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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kimalicious

  1. kimalicious

    Where is the first place you lost weight?

    My boobs are always the first to go and they are small to begin with!
  2. kimalicious

    Toxic Guilt

    so, ok, I stopped counting after 10. I thought this was normal which shows me how much I need to work on this...Thanks for the post!!
  3. kimalicious

    I am feeling so discouraged

    The same thing totally happened to me. I didn't have restriciton until my second fill. But now it works pretty good. So good I got really sick last night since I was trying to eat after it was telling me I was full. I am totally on the same track as you with the Christmas Gift card! I have a $50 one for Old Navy that I am waiting to use when I get 50 pounds off. For now I am just wearing big baggy clothes. They aren't falling off yet, just not fitting snuggly any longer. You will have so much more restriction on the second fill and then you will want more. I just went for a 3rd fill and got a 0.1 fill! I was upset because I waited an hour to get my fill after my appointment time and paid the $50 and still only got 0.1. What's crazy is it is actually a little bit better. But I want more. I will wait until I get used to this one before I go for another! Good luck in your weightloss and congrats on all of the hard work you are doing!!Kim
  4. kimalicious

    Weightloss Challenge

    My monday mornin weight loss is nada! Put me down at 36 pounds down 03/07/05. I have somehow gained after a fill. I don't know what is going on in my body lately!
  5. kimalicious

    I got Approved...........FINALLY!

    So good to hear. You have nothing to worry about. Good luck with this new part of your life!
  6. kimalicious

    Group Hug!!

    HAHAHAHHA!!! (((((pinched nose hugs)))))
  7. kimalicious

    Weightloss Change To Clothing Size

    I am 37 pounds down and still can wear most of my same clothes. Just goes to show me how tight everything had gotten. Also shows that everyone is different. I told myslef when I hit 50 pounds down I will buy a few things to wear!
  8. kimalicious

    Got my band yesterday

    Congrats on your band! At least you have a reason to be lazy around the house since it is snowing. Take the time to recover!
  9. At my job on the last day of every month we have to work a 13 hour day. Some month ends my VP's are generous and order food for us. Well they have ordered pizzas for all 300 of us and there are pizzas all over the freakin place. I love pizza and have not had very much since I was banded. The whole office smells like a big gooey, cheesy, meaty PIZZA and I am forcing myself to sit in my seat and type this rather than give in an go get some pizza. Please cheer me on, this is a first for me and is REALLY HARD. I have never passed up free food!
  10. kimalicious

    I feel something strange!

    I also had pain for a few months here and there. If it is constant and comes along with a fever in the area or redness I would call my doc. But if it is just some pain then Just take it easy and maybe use a heating pad when it gets bad.
  11. kimalicious

    Please step away from the pizza..

    You know I have noticed some things don't taste as good. If it takes me forever to get it down I just don't get the satisfaction I used to get from it. I'm guessing that's the band working on my head, at least I hope. There are still some things that are ab fab but I have had that problem and it actually made me sad like I was losing a good friend that I will never get back again. I don't know how I am going to resist the Easter candy. I love CADBURY BUNNY EGGS! MMMM BUNNY eggs (said like Homer). Ok, this is taking a bad turn so I will continue to drink my Water, think of poopy hands and strap myself to the chair now. I will be here till 9:00 Central time and my Special K will be waiting for me at home! I am having a cheat day before my fill on Friday so I just have to last until then. Guess what my husband is getting me for cheat day?? You guessed it, pizza.
  12. kimalicious

    First Timer

    I did the same thing in my first two weeks. Just be strong until your fill. I could eat anything and everything I wanted until my second fill. Just work on not gaining while you are at this crossroads and you will be ahead of most people! Good luck with your band!
  13. kimalicious

    Please step away from the pizza..

    Thank gawd I have ya'll and my trusty bottle of yummy water. MMMM. The pizza smell is slowly going away. I just have to stay in my cubicle for a little while longer....
  14. kimalicious

    Weightloss Challenge

    So ok, I have been hesitant to join, but I need something to keep me motivated thru the spring with all of the family gatherings coming up! I am starting at 237 and want to lose 30 pounds by June 1. I know it is lofty, but I have a fill coming up Friday and will be on liquids for a week after that. I am thinking that will boost me and hopefully with the new restriction I can do the rest on my own. So here we go, lock me in: weight: 237, goal: 207
  15. kimalicious


    If you are still reading this then there is still a chance. Maybe just take a vacation and come back. Your post are so thoughtfully written and so inspiring for everyone that reads them. I do hope you can change your mind!
  16. kimalicious

    What things hamper your weight loss?

    That's a good idea. These are the type of girls like I used to be, making fun of our fat and not caring in the world what we ate. I have started the whole getting a to-go box and putting half of my food in it before I even start and that is helping and they aren't looking at me like I am crazy when I order something decent and just half it. The understand about the band and I really wish some of them would look into it, but would never tell them that. I feel they already look at me differently when I tell them about my weight loss. It is probably all in my head. I was thinking about this thread over the weekend and decided I can be the only one who hampers my weight loss and have made a better effort to realise when I am about to fall back into old habits. This thread has helped me a lot! They are my habits and I can be the only one to break them!
  17. kimalicious

    What things hamper your weight loss?

    I think the one thing that really slows my weight loss is my friends. Not that they are forcing food in my mouth, but they are all overwieght and eat what they want when they want. It is really hard for me to go out to eat with them and order the chicken breast and veggies when they are all ordering something so good. We all eat together about 1-2 times a week and I have no will power when I am with them. It has nothing to do with them and I am not blaming them by any means. I myself have to get out of the habit of rewarding myself with food and be strong enough to order the low cal entree on the menu. I live in a suburb of Dallas and we have over over 40 sit down restaraunts. This does not include fast food. They are too many too count. We have 4 restaraunt rows in my city and at least 4 McDonalds in my city alone, so you can imagine how easy it is to get something to eat. I rarely have time to cook with my schedule so I eat out a lot. For some reason when I am with my friends my band doesn't work! I'm sure it is all mental and mostly just out of habit, but thank god I am working on it. I have a friend coming to visit tonight who likes to eat so I have been preparing myself all day that I will order low fat off of whatever menu we get! It's all a mind game and we have to find out what it is that can trigger our good eating on a meal to meal basis.
  18. kimalicious

    post band exercise options

    Why not go out and start a gym? It is the place you can work with professionals to get back the body you want. Go for a month with a trainer and they can give you more idea than you can ever know. Walking is always free. I also hit the jackpot at a garage sale and found about 10 aerobic tapes for $1 each. Dancing is my favorite workout, so turn up the music and practice your dance steps in fromnt of a mirror. Start small if your new to this, but a gym is the best place to start with a triner so you can learn all of the correct ways to stretch and move when you exercise. We have a local PBS station that has a show called Body Electric and it is on daily for free and low impact and toning. If you are scared of a gym, try a local rec center, they usually have dance classes and kickboxing classes for a fraction of the price of a gym. No matter what it is you do, Just do it every single day and your progress will pass anything you have expected!
  19. kimalicious

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Let's look at my pre-band daily menu and see why I am fat! Breakfast: Chickfil a chicken biscuit with hashbrown and ketchup and a large coke. Lunch: McDonald's Big Mac meal supersized with a coke and apple pie Dinner: Mexican restaurant with chips and hot sauce, then huge plate of beef nachos and about 4 cokes then sophapillas for dessert! Never one minute of exercise and I sit at a desk all day in front of a computer. I have eaten this way my entire life. I am from the south so my mother only cooked deep fried southern meals as I grew up and I loved every bit of them. I do have an obsession with food. I think about it constantly. I love to watch cooking shows and our friends make fun of me and my husband because we will get in a conversation about the best Chicken fried steak meal in our area or which restaraunt has the best fried pickles. When I am stressed I want to eat, when I am excited I want to eat, when I am sad I want to eat, When I am alone I want to eat and so on and so on. If I am going out to lunch with a friend at work now I have to find out where we are going and sit down at that place's website and figure up a meal in my calorie range. I do this for hours at a time planning just one meal. If I were to go in and not planned I will order my usual bre-banded meals still! Obsession with food is something I am seriously thinking of going to a shrink for. I don't know what started it, but I know it is nothing I can kick on my own. The reason my band works for me is not because of the little bit of restriction I feel on occasion, but because I told everyone I was having this surgery and now that I have had it I will be the biggest loser ever if I don't lose the weight. All of my friends feel it is so drastic so I feel I would let them down if it didn't work, so see even with the band I am still losing weight for other people and not myself. I don't have excuses anymore for my portions when I have a band. That right there is why I love my band...It no longer lets me make excuses to myself and when you constantly have people asking how you are doing it makes all the differece in the world to not want to look like a loser to them and keep the weight on. Obsession is a biatch!
  20. kimalicious

    OMG An old pic of me!!!!

    Penni, I have a friend that does that with beer bottles still. She has huge boobs and she can drink out of the bottle while it is snuggled tightly in there!! Tooo FUNNY!!
  21. kimalicious

    Friday Fun Thread

    I was never yelled at directly, but the word fat still makes me cringe. In jr. high one girl told me I should wear a sign on my butt that said "wide load". In high school I was doing a dance routine with 2 other girls. One was really skinny, one was regular size and I was the chubby one. Our boyfriends were watching our practice with our sparkly costumes on and I overheard them calling us "small, meduim and large". Guess who was large? Then again in high school a girl was telling me how she was describing me to someone else and she told me she described me as the one with the "big belly". Isn't it wonderful how we can remember these days like it was yesterday and I only wish I could get back down to the size 11 I was at that time!
  22. kimalicious

    Who sticks to calorie counting?

    Technically a nutricionist is going to tell you not to go under a 1200 calorie diet. I count my calories and I am working on not going over 800 at the moment. I am trying to be very strict because my fill has seemed to disappear and I can eat quite a bit again. I have another fill scheduled for 03/04/05. My body is so weird right now. If I go over 1200 calories in a day I gain a pound back. I'm sure I'm not getting all of my nutients, but if I vary a little bit on my eating it takes me a week to catch back up for some reason!
  23. kimalicious

    Surgery Question for Women

    Of course, I had mine and it was no problem. They let me keep my underwear on as long as they were no too tight!
  24. kimalicious

    Very Upset

    I'm jealous, was it an entire chocolate cake?? I could swim in one right now...luckily I'm at work and chuggin back some water instead!
  25. kimalicious

    I made it! Original Goal!!!!

    That is such a great accomplishment, PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK!!! I can't wait to be right there with ya!

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