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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Fifty&Hippy

  1. I am 6 weeks out from my surgery. Does anyone have to take a change of clothes with them in case of bathroom "accident"? This is the 2nd time I have had to come home from work because of this. I keep a change in my car and at my desk.

    I am going for my 6 weeks appt tomorrow with the Nurse Practionier. She had mentioned before not to use the Protein powder's that I could buy at Walmart. Which of course I did this am.

    Does anyone have any ideas on the diarrhea or "MUST GO NOW!!!" bathroom situation? It is sooo embarrassing because sometime's I just barely make it to the BR @ work.

  2. So exciting for you!!!! I have a gym membership, just need to make myself go. I am almost 4 weeks out and am returning to work next week. We have a gym there also, so I am hoping that will really get me motivated.

    Continue the good work!

  3. Did your Dr tell you to take one pill and wait 5-10 minutes before you take another? That's what I did. I also did not have to take my pain meds or stool softner after I came home, so that was 2 pills I eliminted. Just hang in there, it does get better. I had my surgery March 4th and was wondering the same thing that first week, because I had horrible nausea. I now feel GREAT! So don't give up.

  4. Hello everyone. This is my first time on here since my March 4th surgery. Thought I'd fill everyone in. The surgery day and hospital stay were great!.....till the male nurse with the cologne came in to give me my discharge papers! Holy cow! I have never had a scent make me soooo sick, soooo fast. The Dr's had to give me 3 nausea medications before I could leave. I then had a horrible first week with nausea, no more vomiting, thank goodness. After I got over that, everything has been going good. I passed the Barium Swallow with no leaks!!! The pureed diet is going good also. Can't wait till Wed, so I can go to the soft food stage. I return to work in 1 week also. I haven't been getting my exercise in, but with returning to work, I have a gym that I will take advantage of.

    I have lost over 25 lbs so far and am very excited about that. I will be glad when the weather breaks here, (st louis, mo), so I can get outside more.

    My advise for upcoming sleever's and new surgeries, take it slow when you eat. My Dr. states 1/2 to 1 hr to eat your meal. One of my friends had the Bypass and is not following this time frame and is really struggling with eating.

    Good luck to everyone that is on this journey with me!

  5. Ann in st louis, hi! Sorry I am behind on my sight. So exciting to see you and your sister on here. I will ask about dr eagon's support groups. They also have them on wed's now. I will call tomorrow and let you know. I am getting nervous and excited. I am having my surgery @ Barnes West. I have to be there by 5:30am so will be getting up around 3:30am. I will be tired without the anesthia, lol. Enough about me, how are you doing?

  6. Hi, I am new today to this forum. I have been on my journey since May 2012. That's when I went to the Seminar. I had to get 6 months in with the dietician before my health insuance would cover it. I had my 1st Appt with Dr. Eagon, out of St Louis and have change my mind from a Lap Band to the Sleeve. My 6 months ended in December has been submitted to my doctor who just told me it is with the Insurance biller in their office. So the 4-6 week wait for that begins. In the meantime, I started at 376lbs and am now at 331 lbs, which if very encourgaging in itself. :D The doctor's office now wants me on a 1400 calorie diet and to start exercising. This I am having some struggle with. I can't seem to put MYSELF FIRST! :huh: Which has always been a problem for me. If there are any helpful suggestions for this please feel free to let me know.

    I have been told that once the Insurance approves (hopefully) the surgery, it won't be scheduled until at least May or June 2013, So you see, I still have a ways to go. :mellow:

    Here's hoping I can find new friends who are on the same journey or have gone thru the same, because I need all the encourgement I can get.

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