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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sadlers1999

  1. I keep reading about people who are not as happy with their two week weight loss. Well, I've officially only lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks and 2 days...following doctor's instructions on eating and exercise. He tried to comfort me with the magical words "everyone is different," but he admitted that typical weight loss is 15-20 lbs. it's very discouraging because I am on 600-800 calories/day which would have felt like starving before the surgery. Of course, I am not hungry now, but it's only a matter of time and we do get our appetite back...Sigh...

  2. I'm in Parker and was sleeved on 12/17/12 at Parker Adventist. Not a lot of CO activity on these boards.. Is it because we are the "leanest" state? I have to say that when we are up in the mountains and i see cyclists riding at close to tree line, I really am accutely aware of the general fitness of our state's population. On the other hand, we are so used to seeing overweight people these days that even though I am morbidly obese, I had people telling me I shouldn't have surgery because I couldn't be that overweight.

    Lakewood - Good luck with surgery!

    Colorado Springs - How far along are you in the process? You are likely the "veteran" of the 3 of us.

  3. My puréed stage includes meats - puréed to baby food consistency. It also includes veggies puréed. The rationale for this stage (according to my NUT guidance) is to get the stomach ready for solid foods. Foods recommended: scrambled eggs' date=' cream of wheat, mashed potatoes, puréed meats, puréed veggies and fruits.

    After 2 weeks I move to a regular diet. Part of the advancing of the diet slowly is for stomach healing (first two weeks especially), and then to get the behavioral component going - picking the right foods, timing of eating and drinking, etc. this behavioral component is the reason I think a lot of docs are different with the diet plans.

    I am a strong believer that each person needs an individualized diet plan. The guidelines my NUT gave are great, but listening to my body is essential. Some people need to go slower, but I think the majority of us will do well with a diet plan in stages similar to the one I was given. FYI - I have not been putting the bits of meat I am eating in the blender. I'm just chewing them until they are basically liquid. It works well, keeps me eating slowly, and is super satisfying! :-)

    Sleeved 12/17/12 and enjoying the adventure![/quote']

    So, I think some of the discrepancy may be semantics, because your puréed phase sounds a lot like my soft food phase. That comforts me on some level. :-)

  4. Glad to find this thread. Became hypothyroid after my first child was born 10 years ago. It has gotten progressively worse in ten years. I was sleeved on 12/17 and unlike most people in the first two weeks, i've "only" lost 10 lbs (vs. 20-30). However, as long as my weight goes down, I guess I shouldn't complain.

  5. I was on full liquids starting day 2 post-op' date=' and started puréed 13 days post-op (one day earlier than my diet plan dictated, but I did super runny eggs and tolerated well). I will be on puréed for 2 weeks-until 1/14/13. Then I go to full diet (of course starting slowly with Proteins first).

    I did start puréed a day early, but it worked for me. I have had no problems with tolerating full liquids at all, and so I moved on a day early into puréed. I was wanting to try things that were no where near my diet plan so moving on a day early was a good solution.

    Good luck! Let me know how it is going.

    Sleeved 12/17/12 and enjoying the adventure![/quote']

    Can you have puréed meats, etc in this phase? My doctor calls weeks 3-4 the "soft" food phase, but in reality, the food needs to be puréed some or chewed to a puréed consistency. The puréed foods I ate in weeks 1-2 had to fit through a straw..even though I wasn't allowed to use straws.

  6. My doctor calculated my resting metabolic rate a few days b4 my surgery' date=' u sit there relaxed and breathe into a tube and a machine records something that tells me how many many calories I burn a day. For better details ck it out on the Internet. About 5 yrs ago I paid to have this done at our local hospital also so it has been around for a while. One more thing, in one year my doc will redo this test to see how my body is burning calories, the more muscle I have the better it will be. Hope this helps[/quote']


  7. Have your doctor do a blood test for something called factor 5 Leiden..it is a blood clotting mutation..that increases your risk..my dad and sister had clots too..my dad died ..and me and my sis got checked..we both have it..that's why I saw a blood doctor and got a prescription fir the shots ..it wasn't my surgeons prescription..I just told him about my disorder. Good luck

    My doctor did an entire battery of coagulant tests a minimum of a week before surgery due to a blood clot history in my family. The tests came back negative, but as a precaution I took shots home with me. I gave them to myself in the fatty part of my abdomen. The clot issue was a real motivator in getting me to walk as much as possible.

  8. Every doctor is different....and that's ok. : ) What kind of puréed stuff have you eaten? And what do you use to purée it?

    Btw.....I noticed my iPad autocorrect and put in the word "blue" for able. Funny.

    Good luck to you.

    I have an I pad too. I think most people understand autocorrect. ;-)

    I bought lentil Soup in cans. I puréed it in a Magic Bullet blender with 2tbsps powdered milk for extra Protein. Also added unsweetened applesauce and cinnamon to my yogurt shakes. Since the applesauce was homemade, it was chunky before pureeing. Today I ate soft food for first time. Ate cooked green Beans 1/4 cup and 1/4 cup mashed potatoes. Didn't worry too much about the potatoes, but I chewed the Beans well.

  9. I am still on full liquids too. I have an appointment with the nutritionist Friday to learn more about the next phase. I am so ready to move on. I have had a scrambled egg made thinner with milk twice this week....but only was blue to eat half. It tasted good.

    In theory I was allowed full liquids/puréed as soon as I left hospital...it was probably around day four that I tried puréed, but I had permission.

  10. I am only two weeks out. I haven't had any major complications to date. Like you...no vomiting...no problem getting food in....after day 3 was over, because my throat was a bit swollen...nothing to do with my stomach.

    I only found this site a few days before my surgery. My health care plan allowed me to do only 3 months of classes before surgery (instead of 6 or more) so between my busy family life and the fast track to this procedure, I really did NOT feel completely prepared for this experience. When my practice gave me a binder of detailed pre-surgery and post-surgery instructions, I automatically assumed that everything I was being told was "standard practice" for the industry. This forum was a rude awakening in that sense. My pre-op, clear liquid diet was only 3 days (shorter than most). My post-op diet was full liquids and purees from the very first day...(no waiting a week or two). I was told no alcohol....FOR A YEAR IF EVER! Others have physicians telling them when they can drink again and what drinks are best. The list goes on and on.

    The one thing I DID know was that the surgery had risks....including death. (I have a friend who is a publisher and she published a book by a woman who lost her fiancee due to internal bleeding post WLS.) However, like MOST people who are members, I was morbidly obese and I had hit a wall. I figured my life wouldn't be a long and pleasant one on its prior trajectory and even with 4 young children, I was willing to gamble that the surgery would prolong my life if successful.

    Reading "i's" story was pretty alarming, but at the same time, I found her the most vocal with people with low BMIs and even then, if those people had co-morbidities, she would soften her tone.

    I am glad that you have been successful so far. My BMI was 42 at the start and now I am under 40, BUT I haven't had the post-surgery weight loss of most. I will be lucky if I have 10 lbs off by tomorrow when I see the doctor. I don't regret my decision to have the surgery, but I hope that if I don't have an immediate big weight loss, I hope that I can be a consistent loser.

  11. yes! i can. i find that i can eat a lot more than 2-3 table spoons too. I can eat about a half a cup of pureed food. I'm still trying to figure out when I'm full because often I'm left feeling a little ill. (Doesn't help that I have a cold too)

    Sorry you have a cold. I had a low-grade fever for a few days between week 1 and week 2. I don't think it was surgery related. I think I caught a virus from my 4-year old. re: purees/shakes - I can eat get down a whole cup. I can't "chug," but it goes down pretty easily. Makes me wonder how "real" food will be. I am very anxious about seeing my doctor tomorrow. I haven't even hit double digits in weight loss (post-surgery weight only). I have been on full-liquids/purees since day 1, so I am sure that is part of the story. I wasn't told to drink broth for a week, which would have been lower calorie. But, it is what it is. Can't help but feel anxious.

  12. Does anyone feel they are able to swallow a lot more now? I'm nervous it's too much but I guess there's a long way between day 1 post op and a sip every 15 min. And now.

    I can drink 20 oz of Isopure in 60-90 minutes. Usually closer to 60, but it depends what else I've had before that. I don't know if I am drinking too quickly or not. I guess I will find out on Wednesday when I see the doctor. If I eat/drink Soup or Protein shakes (that are thicker), it takes more time. Swallowing is more challenging with thicker things, but I haven't vomited or had a feeling of food being "stuck."

  13. No. Liquids alone will not stretch out your stomach. food does that and it happens over time. If you go on You TUbe' date=' there is a video that shows that your stomach will stretch out over the years. Right now it is around the size of a penny/dime in diameter, but on average, it will be twice the size in 4 years. That is why the sleeve is considered a "tool" to re-teach the brain Portion Control. It's not a long-term fix. It is not unusual for people to be able to eat normally by the end of the first year.[/quote']

    I mean "clear liquids"...not the shakes and pureed Soups. They feel different in the stomach than clear liquids.

  14. Thanks for the reply! So' date=' if I keep sipping all day, will that stretch out my stomach to my original size? That's what I'm most concerned about.[/quote']

    No. Liquids alone will not stretch out your stomach. food does that and it happens over time. If you go on You TUbe, there is a video that shows that your stomach will stretch out over the years. Right now it is around the size of a penny/dime in diameter, but on average, it will be twice the size in 4 years. That is why the sleeve is considered a "tool" to re-teach the brain Portion Control. It's not a long-term fix. It is not unusual for people to be able to eat normally by the end of the first year.

  15. You should be able to drink liquids more easily once you get home. My worst day was#3, because my throat was sore and tight, but it got better after that. I don't think you can hurt your sleeve with any amount of Clear Liquids. They make a premixed Isopure drink with 40g of Protein. I bought the green tea flavor (kind of "Snapple-ish") at GNC, but it can be purchased at other stores and on Amazon.com. It makes my mouth a little dry BUT it gives me more than half my daily protein need. It takes me about an hour to 90 minutes to drink a bottle, but it's been a god-send. I bought a lot of protein powders (expecting to add them to my liquids), but I find that they taste truly revolting.

  16. I drink Pure Protein and it has 120 calories. I drink 2 a day. One can of Soup mixed with skim milk for Protein. I drink around 50 oz of fluids a day. I just dropped 4 more pounds. I'm 28 and 5'9" I now weigh 246. My resting metabolism is around 1850

    How do you calculate your resting metabolism? I am pretty sure mine is "slow" because my basal temp is high 95s-low 96s. It's a thyroid thing, but thyroid issues are not considered co- morbities.

  17. You've gotten some thoughtful advice already, but I just wanted to say that I am sorry you felt "alone" prior to finding this board. I should warn you that a few weeks ago, we had a few participants who were less than congenial and they were "banned." Most people on this board are very nice and try to help out. That being said, if you ever encounter someone caustic, just ignore them.

    Good luck getting healthy!!!

  18. I am not really having trouble taking liquids down' date=' i just am having problems with my throat feels like the thing in the back of my throat is touching my tongue causing discomfort is that normal ?[/quote']

    My throat was horrible post surgery from two endoscopies and the other things they stick down your throat during surgery. It's possible you are still feeling the effects of this. Didn't see your surgery date. I found that taking the pain medicine (the PRESCRIPTION pain medicine) was the only way to eat for the first few days. Without it in my system, I was having trouble swallowing even Water. However, if you are further out from surgery, then I am not sure what you are feeling. Also, are you on an antacid? A lot of people seem to need them to relieve the burning sensation in the back of our throats...especially when we are eating.

  19. I don't think these prescription antacids "heal" the sleeve. What I think they do is basically make life more tolerable if you have any acid reflux. I have never had acid reflux BEFORE surgery, but I certainly have felt it post-surgery. Based on the numerous threads I have read, it would seem that acid-issues are a common problem for sleevers.

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