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Posts posted by LisaT678

  1. Had my 1 yr post op appointment yesterday. Went pretty well, the doctor was happy with my results considering the gallbladder surgery and then the flare up now. Also met with the nutritionist and she gave me some really good pointers as far as my diet goes and trying to incorporate the running. Excited to get back on track and moving forward again.

    Happy Tuesday everyone!

  2. Started my marathon trainer app on Monday. Also registered for my first half marathon in September 2014. I'm super excited and it looks like I also have four other friends who have registered with me.

    On a sidenote I've hit a stall with the weight-loss again. In the last four months I have only lost 5 pounds total. It's been up-and-down, up-and-down. I have my one year post op check up next Monday and I'm also meeting with the nutritionist. I'm hoping she can give me some tips and pointers and some helps. I do know that the prednisone has something to do with it too but ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! Sorry for the yelling. Getting frustrated here.

    Happy Hump Day everyone.

  3. I woke up this morning at 4 am and can't go back to sleep! I know it's because of the prednisone but ugh! I have to keep up with a 3 yr old today and even though grandma is in the best shape of her life I'm sure he's going to be putting my endurance to the test. Lol. I have also decided not to run my 5k outside with him in tow this morning. The temp is supposed to be 3 degrees with a windchill of -10. I am going to run on the treadmill with the little man entertaining me on uncles drum set. I'll take the iPad into the studio as well. That way he can play his curious George game. Everyone pray he doesn't climb on and trip us both up. ;-)

    I've decided I'm going to sign up for a half marathon next September. I was waiting to sign up till after I lost my 100 lbs but decided that having a goal like a half would just get me to that 100 quicker. Of course I'll be doing some 5 & 10k's along the way.

    Happy running everyone! Stay warm.

  4. Had to have a honest moment with myself today and will be going back to week 6 and redoing the last few weeks of the program. Trying to run a full 30 min every "run day" now that I graduated is quickly zapping my moral, and I feel like I need to make this a program I can stay on. I am excited I was able to make it to the full 30... But am really struggling to stay at that level. Think backing up and working my way back to this point will help me get excited again, with some attainable wins... and at the same time continue to prep my body for the next step... Any of you vets ever do something like that??? Does it help???

    This is my 3rd time. Worth every effort you make. Your still a runner!

  5. I am so behind on catching up on my message threads! I have seriously fallen off the rails in the last week. My last run was on Thanksgiving on board a cruise ship. I ran a 10K twice on the ship's jogging track (23 laps if you're interested!). Since I got home I have been swamped with work. I've worked 75 hours since Monday, pulled one all nighter and two nights until 3am. I am seriously beat!

    For running, staying on a regular program, getting plenty of rest and fluids, and keeping good form to prevent injuries are key to reaching your goals. For weight loss, I have only three things that I must do... get over 60g of Protein, drink over 60ou of Water, and get over 60 min of exercise. I call it my 60/60/60 plan. Since surgery in January I have stuck with it and it's worked for me. My goal for weight loss has been 175lbs (I'm 5'11"). I'm almost there (around 183 right now) and may adjust my goal once I get there.

    TAPS provides direct support to families who have been impacted by a death in the military regardless of geography or circumstance. The funds I raise will flow directly into TAPS programming which supports these families through an amazing network of resources, seminars and publications. If you're interested in donating for my run, send me a PM. !

    Wow! I am very interested in the TAPS program. You are doing so awesome. It would be fun to run with my fellow WLS friends. I also like your 60/60/60 plan. Might have to give that a try since I have hit a plateau for the last 3 mos! I know my being in a flare right now has a lot to do with it but I'm still getting discouraged some. Not giving up just scared that this is where I'll stall.

    Loved your post. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Life got in the way of me finishing week 8 last Friday so I did it today!!! I finished the program and ran for 30 minutes straight!!! I was no where near 5k at the end but that will come. I'm signed up for a race in March... I have until then to increase my speed/ distance. Where's my running buddy? Jumping back in? Did you finish?

    Congratulations! I also had a off week last week and just finished W8D3 today but I finished it! Like you it was not a 5K but I did two and three-quarter miles. I'm supposed to do a race this Saturday but it's supposed to be 18°. I'm a little apprehensive and on top of that I'm supposed to also have my three-year-old grandson with me. I've never pushed a jogging stroller before and add to that the low temperature degree I'm thinking I may walk a couple miles instead. Will see what today holds.

    Happy hump day everyone!

  7. You guys are doing awesome! I am taking a break from running this week because of my gallbladder surgery last Wednesday. One of the incisions is more painful than anything I had from my sleeve surgery! So just taking it easy and assuming I will be all good next week.

    I thought my gallbladder surgery incisions were worse than my sleeve too.

  8. Tag Droppin! Just finished w8d1. It was a challenge. Got a cortisone shot this morning and back up on my prednisone. Muscles feel like Jello so don't know how the rest of the week is going to go. :-( With turkey day this week and then hubs & I are driving his parents to Az Friday & Saturday. I will fly home Monday so I'm going to do the best I can with the time I have.

  9. LisaT678. If it weren't for you, I don't know if I would have made my run on Friday!!! Really was not feeling it. That ended up being an important lesson for me... Despite feeling so weak and not really into it, I was still able to complete my run... Next run tomorrow... Are you feeling better???

    Glad you made it. You are inspiring me!! It's funny because I'm thinking the same about you this morning. ???? I have a Dr appt and thinking how am I going to get my run and everything else done? You know what, I'm just going to have to make time for it. No ifs, ands or butts!!!

    I'll be posting my run later. You can count on it.

  10. W7D3 done!!!! Finally saw the scales move down 3 pounds this week. It's about time! I've been battling a flare so they finally put me on prednisone. It helps with the flare & Water retention but it sure does make my muscles feel like rubber bands. So because of that I am giving myself 4 thumbs up in still making the runs. It was very trying but I am so proud of myself that I pushed through it and did it!! Everyone have a blessed weekend. I get to see my son and daughter-in-love this weekend, I am so looking forward to it.

  11. Did stationary bike this morning and then get the seven minute workout at times two. It kicked my butt! I'm shaking afterwards.

    Stupid phone. I wasn't ready to send! Let's try this again.

    Did the stationary bike this morning and then the seven minute workout app X 2. It kicked my butt! I'm shaking afterwards. It's a good workout.

  12. Just finished W7D2. Went pretty well. It's nice since I've slowed my pace down, I can actually run and just let my mind wander and think about things. I actually came up with some pretty good ideas for Christmas this year. Lol

    Anxiously awaiting my pacing partner, droppinstones, to post her run today. Are you on MFP?

    Everyone have a great hump day! I'll be back tomorrow.

  13. Wow, it took me days but I just read through this whole thread and find it so inspirational. I downloaded the app and started yesterday. Prior to this I had been doing my own thing of walking 2 minutes and jogging 2 minutes for 45 minutes to an hour and worked my walking and jogging speed up to 4.2 ad 5.7. I excercise 5 days a week and alternate between the treadmill, a strength training dvd and an eliptical. I am about 8 months post surgery and weight loss has come to a screeching halt so looking for something new. I know weight loss does slow but I am blaming this on old eating habits creeping back. My calories which used to 800-900 per day are now 1200-1300 and not good calories sneaking in some sliders at night (which has always been my weak time). I have a very strict surgeon which I will be seeing for 9 month check-up in about a month and I'm very nervous about it. I don't want to go back after 3 months and have lost nothing! I am hoping this app and coming to this thread will change things up for me.

    Wow, reading your post is like reading my own bio!

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