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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kimalicious

  1. My doc just yelled at me during my last fill because I had gas in my stomach and hadn't eaten or drank anything since the night before. She knew it was drinking carbonated drinks and explained all of the complications from them which I don't think I ever had because my band was not tight enough. She scared the crap out me, and I haven't had a coke all week, unfortunately I have now traded my addiction to caramel mocha frappachinos from Starbuck's. So to the point, "NO CARBONATION LADY!!" as my doc said. As for the burp, you can't burp because there is food in your pouch and leaves no room for air to come through. If you were to burp while you were eating your food would come up with it. You are supposed to stop eating when you get this feeling, (all of this from my fill doc, whom I have been very close to this week). It does feel different, but I'm told that is just band life...hope this helps.
  2. kimalicious

    Yelling did Help

    sometimes tough love is all I will listen too, I appreciate the thought, and good lawk Kathy you are right about the catching up everyone looks so great in thier pictures!!!
  3. kimalicious

    My Fingers are GREEN!!

    My rings do the same thing when I am being really strict with my calories and until I read your thread I had no idea that is what it was. It is the nickle that is mixed in with the gold that causes this, but my wedding ring is top of the line and I am still turning green. I'm glad you brought this up....I will look into Iron deficiency also. Are you taking a multivitamin?? Awesome job on the weightloss!!!! Keep up the good work!!
  4. kimalicious

    Freaking out

    I was so relieved after my gall bladder surgery. I was in horrible pain from my gall bladder and had not been able to keep food down for months without getting violently ill every night. Nothing and I mean NOTHING would touch the pain. After my day surgery I was on cloud nine to have no pain and to eat what I wanted without getting sick...you will feel so much better afterwards and won't miss that gall bladder one bit. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
  5. kimalicious

    Wondering about exersize

    I have heard of people on this board using Meridia prescribed from their doctor. I don't know how big the pill is though. WHy not check with your doctor. I say the more tools the better for weight loss. This is not a fast process and you will eventually have to exercise some to get to a goal weight and maintain it.
  6. kimalicious

    Help Me!!!

    I totally did the same thing, but had to go on a diet 2 weeks before surgery and lost it all back. Too many last meals and eating whatever I thought I could never eat again...It is ok, Just remember not to overdo it and eat like normal until then...
  7. kimalicious

    What does everyone do for a living?

    God, It's so interesting to read what everyone else does...each post I read I say to myself, "yeah, I wanna do that now!" HA!
  8. kimalicious

    Why are we not suppose to take asprin?

    So ok, is it bad I totally forgot that we were supposed to be taking Ibuprofen. I am almost 7 months out and forgot. I had some really bad neck and back pain from sleeping the wrong way and took it for 2 days. Oh well, I drank lots of water so it didn't get stuck ...I just can't believe I totally forgot about it.
  9. kimalicious

    The search for the missing fill!

    I was hoping to do some of the work myself before getting another fill. Last time I went in they gave me a 0.1 fill and I felt like it was a waste of my time to go do that again until I lose some weight around my stomach. I 've got a lot further to go and don't want to max out on fills if I am not following all of the band rules anyways. My restriction seems to have leveled out and I even PBed the other night since I have been so used to eating what I want and it not affecting my band whatsoever. Brisket will get me every time! Anyways, I am back on the losing side of this and hopefully can stick by the 16 more pounds to get to -60 on my own and then will reward myself with a fill. Thanks, Kim
  10. Ok, I have been unable to post recently since I took a new position at work and my boss sits right behind me and has really cut into my web surfing time. Anyways. I am 6 months out from my surgery and have had 3 fills and all 3 fills end the same way. I now feel like it is gone back to pre-fill restriction. I haven't even really lost much weight since my last fill so it couldn't be getting loose from the fat loss around the stomach. I have a theory and any one can tell me if I am sadly mistaken about this. When I mess up and drink a coke or overeat to the point of pain I feel that the liquid is forced out of the band around the stomach and pushed back into the tubing of the port, which I also thinks causes our differences from day to day in restriction. Am I crazy or do you think this could be what is happening?? I pushed the Fluid back into the tubing and it is sitting there instead of the band?? Please let me know if this has been talked about before or if I am just crazy and stretching my pouch causing no restriction when I have had 3 fills?? Thanks, Kim PS. I have so missed YA'LL!!!
  11. kimalicious

    A little discouraged

    I show then a picture of a friend of mine who had RNY...got down to 140 pounds and now 3 years later is back up to 260...she is looking into lap-band now!
  12. kimalicious

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I am a bill collector. I spend my entire day telling people their house is being foreclosed on. I have my own personalized set of brass knuckles...hehehe Crappy job, but pay is so awesome I am paying my own way through college to become a High school counselor. When I graduate I will never look back except to be sad at my pay difference, and hopefully erase some of the bad memories from this place. Oh the jobs we have to do to get where we want in life....
  13. I've had my band since November and on most nights I can sleep on my stomach. If I overdo and exercise or eat too much my port is sore and I have to sleep on my side but it is not that often. It will pass girly!
  14. kimalicious

    The search for the missing fill!

    I am bumping this to see if anyone had answers or input for these questions... Thanks Y'all!
  15. kimalicious

    The search for the missing fill!

    Yes, they do it under flouro and I can see it.. I felt restriction for the first two to 3 weeks, but after that always nothing...Monica, let me know what you hear from your doc. I've told myself I have to lose 60 pounds before I get another fill. So I am working on tht until then. Thanks, Kim
  16. kimalicious


    I keloided too on 2 of my scars and hate them really bad!! But I would rather have that than the extra weight for sure...
  17. kimalicious


    yes Tammy, I would like your docs name, I'm in Mesquite...I have the same problem lately and need to find something to fix it stat!! You can PM if needed!
  18. kimalicious


    Another question to be added...has anyone had their port area hurt after sex?? I am 5 months post band...and think I may hurt my port this past weekend. It was sore like a pulled muscle for 2 days, better today though...I wonder if anyone else has experienced this??
  19. kimalicious

    Your Wu name

    I'm Gentleman Assasin!??
  20. kimalicious

    Talk Me Down Man!!!

    Repeat after me: Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!! Now say it over and over as you throw the candy in the trash!
  21. kimalicious

    I Walked!!

    that is sooo awesome...I agree that is the best NSV I have ever heard also!!!
  22. kimalicious

    Bad, Bad Daisydoodle...

    Peanut Butter M&m's are the devil!!!! They are so hard to find that you buy them up when you do and then eat every single one in one sitting...maybe just my experience. Daisy, everyone goes through this. I don't care if you are 300 or 100 pounds. Don't beat yourself up, it happens and the good thig is tomorrow is a new day...hopefully lacking in the peanut butter m&m's...
  23. kimalicious

    port placement

    mine doesn't stick out either, but if I overeat to being stuffed it makes my port and everything around it hurt.
  24. kimalicious

    Birth Control

    My doc told me they originally called the lap-band the fertility band because so many women were getting pregnant after getting the band. I guess that is why some docs recommend birth control until a healthy and stable weight can be achieved. This is one of the major reasons I got the band. WARNING: BOYS LOOK AWAY! I haven't had a regular period since high school and even on birth control to regulate them they were not coming but once every few months. Now with just the small amount of weight I have lost I have become regular again, unfortunately too regular, I got cramps back also that I haven't had in years. I am hoping this means a better chance for pregnancy when I am ready for it since there was no way I was going to start my pregnancy at 275 and chance the health of my baby. When I hit goal or at least close to goal I plan on trying for the first time! Good luck with you loss and trying for a baby!
  25. kimalicious

    Pooping the Alphabet

    I am not lookin until I meet a man who can get the entire alphabet out in one squat...that is where I draw the line! HA!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
