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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by C_TimesThree

  1. C_TimesThree

    Not Telling People....

    I would NEVER hid it from someone who needed it, I want other people to know there is something out there that can help them. I 100% agree!
  2. C_TimesThree

    Well Hello!

    What do you think the cause of the depression is? Are you required to meet with a psych there before surgery? Good luck! 6 months is still so early.
  3. C_TimesThree

    Finnaly Approved

    Oh that's awesome! Congratulations!!
  4. C_TimesThree

    Finnaly Approved

    I have Aetna! I hope everything goes that smooth! Did you do the 90 days or 6 months?
  5. C_TimesThree

    A Hello

    I've been an avid blogger for years so I figured where better to start this than with a blog. I'm 25, a wife, mother of two & severely overweight as I have been my entire life. Earlier in 2012 a dear friend of mine got VSG, in the last 8 months I have watched her lose over 100 pounds & finally for once I feel inspired, I feel that I might have a chance to actually be thin, or thinner as it may be. In a few short weeks (3 actually) my family of 4 will be moving across the country, home to Arizona & that is where my journey will begin, along side my best friend of over 10 years. We plan to do it together, finally stick to a lifestyle change, because lord knows we've started a million. I'm nervous, & excited, & scared, & hopeful. I can't wait to be healthy for my children, my husband, for myself.
  6. C_TimesThree

    Any Phoenix Sleavers?

    We have very similar stats! I cant wait to see your progress! I think starting a support group would be amazing!
  7. C_TimesThree


    WOW!!! You are beautiful! What an amazing job.
  8. C_TimesThree

    My Ongoing Story :)

    Thank you so much for posting this! I have my first appt next month & am super nervous, it's nice reading your day by day updates!
  9. C_TimesThree

    Any Phoenix Sleavers?

    Here! Well I am moving back to Phienix on the 9th and will be going to a seminar on the 19th! I'm also going to Gateway.
  10. C_TimesThree

    Not Telling People....

    My husband finds it amusing too.. I always tell him I'm glad he's skinny...
  11. C_TimesThree

    Not Telling People....

    I guess if we must, nothing better than two fat people, naked hugging. Which reminds me I always said two fat people doesn't work...
  12. Are you considering it there Fishy my friend?
  13. C_TimesThree

    Not Telling People....

    See fake kindness it suits you Fishy!
  14. C_TimesThree

    Not Telling People....

    It wasn't directed at EVERYONE, I am just saying he is that type.
  15. C_TimesThree

    Not Telling People....

    I had hopes that you really weren't such a ... STRONG personality.
  16. C_TimesThree

    Not Telling People....

    Awww I had hope for you. Always the optimist.
  17. C_TimesThree

    Not Telling People....

    How have you not met those people?! They are worse than the depressed woah is me fat people, seriously. Overcompensating. We just met, we'll stick with clothes.
  18. C_TimesThree

    Not Telling People....

    I second the hug, do you just need a hug?
  19. C_TimesThree

    Not Telling People....

    LOL usually far beyond what they should be, they seem to all have this loud overbearing persona, probably just a front for how self-concious they really are, but you seem to fit the type. I mean there are the few women who do also, but I've found it's *much* more common in men.
  20. C_TimesThree

    Not Telling People....

    Why is insulting people your best defense? I agree that I will probably be more open about surgery than some because I'm not really ashamed of it, though I don't know if I will be like "OH HEY GUYS!" I honestly think you could have approached this in a more mature manner & not made yourself look so bad, but I guess it's the internet & you have the typical over egotistical fat guy personality online.
  21. C_TimesThree

    Can't wait to do ( Join in!)

    1. Run around with my kids. 2. Shop in "regular" clothing stores. 3. Disneyland & Six Flags & Disneyworld I am actually afraid sex wont be as good! I've heard so many horror stories about husbands no longer being attracted (though mine isn't attracted to large woman, no idea how he ended up with me LOL) once the wife was smaller.
  22. C_TimesThree

    Im 20 and scared!

    You don't lose all your hair, it will probably thin out but it will regrow & you can drink but moderation is key.
  23. C_TimesThree

    Im 20 and scared!

    I'm 25, so a tad older, but still SO nervous, I am going to my first appt on the 19th of January. Just be proud for making the choices NOW instead of waiting, even 5 years. I would give anything to be able to go back & make this choice earlier.
  24. C_TimesThree

    almost 2 months post-op

    You look amazing! It's comforting to see others in my age range making this change!
  25. C_TimesThree

    Not Telling People....

    I don't think I will tell many right off.. obviously you know JPSnAZ, & my husband will know, maybe my sister & that's probably about it. I think once I have lost a decent amount of weight, it honestly wont be until I have lost at least 100 I am sure, I think I'll get to a point I can be more open about it. It's like a lot of things where keeping it a secret & not openly talking about it keep the stigma there is. I think it'll be like breastfeeding was for me, as first I wouldn't leave the house, then I wouldn't do it without a cover, now I'll bust a boob out anywhere. It's all about personal comfort & usually the more you do something (or more weight you lose) the more comfortable with it you become.

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