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Chele H

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Chele H

  1. yup, everything. My doctor actually has me on Actigal for my gallbladder which is a capsule. Cleared at one month. Call your surgeon's office and ask, you should be fine.
  2. I used the weight I was the day I started my two week pre op diet
  3. I was cleared to swallow pills whole at one month
  4. Chele H

    protein snacks

    Try making oven roasted chick peas, google the recipe. Easy, much cheaper and satisfies the need for crunch.
  5. I have 2 part time jobs in small offices....no one asked me what kind of surgery I had. I guess they assumed it was none of thier business and probably illegal if the bosses asked. The only person who asked me was my neighbor. I wasn't even going to tell her I was having surgery but I was stuck on surgery day with needing a ride for my son to his baseball camp. I told her hiatal hernia. Sounds like your bosses are asses!
  6. I am only 4'10" and had the sleeve done 7/22, down about 36 pounds....get a second opinion
  7. Chele H

    Bread products

    I have a sleeve of steel and can tolerate anything....fortunately it can only hold so much. I have had small amounts of bread, 3 or 4 pretzels, a few crackers, small pieces of the tortilla from a chicken quesadilla here and there.
  8. Chele H


    Constipation can absolutely cause pain. How long has it been since you've had a BM. Don't wait too long to do something about it. I was a little backed up from taking iron. My whole digestve tract was uncomfortable and I could not go. I mixed a dose of Miralax into about 4 ounces of warm apple juice and it worked like a charm.
  9. I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks, started at 200lbs. Had 3 Premier Protein drinks per day, Vitamin Water Zero, sugar free ice pops and broth. You can do it!!! The first 3-4 days SUCK, I am not going to lie but it gets easier by day 5.
  10. Chele H


    Today I ate 2 prunes for an afternoon snack and then drank about 6 oz of apple juice diluted with water. I was not trying to help constipation, I usually do not have that problem.......but I can tell you it will make you go!
  11. Chele H

    Can I smack someone?

    I waited FOUR weeks for Aetna to approve and at one point they were going to deny me because they were missing doumentation from one of my visits. The first time I called after one week I was told they did not receive my stuff even though my coordinator had a reference number. Then they claimed I didn't do the required visits within the 3 month period. Once my coordinator refaxed the info, I was approved in 2 days. I think some of the insurance employees sit on stuff to see if we'll just go away. Be patient, I was and now I am 10 weeks out of surgery and down 36 pounds!!! Good luck!
  12. Extension cord for your electronics.....otherwise not much besides what Snufflegus said except maybe chapstick. Some people bring Gas X strips, I could not find them so I brought chewables but did not need them. I was blessed with no gas pains whatsoever. Bring comfy clothes to go home in......yoga pants, t-shirt, sports bra. Good luck!
  13. Who doesn't love food???? I know I love it. Isn't that how we all got to the place in our lives that we considered weight loss surgery? You have to be ready mentally. Have you had a psychological consult? My insurance company required it. A few therapy sessions might help with your anxiety about the surgery and help deal with the food addiction. My BMI was 41, I had no health issued except I felt much older than I am, always tired and lots of painful joints. I had no energy, very sluggish. I was also totally dusgusted with myself every time I looked in the mirror. Once I had made up my mind after a year of considering it, I was ready. The recovery wasn't bad. I stayed one night in the hospital. I had fabulous nurses who were right on time with my pain and nausea medication. My surgery was 7 am and that night I was walking the halls of the hospital. I only took pain meds at home for maybe 2 or 3 days. The first couple of days are the worst. I walked every day to aid the recovery process. I was back to work in 2 weeks. I am 9 weeks out from surgery and have lost 33lbs and I have never once regretted my decision...except that I didn't do it sooner. I can eat anything I want only much, much less. It is a learning process and you have to put in the work. The first couple of weeks were the hardest with only eating liquids and pureed food....but like I said, I was ready and I followed my doctor's plan as instructed. I have not found any food I can not tolerate....which is good and bad at the same time. I do not feel deprived. I eat the same dinner as my family, just less. I go to restaurants with friends, just eat less and bring home the leftovers for another meal. Please do not do it until you are ready.......get counseling, make sure you are ready to make the commitment it requires. But, when you are ready I believe you will be happy with the results. Good luck!
  14. Chele H

    Bowel movment

    I ate a sugar free Hunt's Snack Pack chocolate pudding about 2 hours ago.....you would think it was a colonic!
  15. Chele H

    BMI approval

    I had no co-morbitities so my doctor wanted a BMI of over 40 for EVERY weigh in so as not to give the insurance company any loopholes. I had lost 4 pounds and was just barely a 40 and he told me not to lose any more weight. Put some rolls of quarters or some fishing weights in your bra, in your pockets, your socks, "forget" to take off your shoes and wear the heaviest pair of jeans you own
  16. I slept in my recliner chair for a few days, I could not get comfortable in bed. It took about a week, maybe 10 days before I could comfortably lay flat to sleep. I am 4 weeks post op now and can sleep on back, side or stomach.
  17. I would try to get more fluids, the dark urine is little concerning. I know it is hard getting to 64 oz per day. sugar free ice pops are great for increasing your fluid intake.
  18. Chele H

    Isopure or Unjury

    Do you have a Vitamin Shoppe or GNC near you? They will accept returns even if the item is opened, in case you do not like it. I do not know what the policy is at GNC but Vitamin Shoppe will give store credit. I was not impressed with Unjury for the cost. I have never tried any Isopure flavors but the unflavored is VILE and I ordered it online so I am out that money. I think any time I try something new it will be from Vitamin Shoppe from now on just in case I want to return it.
  19. Chele H

    Struggling...4 days post-op

    Try some sugar free ice pops..sorta makes you feelike you are eating something.
  20. Chele H

    I need your help!

    Try drinking Premier Protein RTD shake....30 grams of protein protein and counts towards your fluid intake
  21. You are only 4 days post op, your insides are swollen. I was just like you for the first 2 or 3 days home. When I watched TV I watched the clock and every 5 minutes took a small sip, after a few days I was able to sip every 3 minutes. I am 12 days post op now and I can drink a whole 16.9 oz water bottle within an hour or less. Oh yeah.....and walk, even if you do not want to, it keeps things moving, making more room for your liquids.
  22. What are you trying to drink? The first few days I could not get water down but when I.mixed it with some apple juice it went down much easier. How about warm chicken broth? I was also able to get down the Premier Protein chocolate drink and sugar free ice pops went down super easy . Try different things....very soon, you need to stay hydrated.
  23. Get it in writing from your insurance carrier, you do not want to be on the hook for thousands of dollars after the fact.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
