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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Timeforachange

  1. Hello February Sleevers,

    Thanks everyone, for continuing to post about your journey here - it is really important to me. I just had my six month "surgiversary" this past weekend. I am happy to report that I am 95 pounds lighter! I reached "onederland" a few weeks ago. I went from a 4X/5X on top to a size 14/16 (XL), and from a 22/22 on the bottom to a 12/14. I no longer fit anything in my old wardrobe. I am almost completely out of the plus sizes. People I know are starting not to recognize me.

    I still have a ways to go, but my weight loss so far is fantastic. I am still dealing with the complications from my blood clot, and my hair continues to fall out (although it has slowed down a bit), but other than that, no complaints. I am walking at least 25 KM every week, and I feel great. A lot of my back pain has disappeared, and I can move around much more easily. Travel on airplanes is a breeze! I am sleeping better, too.

    It hasn't been easy.... but it has been worth it!

    Keep up the good work everyone!


  2. Hello fellow Sleevers. I enjoy reading everyone's posts, and the trials and tribulations of all the changes happening to our bodies. It is nice knowing that I am not alone. I was sleeved in Tijuana on Feb. 9. I started out at 282 pounds, and am now down to 217, which is a loss of 65 pounds (includes pre-op). Although I had a range of 3 sizes in my closet, very few things fit me anymore. It seems like body changes everyday!

    It has not been an easy journey for me... I developed a complication of surgery which was a blood clot in my liver, and have begun anti-coagulant therapy. I knew there was a problem when I returned to Canada, as I was in more pain than I was after surgery. It took a month to diagnose, and was only caught because of a CT scan. I ended up being off work for 2 months. This condition requires a lot of extra care and doctoring, but things seem to be getting better.

    My weight loss seems to go in fits and spurts. I will lose rapidly for several days, then stall out. Every time my medication gets increased, I seem to stall out for a while. I, too stalled out at 4 weeks, which was a combination of the complication, medication, and change from liquids to solids. I have only had two incidents of vomiting, once early on because I ate too fast, and once a few weeks ago, but I believe that was an allergic reaction. My hair fell out a lot right before surgery, and occasionally it does now, but it's nothing I'm worried about.

    I had difficulty with Protein Shakes, and I think I would rather starve before I ever touch another one of those shakes again. EVER!!! I started eating eggs at 3 weeks, and eased into soft foods and solids way ahead of schedule, but I couldn't get my Protein any other way, and was tired of how sweet everything seemed to be. I am not always good at getting in my Water and protein, but I do manage at least 1 litre of water, and about 40g of protein. I don't count calories, I pretty much eat whatever I want within reason, and never more than about 3/4 cup. I rarely snack between meals, and I go nowhere without a bottle of water. I have a soy, nut, and seafood allergy, so this limits a lot of food choices, as does not being able to have green leafy vegetables until the anticoagulant therapy is done in a few months. The more time goes by, the less issues I have tolerating foods. I still have not tried steak, but seem to be doing well with most things. Anything with artificial sweeteners make me ill. I stay away from bread and Pasta as much as I can, and try to stick to protein and produce. I have had treats along the way, but small amounts and usually only once or twice a week. I had soft ice cream for lunch on Monday! I am relearning how to cook for the new me. i am rarely bothered by hunger anymore, but still have trouble remembering to slow down when I eat. I don't think I'll ever get used to the no drinking and eating at the same time.

    I have a congenital spinal issue which caused me a great deal of pain, and was the motivating factor for having the sleeve surgery. I have been able to cut out all pain medication, with the exception of occasional use of extra-strength tylenol. My blood pressure is now on the low side of normal instead of the high side of normal. I try to walk about 15 km a week, go to aquafit twice a week, and don't experience any pain when walking. Moving feels great!

    I still have a long ways to go, and sometimes I get frustrated because it doesn't seem like it's happening fast enough. Sometimes it's hard to focus on how far I've already gone. I am anxiously awaiting my passage into "onederland", which is 17 pounds away. So close, yet so far away! I have encountered some interesting judgements about my decision to have surgery, particularly in the medical field, but those close to me are very supportive. Sometimes people give compliments that really don't seem like compliments, but that's ok. They don't my journey and I don't know theirs. I will continue to enjoy the rest of my journey, wherever it leads me.

    The first picture was the day before surgery, and second one was at the end of April, so about 11 weeks later.

    Take care all. Thanks for sharing.



  3. I too had a blood clot... only it was on my liver, and picked up in a CT scan 3 weeks after surgery. Had it not been for the CT scan, I'm not so sure things would have turned out quite the same. I had a lot of pain in my left side, which was causing an issue because the actual problem was on the right side. The pain did not get better with any types of medication, including morphine. I also lost weight really fast - about a pound a day. I know the symptoms are different when the clots are in the legs and arms, and liver clots are really rare, but just wanted to share my symptoms if it could help others.

  4. Follow up.... CT scan revealed a blood clot on the portal vein of my liver, which was backing up my spleen and other organs, and causing the pain. I'm now on anti-coagulation therapy and the situation is slowly resolving. I had to do a lot of advocating for myself to get the care and the tests that I needed. Had I not, I would not have had the CT scan, and the clot may not have been found in time, so please, make sure you speak up for yourself!

  5. Thanks for the quick reply. I'm really not worried about a leak at this point... the pain does not appear to be connected to my ingestion of anything, and only physical activity appears to make it worse. The nausea and fever came and went in the space of an hour, and is not an issue at this time, and those few minutes were really my only issues with nausea or fever since being discharged.

  6. Looking to see if anyone else has the same issues...

    I had my surgery on Saturday, Feb. 9th. There were no complications, and my sutures are all healing well, and have had no issues with drinking liquids. I am following the reccommended diet, and walking regularly. I continue to have significant pain in my upper left abdomen which radiates into my back. (Almost like my gall bladder pain before it was removed.) I am experiencing a lot of tenderness in the area, and it hurts to move, get out of bed, or bend over.

    I attended the emergency ward here tonight as the pain continued to worsen, and it was not improving with medication (mprphine), application of heat, or rest. I also started to have a bit of a fever and some nausea. I was concerned that it may have been a problem with my spleen.

    The doctor on call at urgent care had blood drawn and tested, all my lab work was normal, my blood pressure was normal, and my temperature had dropped back to normal. She also did some xrays which indicated a lot of gas in my system, but nothing that would indicate an issue with my spleen, liver, or kidneys. I also have some pain in my left shoulder.

    Did anyone else experience this? Any tips on how to deal with it?

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