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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by deedadumble

  1. deedadumble

    Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

    A lot of endocrinologists are now saying that if you are hypothyroid (symptom) then you have about a 90% chance of it being from Hashimotos. I have been hypothyroid for about 32 years, but not officially diagnosed as Hashis until 3 years ago. I've been working on improving my health (and specifically my thyroid health) the last 10 months. The book "Stop the Thyroid Madness" has been a huge help.
  2. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Congrats on the weight loss! Couch to 5K (aka C25K) is a training program that can take you from sitting on the couch to running a 5K in as little as 8 weeks (depending on how fast you run). There are many apps that help you with the program. I use Run 5K because it was one of the first apps available the first time I followed the program in 2009. To find any of the apps search for "Couch to 5K" in the App Store for your phone.
  3. deedadumble

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    Starting weight: 179 Christmas goal weight: 175 All I want for Christmas is to reach my goal weight!
  4. deedadumble

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Starting weight: 187 Week 1: 186 Week 2: 185 Week 3: 183 Week 4: 179 Loss this week: 4 pounds Goal: 182
  5. deedadumble

    November fitness challenge

    Did my own personal Turkey Trot 10K today! Second 10K this week and I feel awesome! Been on a cruise since Saturday and I have lost 4 pounds!! Totals so far this month: Run: 40.9 (Goal 40) Walk: 76.7 (Goal 50) Bike: 15 (Goal 30) Total: 132.6 Hoping to meet my biking goals this weekend.
  6. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Finished first in the first annual Norwegian Epic Turkey Trot 10K. Doesn't matter that I was the only one running it! that makes two 10Ks this week! I am feeling unstoppable!
  7. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I've got a really good ebook about shin splints I can send you when I get back to land. It saved me a few years ago when I was ready to stop running because of them.
  8. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I'm checking in from the middle of the Caribbean! I decided to keep up with my training plan and actually ran a 10K on the jogging track. Took 23 laps, but it was fun! Keep up the great work everyone! Misty - be sure and rest and don't start back until you're ready! You'll probably need to go back a few weeks, but you'll progress faster since you've got some miles under your belt.
  9. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I'll run a 5K on turkey day in your honor! I'm leaving on Saturday for my first skinny cruise and Thursday is an at sea day, so it'll work out perfectly.
  10. deedadumble

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Starting weight: 187 Week 1: 186 Week 2: 185 Week 3: 183 Loss this week: 2 pounds Goal: 182
  11. deedadumble

    November fitness challenge

    Speed drills tonight for 3 miles of running. Totals so far this month: Run: 25.2 (Goal 40) Walk: 48.3 (Goal 50) Bike: 15 (Goal 30) Total: 88.5
  12. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I'm 10 months post and having the same problem with eating habits that are getting out of control. I am doing a reset the rest of the week and going back to protein shakes for breakfast and lunch and a protein and veggie dinner. The carb monster has to be vanquished! I am also 10 pounds from my goal weight of 175 (I'm 5'11") and I think some amount of self-sabotage is happening. I'm leaving on a cruise on Saturday and I don't want to come back having gained 10 pounds. That would suck! Good luck on the running program! The key to the program is sticking with it and not being afraid to repeat days or even weeks. Also, if you're having problems finishing a day, slow your running pace down! When I started, I was around 14:30/mile. Now I'm at 11:30/mile or faster for a 5K. My 10K pace on Saturday was 11:59/mile. As you lose weight, you will be able to increase your pace. I really didn't even worry about how fast I was until I had been running 5Ks consistently. My biggest concern is staying injury free, not how fast I'm running.
  13. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Good luck on the surgery!
  14. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    It was raining so hard when I woke up this morning (at 6:15) to go to run my 10K and I was SO tempted to stay in my warm and dry bed, but I managed to get up and get ready. I was prepared with a poncho, and luckily it wasn't too cold out. Ran the whole way, but was pretty darn slow in comparison to all the other runners there. Finished in 1:15, which was my target for the race. My pace was around 11:59. Next race is a Christmas 5K with a bunch of friends and after that I'm trying to decide whether to run a 10K or 1/2 in Maui when I go visit my sleeve sister for our 1 year surgiversary.
  15. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Good luck on the surgery Most of the time when I have knee pain it's because I'm not focusing on my form and my strides get too long.
  16. deedadumble

    November fitness challenge

    Ran my first 10K race this morning in the pouring rain. Run: 22.2 (Goal 40) Walk: 45.3 (Goal 50) Bike: 10 (Goal 30) Total: 77.5
  17. deedadumble

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Starting weight: 187 Week 1: 186 Week 2: 185 Loss this week: 1 pound Goal: 182
  18. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Everyone is doing so awesome! I was craving some Starbucks hot tea last night and didn't get to do my run in the morning, so I ran to Starbucks, which is 2 miles from my house. It was cold and windy, but I warmed up pretty quickly with the run. Total run was about 3.5 miles. I'm running a 10K on Saturday morning so I didn't want to overdo it. Looked back over my training logs to see how far I've come. I started in February about a month after my surgery. I weighed about 237 at the time and struggled to complete W1D1. I ran/walked a 5K in May in 45 minutes (pace 14:42) when I weighed 210. I was sick and injured in June, so I took the month off and started back in July when I weighed 200. I started back at week 3. I ran my next 5K on Oct 5 in 39 minutes (pace 12:30) and I weighed 190. At that point I decided to train for the Disney Princess Half and started adding 1/2 mile to my long run every week. My next 5K was on Oct 26 in 36 minutes (pace 11:45) and I weighed 189. I am 5'11" and my goal weight is 175 (normal BMI). My weight loss has slowed to a crawl, but I'm okay with that.
  19. deedadumble


    I think PokeyChic knows where to find him!
  20. deedadumble


    Happy surgiversary!! You looked amazing in June... and now you are in the 140's! Woohoo!
  21. [Total weight lost/(Starting weight - Goal Weight)]*100 [79/(265-175)]*100 (79/90)*100 =88% Woohoo! I'm almost 10 months out and only 11 pounds until goal weight and normal BMI!

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