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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NurseGrace

  1. NurseGrace

    When Can You Eat Lettuce?

    I had very little inflammation but I had a little bit of lettuce at about 4 or 5 weeks out.
  2. NurseGrace

    is it me?

    Something about this is really amusing. Yeah, you can tolerate a LOT of things you shouldn't eat. You were very mislead of you thought it would be any other way.
  3. NurseGrace

    Bougie Size?

    Doesnt matter, actually. Boogie size often doesn't even have any relevant effect on the final size of the sleeve because of over-sewing and whatnot.
  4. So close to 60 pounds lost I can almost taste it.

  5. What did you lose prior to surgery? Most of us count our preop dieting weight loss into our total. I had surgery in january, and technically since surgery day I have lost 37 pounds but the weeks prior to surgery I lost quite a bit, bring my total to 56 pounds which is the number I ALWAYS USE. If you didn't bother with a preop diet or were not instructed to go on one, you seem to be right on track as far as I can tell.
  6. NurseGrace


    Semantics. You've never hit a stall that you have noticed. That being said, its still good. If that works for you thats fantastic. For a lot of people that doesn't work out very well because since weigh in is so far away we are not careful then we crash diet the week before weigh in. No good.
  7. I agree, this does get to me, HOWEVER... Sometimes I feel like the search funtion isn't that great. I remember when I was a noob trying to read about the dreaded week three stall and I did find SOME posts, but not a lot. I'm certain there was more on this site about that topic but I was having a hard time uncovering it so I try to be understanding and my week three stall was extreme, it last three weeks for a total of nearly 4 weeks with incredibly minimal weight loss, I can see why that would disturb people as it did me. What I REALLY get sick of are "omg I ate a whole can of soup" (why did you sit down with a whole can of soup?) and posts about hair loss I don't know why those particular posts grate on my nerves so much but they do.
  8. Eating constantly basically. Regain IS POSSIBLY. I knoew for certain I could graze all day and gain weight. It can happen to anyone.
  9. NurseGrace

    When you get skinny, don't shop at A&F.

    WOW! I did NOT know that. I might check them out when I can sqeeze myself into a size 14 anywhere else lol. I have never seen a 16 at the J. Crew store near where I live but I never looked closely either because I just kind of assumed they didn't have it. Very cool. I'll have to get back to my model-skinny diet so I can get my ass in there.
  10. I see, you do not have a vertical sleeve, you have a band. I was interested in this topic because there are not a ton of confirmed cases of SLEEVE dilation although with bariatric patients, where there is a will, I believe there is a way. Some say that streaching the SLEEVE is not really possible. When you have your sleeve they will be removing the dilated portions of your STOMACH, as for your esophagus I don't think thats possible.
  11. NurseGrace

    Chris Christie had lapband in February

    Just understand that what happened to me happens to less than 5 percent of band patients, and something could happen with those kind of odds with this surgery as well. No surgery is without its risks. With the lapband you are trading efficacy in the interest of safety and non-commitment.
  12. NurseGrace

    Chris Christie had lapband in February

    I just meant that unless the band did damage to your stomach your going to be alright. There are other implications of course, but nothing like trying to reverse an RNY and things like that.
  13. NurseGrace

    Chris Christie had lapband in February

    Just remember the selection bias here. No one here is going to have much good to say about their bands because we are here because we had issues with our bands. Mine was fine until things went south, and I am able to recognize that what happened to me doesnt happen to everyone.
  14. NurseGrace

    Need help! Ive blown it!

    be careful, Bariatric Eating is a known scammer. Shes has left dozens of people out of large sums of money while never shipping product.
  15. NurseGrace

    Pet Peeve

    Sometimes people need to unleash a little, I get that. These types of post often leave me asking myself what they are looking for though, and I think that is a question that should be asked before anyone posts anything. "What am I looking for". If the answer is "nothing, I just want to rant" or "just looking for support" I think you should put your energy into something else.
  16. NurseGrace

    When you get skinny, don't shop at A&F.

    I would never shop at A&F because at 24 years old, I don't feel that it is very age appropriate and have been aware of this quote and many like it for some time. Who REALLY needs to be aware of things like this are preteens and teenagers. I think that even thin teenagers can understand that these are despicable statements. Even that being said, I understand that all brands have an image that they try to maintain, but for the love of god, keep these types of statements behind clothed doors, out of respect for the rest of the population. I like the look of MANY brands that do not cut for my size currently. One is J. Crew. I love the aesthetic of J. Crew, but they are exclusionary in terms of sizes, and I get it. Their look doesn't translate well to plus size anyway. I think the largest size they carry is a 12 or a 10 and its a SMALL 12/10 too. I don't hate them for it though. Has something like this been said at their brand too? Maybe, in fact, probably... but they had to class to keep it under wraps, which I can appreciate. Just don't mock me to my face, please.
  17. NurseGrace

    A wonderful hot plate for sleevers!

    I like the idea but one may consider that we shouldn't be lingering over our food for very long. I have been advised to eat for no longer than 30 minutes and anything longer than that becomes grazing type behavior with the first bites already exiting the stomach making room for more. Thats just my opinion and my instructions though, and it is a neat device.
  18. NurseGrace

    My confession. I fell of the wagon

    Are we the same person? The past few weeks have been rough for me. I was burning out of this forum about 2 months ago and my aggression as starting to show and so I took a break. The thing is - this forum is so good for me in terms of keeping me focused, I just need to find that balance so I'm not tearing out my hair and unleashing hellfire, and then not being totally MIA as well. While I was away I slowly backslid a little bit. Not to any crazy extent because at 106 days post op, I'm still extremely limited, but I can say that I wasn't giving it my all either. I'm glad you decided to real it in. Sometimes this is why I cringe when people say "throw out the scale" because some of us, especially food addicts, need that wake up call that the numbers on the scale provide. I don't know about you but I don't necessarily notice 5 or 7 pounds in my clothes, but that's enough to make my jaw drop to the floor if I see it on the scale. I started tracking food on MyFitnessPal again, that seems to be helping more than anything. I didn't gain any weight but I only lost 7 this previous month and I feel like at this stage in the game I should have easily doubled that.
  19. NurseGrace


    I drink it with no problem at all but I believe in following your doctors orders for at least 6 months. The real problem comes in when you start adding things to your coffee that have calories. I have to watch that carefully. I can easily have 200 of my 800 calories per day come from coffee additives if I'm not careful.
  20. NurseGrace

    Chris Christie had lapband in February

    The band is an extremely attractive choice for a lot of people. This forum is bias because we all made the obvious choice that we did, but I can tell you from experience that before I had this surgery I had the band. Mostly because I was talked into it by my surgeon at the time, but also because of the relative safety of the operation You can reverse a lapband and be no worse for wear when its all said and done. We CANNOT get our stomachs back.
  21. NurseGrace


    I would like to echo your sentiment. It's such a tired cliche I'm sick of listening too for people who need reassurance that what they are doing is OK. I'm also sick of "its not the easy way out" - bullshit. I'm not saying its "easy" but its certainly easier than following these types of diet restrictions without surgery. It's patronizing, and frankly, most of us are adults and should be over this type of thing. As for stomach and bowel cancer - I'm not sure that what you said is completely accurate, some parts of the bowel can be removed without taking from the stomach but it is true that if you require extensive grafting you would be SOL.
  22. Do you know for a fact that you actually have a dilated pouch?
  23. NurseGrace

    Christie's lap band

    Speaking from personal experience, because I have had the band... You cannot judge peoples WLS of choice. I'm sure he had his reasons. I picked the lap band for several really good reasons. It didn't work out for me, and I don't really encourage people to get it, but I do understand the appeal.
  24. NurseGrace

    I think I'm broken :(

    I sent you a personal message as well but my best advice at this point is to keep on keeping on. I don't agree with throwing out your scale because personally I see too many people backsliding with they are not having the accountability of weighing in on some kind of regular basis. Different strokes for different folks though, I understand we are all different but that just concerns me when people talk about doing that when they are already not getting results. Most likely you are experiencing a normal stall. Don't let this depression grip you.

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