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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Lisa'slosinit

  1. i was sleeved 12/8/12 .......from 258 - 171.....i stall ALL the time ....in the beginning like the 3 month mark the scale did nothing for 3 weeks ......but i went from sz 20 _16 in no time . your body will lose inches !!! im 8 mos out and have been stuck again for 3 months ........i wondered thru this whole process IS THIS IT?????? but sure enough, the scale WILL move eventually !!!! Hang in there !!!!

    before ..12 /12 ..........258 post-47339-13813668528829_thumb.jpg

    now 8/13........post-47339-13813668529164_thumb.jpg

    dont give up ..........IT WILL COME OFFF!!!!!!!! :):)

  2. im 8 months out ...sleeved 12/08/12 ...and my fiance is a chubby chaser too. he wasnt particularly fond of me having surgery and kinda worried that i would be unhappy with excess saggy skin .......well guess what ???... he is very happy with my results !!! i am 5'4 and starting weight was 258 ....today i am 171 and am rockin my curves . where i had 4 4inch rolls on my back i am down to one and if i stand tall and stretch, i have none !!! Sex is sooooooooooo much easier on the both of us now , no huffin and puffin anymore . i would never "ride " him , but since i have lost all this weight thats my preference and we are both lovin it !!!.... i dont think yall will worry about your men ...he will be happy with the new you !!!!!! it is the best decision i have ever made !!!!!

  3. So, i have been guilty of falling back into old habits and my weight loss has been on hold for 3 months! I was looking at everyone's progress and i thought OMG what the heck am i doing????? Well, yesterday i went back to basics and just in that one day i lost 3 lbs :)!!!! This is a tool and even after going astray for 3 MONTHS it still works. I know there are hers out there that are or have been in this predicament but, you do not have to be. It is never too late to get back. If i lose 9 lbs. a month i will be at goal by December (1 year surgiversary). THAT is soooooo do-able :)

    So, i have been guilty of falling back into old habits and my weight loss has been on hold for 3 months! I was looking at everyone's progress and i thought OMG what the heck am i doing????? Well, yesterday i went back to basics and just in that one day i lost 3 lbs :)!!!! This is a tool and even after going astray for 3 MONTHS it still works. I know there are hers out there that are or have been in this predicament but, you do not have to be. It is never too late to get back. If i lose 9 lbs. a month i will be at goal by December (1 year surgiversary). THAT is soooooo do-able :)

    ........hey girl ....we are right there !!! i was sleeved dec 8 ....and been stuck for 3 mos myself .....ive been goin between 169-174 for 3 months now ....ugh !!! whatd you do different ? lord, i have not been on here in a month of sundays .....got discouraged and thought id get on here to see how everyone else is !

  4. girl , i feel ya !!!! i have not been on this site in sooooooooooooooo long !!! i was sleeved dec 8 ... heaviest weight was 258 , dos ..228...my current weight is 171 and ive been stuck in the 170s since may ...i am on the low end of 170 but i juggle all thru the past few months. i am losing verrrrrrrrry slow now and wonder if this is it myself........discouraging !!!ive thought about doin the 2 wk shakes myself .......:(

  5. i had my surgery dec 8 , and loooooooooove to talk to anyone considering the surgery!! I am a talker and love to preach about how great the sleeve has been for me !!! my heaviest weight was 258, day of surgery 228 and today i am 176 !it is soooooooooo unreal and yall will get there too!!!!Every day is a learning process and in the beginning its like bringing home a new baby ....so cautious and afraid u wont do right ....lol....but its a learning process !!! :) feel free to msg me your phone number or leave a msg and ill give u mine ......i really wish i had someone to talk to in the beginning and its neat to talk first hand to someone whose gone thru it !!! :)best of luck !!! :)

  6. its been awhile since i posted on here but just wanted to post up a new pic !!!!I had my sleeve surgery dec 8 , 2012..... before surgery i loooooooooooved lookin at ppls pics and i still do !!!!I am loooooving my sleeve and feel just like a holy roller preaching to anyone that will listen how wonderful this tool is in helping obesity . i feel like a new person with a new lease on life !! hope this gives a visual .....before surgery i was in a tight 22 and today am in sz 12's ....i completley bypassed 14s and went from 16 to 12s !!!Never in my life do i remember being a 12 . !!!I am a photo hog now and looooooove snappin pics and lookin at my progression!!i am constantly losin and it feels awesome !my first pic i was at my heaviest of 258 ...3 yrs ago and today at 176!!!!......i am 5 feet 4 !!!!post-47339-13813665514799_thumb.jpg.....and yes that is a rooster my stepson is holding is puerto rico !!!! lol!!!

    and ..............this is me today !!!! ;)


  7. i was sleeved dec 8 and it seems this past month that i can hardly eat anything!just a few bites of whatever...doesnt matter what it is ...and i feel a heavy fullness in my upper tummy. it really discourages me to try and eat again ltr in the day . i used to be a huge fan of the premeier Protein Shake , but find it a struggle to even drink them . is is possible our tummys shrink even more. it seems up until this past month i could eat about anything ...like a lg quantity ...and now , im lucky to get a few ounces in !!!!My 20 month old grandaughter seriously is eating more than i am ! lol ! Anyone else have this problem?

  8. I wore jeans today that are size 16. Before surgery was at size 22. My shirt size is M from a XXL. Sleeves 12/4. 3 months and two wks post off. Haven't weighed in the last week or so but I know I am down 50 lbs....right under 200lbs! Haven't worn a 16 since high school! Felt like a was a slow loser but moving along

    ................yay !!!!Congrats !!!!!Feels good , dont it ?!!!! i was sleeved dec 8 and started at a tight 22 myself and am almost into a 14 . i wore a 3x top and now an xl!!i know , last week was my victory moment . i realized ....hey ,being a slow loser aint so bad after all...it will come off when it wants to !!!Can u imagine what this summer will be like ????I cant wait !!!!!:)

  9. i guess the feelings are normal , but on my end its a little different ! my fiance of 5 years and i are both swingers !!!He has always enjoyed "chunky" "curvy" girls and really wasnt too fond of me having this surgery. But now that i have and have shed some major pounds ....our sex life has never been better!i know about gaining weight .....since we met i had gained a good 50 pounds myself!!!...wait til your curves start poppin out !!!i feel soooo much better !!!! :)

  10. I am 3 months out .it is a learning process as u go ! U will have a bunch of stalls along the way where u quit losing.i feel like I am at a stall constantly but went from a tight 22 to a almost fitting 14...3x top to a XL top!!!!it will come off!!! I weigh 188 now and on my surgery day Dec 8 I was 228.i still am never patient thinking I'm just gonna stop losing all together...and then the scale starts to move..good luck!

  11. Highest weight 331

    Before Surgery 302 (Consultation)

    Day of Surgery 285

    Current 227 (Month 4)

    A new beginning to LIFE! Still steadily losing, hoping to hit my goal of 100# @ 6 months, I'm going to surpass my 75# goal ***which was to lose 75# before my husband's birthday :-) (NEVER in my life have I EVER DONE- all smiles).




    ................girl...u look wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

  12. My feel good moments are when my mom walks behind me and starts laughing at my droopy pants when they used to fit even a week before! I'm no longer asked if I prefer a booth or table when we go out to eat and they sit us in a booth. Then while in the booth, I can turn sideways in it to talk to my husband face to face. My feel good moment is to hear someone say "I'm so proud of you!" My feel good moment is being able to help my husband load up our old couch and lift it over my head without any pain or struggle! No more back pain! It is truly amazing!! And my biggest, happiest moment is when I took a before and during pic of my progress at 70 pounds lost (and I'm down 83 pounds today!!!)

    omg !!!!U look fabulous !!!! :) u really do !!!!isnt this surgery awesome !!!!To me its like a dream turned into a reality !!!!!LOVIN IT!!!!!:)

  13. i just wanted to share a pic with yall. i have really been down about my SLOW weight loss ....but ive really been droppin the sizes . this past weekend after taking and lookin at pics i am FINALLY starting to see a difference.i was sleeved on dec. 8 and my heaviest weight ( the before pic taken last year ....257 !) the after pic i took this past saturday ...188.8 !.. i have gone from a tight 3x top to an xl and from a tight 22 to a ALMOST fitting 14!!! the lowest i remember ever weighing was 175 when i was in high school 25 years ago.....so when i see 175 i will be in heaven !!!!Each of us are on the same journey and we are all so inspiring to each other!!!Just think how we are all gonna look and FEEL this summer !!!!HOT MAMS AND PAPAS!!!!!!! :)


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