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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sadlers1999

  1. I an so glad I found this thread. I've had a hypothyroid for about 15 years. As most of you yo yoing with the weight. I'm being sleeved Feb. 15th so I'm really excited now to know there won't be issues with weight loss.

    My weight loss has been slower than most, but it is coming off better than without surgery. Good luck and keep us posted.

  2. I am 6 weeks and had my second post op appointment and my doctor wants me to loose 30 pounds in 6 weeks . I am already down 39 pounds .

    But now I feel the pressure of having to lose weight by March 13' date=' 2013

    Lord help me[/quote']

    My doctor/NUT haven't given me goals like this either. I mean, I haven't even lost 20 lbs in 6 weeks post op, so I doubt even if they did give me a goal, it wouldn't be 30 in 6....Like Stinker said, they seem more interested that the weight go down however quickly/slowly. I won't see the dr or the NUT until March 18th, so to some extent I really feel like whatever happens, I am on my own.

    Were you a higher BMI to start with? Is that why he/she is being so aggressive?

  3. I went to Walmart...got the Vanilla Whey (I'll check the exact name). It is on my approved list and is 16. It is much better than the Fuzzy Navel- YUCK...I hated it. I'm still not getting all I should in' date=' but it is getting better.[/quote']

    When I get to a support group meeting, I am bringing my Protein powders to give away. They were all revolting, but I can't throw them out when they were just opened and they were not cheap.

  4. Hi' date='

    We are twins! I'm 6 weeks out and have only lost 20 lbs. I am also being told the same thing about concentrating on Protein and Water. It's frustrating..... I'm thinking about dropping back my calories to 600. I'm averaging 800 now.

    But even on VST everybody is all over the map. Some say 1000 calories, some say 800, some say 60 carbs, some say 20.....[/quote']

    Yes...Even the people who talk about calories talk about all different calorie goals. I guess what is weird is that I don't have any calorie goals...and I was wondering if I am burning off around 600 calories in an hour of exercise, is EATING 600 enough to keep my body from thinking it is starving? I sort of asked my NUT this question and she sort of answered it as, "No, that would not be enough calories," but she really didn't focus on the "me" in the equation. It was more like an answer to a hypthetical question about the general situation of calorie intake vs. burn.

    Interestingly, I have not had a "stall." I just lose weight slowly.

  5. Just had my post op appointment' date=' I'm at 5 weeks. New goals ~ lose 65 pounds in 100 days, I'm at 35 so far. 90 to 100 grams of Protein, bump up the exercise until I'm out of breath and at least 45 minutes. See him again in 2 weeks, hopefully can lose some more because I have had some stalling.

    I will need to have 2 Protein Shakes a day to hit that goal and he said that was fine.

    I really like the lean shakes from GNC, they taste great!

    Wish me luck, I want to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I have 130 pounds to goal.[/quote']

    Wow! Who set your goal? You or your doctor? I've only lost ALMOST 20 lbs (18 lbs technically) in six weeks and I AM exercising at least an hour/day. I can't imagine having a deadline like that (65 in a 100).

    I saw my doc post op at 2 weeks. Today I saw the NUT for the first time post surgery. I told her what I was reading on this forum re: calories, carbs, protein, etc. She said that at this point, they are most concerned with my protein and to not worry about calories/carbs and the ilk. So weird, because I know this is NOT what other people are being told. I will be going to a support group led by a different NUT in a few weeks. I guess I will have to feel out the other opinions then.

  6. re: "stalls" - I am still struggling to get to 20 lbs off a full six weeks post surgery. I eat Protein. I exercise. (Got to 6 miles of walking yesterday) but it hasn't come off easily. So you can imagine how I feel when someone loses 20, 30, 40 lbs in the first month. Even if you stall for a WHOLE month, you still will be "ahead" of me! So, even though my weight loss paradigm has little relevance to most of you who have lost a lot and stalled, I agree with other posters who are further along...You just have to keep at it. I suspect that the huge stalls have a lot to do with your body adjusting to both the weight loss and the change in calories, but eventually your body will adjust and you will lose more.

  7. I experienced this the past week. I just didn't have the urge nor want to feed myself or drink. But then this weekend' date=' I went to The Melting Pot, and at first I started to panic because this was my first time really eating out, I thought I was going to cry if my server asked me why I wasn't eating. (Thankfully I gave my leftovers to my father) But the serving sizes were perfect and I was elated and felt so normal, that I could fully enjoy a bit of everything (EVEN DESSERT!) With time, it does get better, or at least, that's what everyone says :']

    I'm only (almost) six weeks out, but I have eaten out three times now. Twice I had Soup (1 cup-size, not bowl-size) and once my husband ordered salmon, so I could eat some of it. In the soup scenarios, I did not have anyone question what I was eating. In the salmon scenario, I did have to explain to the server why I wasn't ordering my own meal and why I wasn't drinking anything.

  8. Check out this video on YouTube:

    Enjoyed your video. Think it will be helpful to people exploring this kind of surgery. Some differences between us:

    * I didn't have a drain, so I think my healing has been going faster. I understand why some surgeons prefer them...especially those working with clients from other countries, but there are other ways to check for leaks besides having a drain.

    * The diet given by my doctor was as follows: 2 weeks of full liquids and purees that could be theoretically drunk through a straw (although we were told NO STRAWS), followed by two weeks of normal purees and "smooth" foods. By week five, if there aren't any complications, we are allowed to eat anything...even though I don't. Like you, I think seafood is easier to tolerate than other kinds of meat. I like tofu but for some reason I haven't had any. I have eaten red meat and chicken, but it's harder going down.

    * I use a fitbit to monitor my activity. It is a pedometer, but interacts with my computer and I can log food online and stuff like that.

    * My weight loss has been slow. I haven't even hit 20 lbs (post-surgery) off, yet. But, I am walking 4-5 miles at least five times a week and I am eating around 600-800 calories a day.

    * I was sleeved on the 17th. I am a mom. Christmas was harder for me than for you. I needed to make things that my family would enjoy and I was on this joyless diet. I didn't bake, either, and that is an activity that I missed.

    Thanks for your video! Keep up the good work!

  9. At the same time, I'm now scared. And frustrated. I don't want this to be my life from now on. Anyone have any advice on strictures? Am I going to have to do this over and over again? It seems with all of the complications, I'm more nervous about this than the sleeve to begin with....

    I just wanted to respond to the stricture thing...My doctor told me BEFORE surgery that strictures were one surgery-specific problem (like leaking). Unlike leaks, the surgeon can fix a stricture without opening you up again. My doctor said they just stick something down your throat and loosen it up. Maybe that is an oversimplification and I am sure your throat will be sore from the endoscopy if nothing else, but my general sense is that a stricture is less of a dangerous complication. I hope that sort of makes you feel better. I am so sorry that you have had such a rough recovery and I sincerely hope that this is the last of your hurdles.

  10. Is anyone else feeling emotional? I don't think I was an actual food addict' date=' but I do have PCOS, and I'm just wondering if my hormones are out of wack. Everyday I feel like crying or just laying in bed and I can't explain why. I don't miss food that much and I find it hard to care to get in my Protein and water[/quote']

    If you find yourself staying in this rut, I would ask the doctor for a low dose anti-depressant....just until life normalizes a bit...which may be about six months out. I took a small dose of Zoloft for post-partum depression for a year. I'm not on it anymore, but the point is that not all depression is forever. This surgery does affect everyone on an emotional level, but your current degree of emotion does not sound typical. You need to take care of yourself and the LACK of interest in doing so is what is alarming. ((hugs)) Courtney

  11. I want to start running but was not given the ok by my doc they said 6 weeks post op I can then start working out. :/

    I was sleeved on the 17th. I have lost about 12 lbs and I have been working out on elliptical machines since January 3rd. I average about 4 miles. I am anxious to speak with my nutritionist, but it doesn't happen until January 31st.

  12. I visited my primary care physician yesterday...exactly 3 weeks post op....I told her how the information re: diet was so varied from doctor to doctor and she told me that when you see such variations, it suggests that no one way has been proven to be more or less effective. For example, if your doctor says you need to be on a clear liquid diet for two weeks prior to surgery, but mine said only three days (to "shrink" the liver), three clearly is enough, but some doctors may use that extra time to make sure that the patient takes the direction seriously and it certainly helps with weight loss BEFORE surgery. As for post surgery, I believe it is almost impossible to eat something that you shouldn't have without knowing it. I COULD eat a lot more things than what I am actually eating (based on my doctor's list), because at this point, the discomfort of certain things prevents me from wanting to eat those extra things. So for those of you with more rigid plans, maybe the doctor is trying to spare you the agony of knowing you can have tuna safely but it feeling "bad" when you eat it?

  13. I was sleeved on January 5 so I'm 8 days Post op . I drink 3 Protein shakes a day ' date=' suga free Jello, today I had cream of brocoli Soup, and also tried Greek yogurt . Got sick of broth , just couldn't do it anymore . sugar free pudding Also I'm down 15 pounds and do a lot of walking . I'm supposed to be on broth and liquids . I've been fine with all this soft food , is this too much too soon ?[/quote']

    I didn't tolerate the powdered Protein, so I made shakes from Greek yogurt, skim milk and Mio (flavored Water thing-0 calories). I think every doctor gives different directions and our bodies respond differently to the same directions. I was allowed all the things you have tried as soon as I left the hospital, but I couldn't eat them all on one day. I ate one "real" food and drank the rest of my protein in n Isopure drink.

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