sight thinking this is the last time I will ever eat this, do this, drink that, etc. Today I had a stack of blueberry pancakes, then we went to a hockey game and I had a hot dog, nachos, two beers, and then afterwards we went to a burger joint and I shared a cheeseburger and fries with my husband and had a root beer float. What am I thinking? I never ever ate like this even though I am obese. I felt sick to my stomach but I keep justifying "this is the last time ever I will be able to do this! I even broke down and cried this morning at Bob Evans before my pancakes arrived. Is this normal behavior right before you get a surgical date? I am do sad I will never be able to have beer and diet coke again. Not even a taste???? Please tell me this is just a minor freaking out session.
  24. Hi, Boy am I glad to find this group. Please help me not to chicken out. Awaiting final approval from insurance company and nurse says I should be scheduled within a month. I have wanted this for years, have researched the procedure, and now the time is here. I am an RN and understand the risks and benefits but I am still nervous. Not of the surgery itself, but how it will change my life forever. I am 50 years old and in a very social oriented work field as a Director of Marketing. I am afraid I may become "no fun" after my surgery as I can't partake in the socializing aspect of my life, i.e. eating and drinking. I know I have to change my way of thinking but I love to cook, entertain and be entertained. Is it really that different? Will I still "have fun?" I know it sounds silly but socializing is a big part of who I am. Thanks for your understanding.

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