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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Alabamasleever

  1. I'm one of those that weighs daily so I weighed the morning of surgery and when I got home from hospital. While the swelling wasn't completely gone, it only took 3 days for me to get back to my day of surgery weight. Took about 2 weeks for me to really FEEL like I wasn't bloated from gas and fluids.
  2. Alabamasleever

    Sleeve holds too much food

    Are you on a PPI? Like prilosec, prevacid, etc?
  3. Alabamasleever

    All of my December sleevers...

    Where did you get it? Online or do they have it at bookstore? That sounds awesome!
  4. Alabamasleever


    I have a very un-supportive husband in most all aspects of our life...children, home, job. The one thing I will say is he has never said anything about my weight in any shape, form, or fashion. I honestly think he wouldn't notice if I weighed 1000lbs as long as life carried on for him in the usual fashion. However, in 10 years of marriage he has learned that I don't need his support or approval for anything I decide I want or need. When I first started my 6 month journey waiting to have surgery, he didn't want to talk about it. I wasn't to mention it around him. When I pointed out to him that his own jealousy and insecurity was keeping him from supporting my decision, things changed. Of course, he never admitted that I was right, lol but he did get on board and is now my biggest defender if anyone says anything negative. He still has issues with the thought of me being skinny and getting second looks but I think he's realized that if I didn't do something to KEEP the weight off, he was going to be a single father and that would be way too much for hours easy going lifestyle! IMO, support or not, this is for you and no one else so he can jump on board or get left behind!
  5. Alabamasleever

    I need a good tasting protein shake

    I too have really struggled with the shakes. Absolutely could not do anything powder, have to do the ready to drink. The smell, texture, everything made me gag. The only ones I've found that I can tolerate is the premier from sam's or costco. GNC has a total lean 25, their brand and again, only the ready to drink. Those are the only two I can get down but I do pour them in a glass of ice and I dont breathe in while drinking...to avoid the smell. I'm not gonna lie and say they are yummy but I've spent a fortune on protein drinks and thats the only two that work for me. Isopure wasnt awful for me but very sour tasting, alpine punch wasn't bad if you like sour stuff. I tried to get protein in with food but am just not able yet at 7 weeks out. The shakes also help with my fluid intake do I'm trying to get at least one in daily. Good luck. Advice to pre-ops...buy stock in protein shakes before starting this journey, lol.
  6. Alabamasleever

    All of my December sleevers...

    Gained from when, 12/12? Or in the last few days?
  7. Alabamasleever

    Any post-oper's with toddlers?

    I agree, prior to this surgery I had 3 c-sections, a tummy tuck and my appendix & gallbladder out. This was comparable to the app/chole (gallbladder). Anyway, it was nothing compared to c-sections. I have a 2 year old and the lifting wasn't an issue because thankfully he's old enough to understand that I had a boo-boo on my tummy and couldn't pick him up. I would sit and let him crawl up in my lap and just reminded him that he had to be easy with mommy's boo-boos. He was very understanding and sympathetic, he even put bandaids on his tummy so he could have the same boo-boos If you've had sections, you have nothing to worry about!
  8. Alabamasleever

    All of my December sleevers...

    I'm 6 weeks as well, 32lbs lost in 3.5 weeks and haven't moved since. Maybe the increase calorie will work because today was a BAD day! I didn't count anything but I ate bad all day, even had fried bologna at breakfast and some chocolate covered peanuts with a few sips of Dr Pepper at the movies tonight. No problems as far as physically handling it, I've discovered that I have the dreaded 'sleeve of steel' but the guilt got me. Oh well, tomorrows another day. Maybe the scale will move Monday!
  9. Yes, blewy, I often feel the same. If I'm cooking for the family, it's okay. But when trying to find something just for me, it just doesn't seem worth the effort for such a small amount, even leftovers ruin before I can way all of it considering my husband and kids usually won't eat 'healthy crap', lol. Sad, but true. For me, I find it easier and less time consuming to just grab a piece of deli meat and cheese.
  10. Alabamasleever

    Urgent care

    OMG, what's going on? That got my heart rate up just reading the posts! How are you?
  11. Alabamasleever

    Alcohol and 2 weeks post op!

    I haven't read all the posts so someone may have touched on this but I'll give you one REAL answer as I'm sure you are getting lots of hate for this one (which is why I didn't read them). When you have surgery, especially this one, your body goes into shock, if you will. This includes all of your major organs, liver being important in this answer. Also, when you lose weight, especially at a rapid rate, your liver is under major stress. Adding alcohol to that, which is filtered by the liver could possibly put you into liver failure fairly quick. This is why it's important to give your body time to heal and adjust to it's new normal before throwing any added stress at it. Hope that helps
  12. I've had gerd for years and have taken prilosec daily. Still taking prilosec, just open it and put capsules on my tongue. I have only had reflux one time since surgery and it's because I ate too much. It doesn't even compare to how bad it was pre-surgery!
  13. Alabamasleever

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    I confess that I'm having a really bad day and am going to confess my negative thoughts. I confess that it really ticks me off that I have to count and track everything I put in my mouth, thats what I hatred about dieting before surgery I confess that it really ticks me off that I'm only a month out and an in my second stall, what gives?! I confess that I want to stuff my face with a sackful of Krystal burgers, large chili cheese fries, and a large coke and it ticks me off that I can't I confess that I thank God that I can't stuff my face anymore I confess that it's 'that' time of the month and I realize that's where these feelings are stemming from Ok, thx, I feel better
  14. Alabamasleever

    Work Rumors..... Ahhhhh

    I feel the same as many other posters have said. It's a personal choice and depends on you, your journey, and especially how close you are to your co-workers. I did not tell anyone, not even HR. I had the vacation time to use and it's no ones business how I choose to use my time off. As far as educating ignorant people that like to judge and gossip, I personally think that's a moot point. You trend to come off as trying to defend your decision rather than educate. Again, thats to ignorant people. If someone is truly interested and needs help themselves our for someone they love then education is possible. To me, low-carb, high protein, increasing water intake, exercise...all of these are not only true but very likely with this time of year which is when most people start the same type of program. Lucky for us, this year it will work!
  15. I love peanut butter, will try, thx
  16. Yep, tried the unjury chocolate and chicken broth, can't do it! Even tried most of the unflavored ones too. I've got issues, lol
  17. Ok, the only one I haven't tried is the premier which I've seen a few others mention. Muscle milk light...gag, just tried that one yesterday. It's something with the smell. Sweet doesn't seem to bother me so...off to costco I'll go. Man, wish I had bought stock in protein drinks before surgery, lol
  18. Alabamasleever


    I am 1 month out, my stall has just broken but I experienced that as well. I never really was a leg crosser but one night while siting watching tv, I realized I had my leg up in my chair with me, like where your foot is by your butt and knee by your face. Use to sit like that a lot but haven't in years. It was neat to do it and not even realize! Another NSV just experienced is I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me, the edges actually overlapped a little, woo hoo! Forget the scale, the NSV's rock!
  19. Alabamasleever

    whats for lunch?

    I just dont take the cooked chicken breast cause I dont want to eat it cold. Being a home health nurse means no microwave.

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