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Posts posted by Dobeigh

  1. I'm 1 year post op and I still feel like this. I have the same urges as I did before. I will order so much food and then eat like 75% of one slice of pizza and be satisfied. The sleeve didn't change anything in my brain, only my stomach. My husband is always says, "Now, you know you're not going to be able to eat all that." I seriously think that I'm going to be able to eat all that food because I'm "starving." Well guess what? I'm so full AND satisfied after that 3/4ths of a slice of pizza. Sometimes I wish I could eat more but once you learn that you will puke if you eat too much, you will make yourself stop. I long to eat more sometimes but I know that my sleeve is doing it's job because my brain couldn't do that for me. My brain is addicted. I thank the Lord everyday that he allowed me to have this sleeve. While I'm not at my goal weight, I haven't had to diet not even one day. I haven't watched what I ate. The weight still came off. I still eat what I want. I ordered Papa Johns last night! I order Papa Johns 3-4 times a week and still haven't gained weight back. But I also haven't gotten to my goal weight either.

    Good luck!

  2. If you are unable to tolerate soft foods then go back to liquids only. Make sure you're getting 70 grams of Protein (at least) daily. The easiest way to do that is with Protein Shakes.

    When I had my sleeve, I did start soft foods on my 2nd week and I tolerated that good. I didn't eat anything for the entire first week and I couldn't tolerate the Protein Shakes. They made me extremely sick. I tried to drink them but couldn't. The second week, I ate only ham salad. That is it. But if you are unable to eat soft foods, definitely go back on liquids for at least a few days and then try to take in soft foods.

    Be careful!

  3. Personally, I'm embarrassed of my boobs. My belly doesn't have that much extra skin. I'm also embarrassed of my thighs. My sex drive has never been that great to begin with and the surgery hasn't really changed that for me (poor hubby, lol!). Good luck!

  4. I have totally gained about 6 lbs since reaching my goal. I have had a lot of stress with the loss of a cat and children blaming others bc the cat got out. It so stressful and plus starting to work for a friend as and in home health provider, she and her friend eat and drink tons of carbs and junk. So I got hooked on sugar again. In the past few days I've readjusted my eating. Instead of eating more than I need, I tell myself to stop. It helps and also need to get back to the 5:2 eating regime......that helps a lot. I am also exercising a bit more now. :P We can do this and let's practice being grateful that we caught our gains early on and that we got this under control now.... :P

    What is the 5:2 eating regime?

  5. Ummm... a heart rate of 120-125 isn't the greatest to begin with. It's definitely something you want to talk to your doctor about. Your heart rate should be between 60-100 beats per minute. Your BP is a little high but not that high. I think it will come down if you get your heart rate controlled. Do you feel weird or is it something you just noticed? It's more important to see your doctor if you feel weird or if you feel like your heart is pounding out of your chest.

  6. I never even thought about bcp's making me hungry. I've been on bcp's for almost 3 yrs now, went off for a month prior to my revision 6 mths ago. Been back on them ever since. I've noticed lately being more hungry than usual, and same with me, I can't eat much but I eat often.

    Maybe I should look into this nugget of info??

    I would definitely look into it! Are you gaining weight too?

  7. Get off of those pills immediately before you gain even more. From my own experience, the weight just keeps going up. Find a different birth control that won't do that to you. Perhaps one with less hormones. I am extremely sensitive to BC pills and they all made me gain, but I have been on Lo Loestrin Fe for nearly two years now and it does not have that effect on me.

    Well, I'm trying to get pregnant. Because I've been diagnosed with PCOS, I'm being treated for 6 months with birth control pills. After 6 months, I will immediately switch to clomid, which is a fertility drug. PCOS makes it super hard to get pregnant. But, you're right! I will contact my OB doc and ask for something else. Maybe it won't make me as hungry.

  8. About 2 weeks ago, I was diagnosed with PCOS. So my doctor put me on birth control pills to treat the PCOS. Well, these birth control pills are driving me nuts! I want to eat all the freaking time! Of course, I can't eat much but boy can I snack! It is driving me nuts. I was doing good too. I had surgery Feb 26, 2013 and I had lost 107 lbs. Well, in the past 2 weeks, I've gained 7 pounds! I'm so upset. I don't know what to do!

  9. I've been so bad. I had surgery February 26, 2013 and I've lost 95 pounds. However, I've eaten so bad the entire time since I had surgery. I can't eat much, obviously, but I eat awful! pizza, cupcakes, etc. I don't drink water; I drink diet soda. My weight loss is starting to slow down so I think that I need to start eating better and the weight will come off faster.

    The first thing I'm going to do is start drinking Water. I'm not saying that I'm going to give up pop all together BUT I will try to get my 60 oz of water in per day. What else can I do? I work a lot. I'm a nurse and I have a full time job and 3 PRN (part time) jobs. So I need things that are easy to take with me. I don't even know how much Protein I'm getting in a day.

  10. Lets all share our best and worst well meaning compliments about our weight loss.

    My best was after returning to work after summer break: where'd you go this summer?! I mean where'd you go? Half of you is gone!

    Oddest (considering it came from my mother in law): look at you! You're nothing but boobs!

    Rudest: wow you lost all that weight and it found me. (Yes I am now responsible for others weight gain)

    But the nicest compliments are the simple, you look great! I know they mean my weight loss and I appreciate the subtlety.

    What are yours?

    A lot of the time, I forget that I've even lost weight until someone I haven't seen in a while says, "Wow Kay! How much weight have you lost??" or "You look great!" I act exactly the same as I always have except I'm skinnier. My patients tell me more often now that I don't look old enough to be a nurse lol So I guess I look younger too!

  11. Like gamergirl said I never really thought about it...but I still do have issues with it.....I find myself watching Diners Drive-ins and Dives and some of the food that is served I think oh my that portion would never fill me up...and then I realize that I could never even eat a small amount of that and then I get all puffed up and proud of myself for this great tool I have now.......

    Me too! I always think I can eat more than what I actually can. You should see the amount of food I order and then I can't eat hardly any of it. My husband is like, "why are you ordering so much food? you can't even half of that!" The sleeve changed my stomach, not my mind. Maybe when I'm further out from my surgery date I will be like the original poster.

  12. I eat whatever I want and I'm only 8 months out. You'll be able to eat whatever you want here pretty soon. I don't eat healthy though or exercise. I'm still losing weight because my portions are small. I don't exercise but I'm a nurse and I also work a lot of over time so I do walk a lot. My weight loss is slowing down so maybe I would lose more weight if I ate better but I'm pretty happy at the weight I am now. I passed my original weight loss goal (220 pounds). I also drink diet pop and I do drink with my meals. I eat like any normal person does except a lot less. That's it. I probably eat between 1200-1500 calories per day.

  13. How long did you stay out of work? I am a nurses assistant. I need to know how much time I need to take to heal. How was your first day of work when you came back. I work all over the hospital that I work in so I can't predict the amount of lifting/ moving/extending I would have to do everyday. I typicall work 64 hours every 2 weeks.

    I was off for 5 weeks. I was a nursing assistant at a hospital and a nursing student when I had my sleeve done. I, actually, did not tell my nursing school that I had surgery because they wouldn't let me do clinicals if I told them. So I had surgery and 2 weeks later I went back to nursing school. I was really sore too. I didn't go back to work for 5 weeks though. I think 4-6 weeks is a good amount of time to be off from work if you have to be a nursing assistant. At 2 weeks post op, I bathed a patient by myself (total care). I just made sure to be very careful and keep my abdominal muscles tight. You will be good to go at 4-6 weeks though.

  14. I have AIH autoimmune hepatitis. This is a non viral form of hepatitis. My immune system is trying to take out my liver. I was diagnosed in 2004 and have been on prednisone since then and will be for the rest of my life. My question is - has anybody been on long term prednisone and had the gastric sleeve? The dr. Says I will get ulcers from it after the surgery. I will be talking to my hepatologist about this but maybe someone here has the same or close to the same problem. Thank you for your in put and congratulations to all of you that are having a successful time with the sleeve surgery.

    At first, your stomach is very sensitive (because you just had surgery). But after a couple months, it will be stronger. This is not gastric bypass, which would cause issues with ulcers. A lot of us get this surgery specifically so we can still take our medications. I thought, for the first couple months, that I wouldn't be able to take my naproxen. I took it (without my doctors approval) and I had ulcers from it. So then I went off it for a little bit (my rheumy gave me celebrex) and then I went back on my naproxen (because the celebrex didn't work as well) and I've had no problems since. I take it even without food! No ulcers (that I know of). I take naproxen twice daily. I also take a prilosec daily. I think that definitely helps. I haven't had any experience with taking prednisone since I've had my surgery but I take a crap ton of meds with my sleeve and I've been fine (except for about the first 2 months). Your stomach will be exactly the same as it was before, except smaller. It will digest food the same way and do what it has always done. It will go through your GI system exactly the same. So I don't understand why your doctor thinks you will get ulcers. This is a newer surgery and sometimes doctors like to bunch all the information they know about gastric bypass with the gastric sleeve. Like I said before, a lot of people get the gastric sleeve surgery specifically so they can take their medications. The doctor you talked to, was that the bariatric surgeon? If so, he knows more than me. My my bariatric surgeon said I can do anything I want, take anything I need, eat/drink anything I want and I haven't had ANY problems (except the first 2 months).

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