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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kimalicious

  1. kimalicious

    Very Upset

    AHHHHwoooooooooooooo!!! Right back atcha babes!
  2. kimalicious

    Sabotaging all the good work

    I think what Betty is trying to say is that the psychological affect the sun has on her brain tends to roll over into her eating habits. The longer days of summer compared to the shorter days of winter affect the feelings she has. This is a psychological truth and there are even disorders that go along with it. She doesn't actually mean that when the rain hits her skin she runs to the refrigerator, it could mean when it's cold and rainy that gets her down, when she is down her brain triggers her to eat. It is all a mind game when it comes to what we eat and if the weather affects your brain emotionally it will affect your eating also emotionally. As for the original post, GIRL WE ALL DO IT!! We all know how bad you feel once the plate is empty and your belly is full and you just thought it was going to taste so wonderful (and it probably did). This is one thing I've learned is too remember this feeling the next time you just throw something back with out thought to it. Remember it may be absofreakinlutely awesome for about 1 minute, but the feeling afterwards last much longer! Just know that even skinny people can eat entire chocolate cakes also and feel the same way. Eveyone does it, just know that you can go work out some tonight and combat some of its powers on your waistline. 1 hour of working out can burn around 600 calories and then you are down to 1200 from your cake and that seems more reasonable in the whole scheme of things. I'm sorry my response is so long and probably boring but just know that I love everyone's point of view here and we are all jealous that you have chocolate cake at your house!!
  3. kimalicious

    My first real NSV!!

    I walked dreary eyed to the scale this morning hoping for 1 more pound gone and was upset when the dango thing hadn't budged from yesterday. But, then I went to get dressed for the day and went to put on the skirt I had laid out the night before and it was too big on me! I had to find an older smaller skirt to wear since we are having a big meeting and I wanted to look nice today. I was upset because I bought that skirt last summer and hadn't gotten much wear out of it during the winter, but that feeling went away quickly when I realized the accomplishment. Woohoo! Kim
  4. kimalicious

    what would you do??? OT

    For real, would you ask these people for money if you were in trouble?? If not, don't worry about it...If they really needed money they would have called you.
  5. kimalicious

    Back to the Basics

    Good for you!! It seems like I have to do this once a week to stay on track...I need an automatic bull horn grabber to start working for me! You are so close keep it up!!
  6. kimalicious

    What do you wish you had known?

    No matter how many times you read "IT'S A TOOL" it never quite makes it's way to your head of how much work you are going to have to do on your own. Just like, I may feel full (and not after 1 cup of food either) but I will continue eating and then I will just drink some because it taste so good and that way there is also room for dessert. If you are doing this before the band, you will be doing it afterwards. It takes more will power that I would have ever thought and I have gone to bed crying because I was so hungry. I still have to count calories and if I were to eat just til I was full I would have way too many calories in a day, you have to stop sometimes when you are still feeling hunger in the pit of your stomach because the food is sitting in the pouch. Also, If you are thinking you can get the lapband and you will never have to exercise because you are eating so little you are wrong! I have to workout at least 30 minutes a day to see any kind of progress. So read it one more time: IT IS ONLY A TOOL! Your brain needs more than that to deal with other demons, but luckily the tool I have inside me keeps reminding me to deal with them rather than put them off again and again like I have done the rest of my life. Good luck with your decision, hope this didn't sound harsh, I was just giving my personal experience.
  7. kimalicious

    My first real NSV!!

    This past summer I gave up and gave all of my "skinny" clothes away figuring by the time I got back into them they would be out of style anyways. So now I just get to go buy new! Woohoo!!
  8. kimalicious

    DeLarla's Weekly Fun Thread

    How bad is it that I have my band and I am still doing the Special K diet? It is my favorite cereal and it goes down easily. I eat 1 cup of cereal 2 times a day and then eat a regular meal which I am keeping under 500 calories. I am so busy it doesn't feel like a diet and it is either Special K or nothing so I feel better getting something down.
  9. kimalicious

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    Well, my name is self explanitory. I was "biggun" previously and everyone told me I need a more positive name to feel more positive about myself. So since my name is Kim and I am self proclaimed delishiously adorable it just came to me. What is especially funny is when I am telling my husband about something one of you all said, I use your screen names. I will be like, "you know what I heard today from Delarla and Harley Nana?" I'm betting he is still wondering who you are and how I know you!
  10. You don't even have to log in when you goggle it?? Do you just click on the link and it is there ready to read? That does bother me...not that anyone really knows who we are if we don't want them too, but you never know!
  11. kimalicious

    I hate fat people!!!

    I have felt the same way, unfortunately my entire life. I started off as a chubby kid and was a chubby teenager, but always somehow fit in with the cool crowd and was never put down because of my weight. Now that I am 26 years old and still 120 pounds overweight it finally hits me on the way down just how fat I am. I hang around with chubby girls and they don't bother me, but other fat really huge people disgust me and I don't know how to change my thought process on that. I am worried that as I lose weight and feel better about myself the worse I will feel about others! I have the worst thoughts about myself right now and have to force myself to go out lately because I don't feel pretty in my body because I know that there are other people out there feeling exactly how I am about myslef! I've got a lot of things to work on other than losing weight and it took me finally losing some of it to figure that out. I can't always blame my weight on everything like everyone else does!
  12. kimalicious

    I'm a newbie

    Congrats on the banding! IT's great that you are doing it together! We started at the same weight so We should keep an eye on each others progress. Keep up the good work! Kim
  13. kimalicious

    HI - I'm new here

    Welcome!! Tell us about yourself we are nosey!!!??
  14. kimalicious

    Slipped Band?????????

    It sounds like you may be just too tight. Have you talked to your doc about a small unfill? They say sometimes even a .2 change can make all the difference...
  15. kimalicious

    New noises coming from my body...

    Yes, it is like a slow gurgling burp. I love the sound it makes when you gulp water and it goes from your pouch to your stomach and it sounds like a tub draining!
  16. kimalicious

    Really tired today

    GET BACK IN FRONT OF THE TV STAT!!! I sweat a lot too proably because our bodies were trying to get over the surgery...take it easy and don't over do it or you will regret it. KIM
  17. kimalicious

    Please Help!!

    I also researched both and sometimes wonder when I am really struggling if I made the right decision. And the truth is I did! Everyone's circimstances are different, but my biggest worry was about having children. THe one thing research showed me is that you can have children after RNY, but the research shows there are more complications in the births and a lower birth weight has been shown with women who have had it. There is no chance of that with the lap band since you can have it loosened to eat whatever you want. The good thing about that is you can tighten it up right afterwards and lose the baby weight again!! You will have to put more time and energy into the lap-band because it is not a fix it is a tool to work with your hunger. But since I know it is there and everyone else knows it is there it keeps me motivated longer than I ever had to change my lifestyle and keep it changed for good. You nned to do more of your own research and meet with doctors who do both surgeries so they won't be biased! You will be making a good decision either way, so just keep up the research. Kim
  18. kimalicious


    Woohoo!! You got a hitch in your get-a-long!
  19. kimalicious

    Plasticize me please!!

    Do it girl!! I say if they have the technology DO IT!!! AND be proud of it. It will only get you closer to your goal and show you the body that you have bben working on so hard!!
  20. I had my second fill and finally restriction. I am still getting used to the feelings though. No matter what I eat the first few bites are uncomfortable going down. But if I sit there they will eventually pass and then I can eat with no problems slowly. Am I supposed to keep eating after this uncomfortable period or should I stop completely once I feel this? It is usually the first or second bite that hurts and then I chew well and everything else goes down fine. I know a girl at work that stops eating after the two bites that hurt...she has lost 85 pounds in 6 months. If I stopped eating everytime I felt a little pain I would never eat more than one bite of anything the least bit hard everyday. I nkow it is different for everyone, but eating two bites of food would not suffice for me. Is this when I am supposed to be stopping rather than when the full feeling comes?
  21. kimalicious

    I have a story to tell....

    sing it ladies!!
  22. kimalicious


    Let me let ya'll in on something that I have grown to do every day now because it is so easy. I bought a Gazelle from Wal-Mart for $100 and for every 30 minutes done I burn 260 calories!! It is easier to me than walking and easier on my knees. I do it in front of the TV and made it up to an hour last night: 560 calories burned. I get really bad shin splints when I walk and can barely go 20 minutes without dying, but with this Gazelle I could go all night and it tells you how many calories you are buring. I tell everyone about it because it is so easy and low impact with big burn potential...just an idea for some motivation!
  23. kimalicious

    Is this normal?

    My doc told me if the restriction isn't there come back in for another fill.
  24. kimalicious

    I have a story to tell....

    Have you said anything about this to your surgeon? I would not have let him talk to me this way. There is no difference in your weight gain before surgery and most surgeons don't even ask for a pre-surgery diet. I would look for a new surgeon if that is possible in your area. It's not like you are having Liposuction...you are having a surgery that is supposed to help you with this problem as it is! I would telk to your surgeon before yo do anything rash with your eating habits. If you don't have enough strength to get through the surgery because of your diet before the surgery then that could hurt you more than help. I would ask another doc in your area about this before I went through with it. There is no doubt you could lose 6 pounds in one week. But doing that is not healthy!! Please take care of yourself and don't put your surgery in the hands of someone who doesn't know what they are doing!! Kim

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