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Posts posted by eclipse

  1. For me it was dealing with my mother and her myriad of obesity related medical issues and blowing up on her bc she was still eating fried foods after her alleged 4th heart attack and telling me that it was the diabetes that was clogging her arteries. I had to accept right then and there that while I did/do not have obesity related health issues, with my family history and my diet and my morbid obesity it was just a matter of time before I did and I also acknowledged that I was telling myself the same lies that she does. Different words, same lies. I said it stops now bc I do NOT want to burden my daughter due to my lifestyle choices.

    Approximately two years later I had the surgery. I came to the decision earlier, but getting to the actual surgery was a process and I'm glad I went through it bc I gained the skills I needed to be successful at it. I know two people who pulled the trigger too fast and haven't been as successful. And truth be told I didn't WANT to go through the process. I wanted a quick fix, but the Kaiser program (in retrospect) was awesome and just what I needed, if not what I wanted.

  2. Thank you everyone! The support of this community is awesome, and was absolutely invaluable to me over the last almost year. I lurked for a super Lon time taking in all of he advice and support of the veterans, i never thought I'd make it here. You all are a blessing.

  3. Look at you tiny person! You look great! But your husband needs another new suit - that one's too big. ;)

    He got that suit in college >20 years ago and never wore it bc he quickly outgrew it. He was ecstatic to wear it, but I agree it's too big ;)

    He's still struggling with wearing smaller clothes. It's all mental and I admit it took me a while too.

  4. Wow! You both look phenomenal! You're so tiny! Congrats.

    What's interesting is that's a size 12 dress! Not tiny by any stretch, but I feel awesome and would be content to remain at this size. In fact I'm nervous about losing more once I reduce my mileage and consequently my carbs. They have been dangerous for me bc I crave them again and I'm afraid of falling back into old habits.

  5. Awwwww! Y'all are amazing for a girl's self esteem! I've had a crappy day (&week) and now I have a big smile on my face.

    This picture from last Sat was the first time I looked at myself and thought I actually look good in a loooong time. Your mind does terrible things to you when you carry too much weight for too long...

  6. I'm just 3 weeks shy of my surgiversary. My weight has been fluctuating by about 4-5 lbs for the last 2 months. I've lost roughly 108 lbs from my high weight and about 96 lbs from my surgery day. I'm going to run a half marathon on Sat and the distance running has me eating more carbs than I normally would (hence the fluctuations). I feel amazing.

    Hubby is about 6 weeks behind me. Not sure how much he's down, but it's well over 125 lbs.




  7. In my mind I've been a runner for years. In my life I haven't bc at nearly 300 lbs it HURT to run. Tonight (down 77lbs since surgery) I began a new runners program with a local running club and I jogged (slowly) for 3/4 mile! I know that's not much, but for me it was huge! I am registered for a local half marathon in October and come hell or high Water I intend to jog it. *It will be my 4th one. I walked three at roughly 270 - 280 lbs so I know I can do the distance. With this weight gone, I'm going to now begin running them.

  8. i am extremely frustrated. i bounce between 158' date=' and 160 and thats been for 5 weeks now. i excersise, get my Water and Protein, keep track in my fitness pal etc. i was sleeved on 11/19 at 201, hw 212, cw 159 (as of this morning) i am 4'10. my goal is 110. i am 4 months out. any advice girls? or consulation? ive already increased water, protein and some calories, as well as excersise.[/quote']

    Stick with it. Surely the stall will break. I know that must be frustrating. Think of it this way, you're giving your skin time to adjust. Trying to look on the bright side.

  9. Thanks everyone. I packed up two contractor bags full of stuff. I think I'm going to do like the last time and let them sit for a week or o before I take them to god will. The time between packing and getting rid of helped me detach. I'm also going to stop by a couple of local consignment shops to see how they work. I KNOW I have many items that should be able to sell. Thanks for that suggestion.

  10. Just finished my second closet purge and I'm really struggling with it - again. I got through it once and I'll get through this one but I'm having such a hard time giving away my things. Even though I was fat I had some really nice things. Since I'm still in the phase were you blow through sizes each month I've been reluctant to buy nice things bc I don't want to waste my money. First world problems, right? :)

    I'm no longer plus size and yet I'm scared to go into a regular store bc I feel like I'm going to get the "what are YOU doing in here?" look. My mind just isn't keeping up with my body!

    I know I can't move forward without letting go of the past, but gosh this is all happening so fast.

  11. I didn't want children, don't like them, and didn't really have any mothering instincts. I now have a 7 yo daughter by choice.

    When I turned 32 I had been married for 8 years and was successful in my career. Hubby (special Ed teacher) didn't want kids either. I had a moment where I asked myself, what if I'm supposed to be a mom? What if there are lessons I'm supposed to learn in this life that I can only learn from being a mom? I told my husband that I was having my iud removed and we would see what happens. A baby girl happened 2 months later.

    She is the best thing that has happened to me. I have indeed learned many lessons - the most important one is to control what I say. I grew a compassionate heart that I didn't have before. I am a mom now, but I will not have more. Whatever I'm supposed to learn and experience I will do so with this one child.

    Had I never had kids I would have been happy, fulfilled and fine though. You know what's right for you.

    Had I not had a child I would have picked a small relative to 'adopt' so that I'd have someone to check on me when I'm old though. My daughters godfather isn't going to have kids and I've told her for years that she's going to need to look after mommy, daddy and him when we're all old. She is pretty much his kid too and I've taught her that just as we are responsible for her now she will be responsible for us later (not financially).

  12. Nov. 5th surgery. Starting weight 292; surgery weight 280. Today's weight: 217.4. I'm 5'10".

    I've noticed over the last 2-3 months that I have a week where I lose like .8 lb. another 2 weeks where I lose 1.5 lbs and then a week where I lose >5 lbs. No real stall yet.

    My hair is really falling out and I now have bat wings. I dropped out of plus sizes and had a near panic attack as a result! Waiting for my brain to catch up with my body.

  13. I'm 12 weeks out and while I still have hunger it's now bearable. Now it feels like normal, "you should probably eat" hunger, not that ravenous, "I'm going to gnaw off my hand if I don't get something to eat NOW!" feeling that I initially had. That was the worst and it was real. I was taking a PPI and that didn't help at that time. I think it all calmed down somewhere around week 5 or 6.

    Now I can feel hunger and still wait literally hours wo eating. Note that I don't do that on purpose, just that it has happened at work or another situation where I didn't plan my meals well and bring something with me. I share it only to say that the hunger has settled enough that it has actually happened. I couldn't imagine it when I was only a month post op.

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