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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SeriouslyChange

  1. SeriouslyChange

    My insensitive coworker

    I think I'm just not going to talk about it. The only reason the topic came up is because all the women are on diets and I was pretty open about being Sleeved from day 1. I got the whole "it's the easy, quick way out" I just haven't run into someone like this in so long. Usually when I say I dropped 100 pounds, people are like "oh" or "congrats!" But not "that's a whole person! 2 kids! Like 10 infants!!!" I'll just let it go. For now.
  2. SeriouslyChange

    Talking about sex too soon? DATING

    Hi, I met this amazing guy online and we've been talking non stop for about.... A week now? He would start texting me at 8 am and we'd go to bed around 3 am. My question is: Sex. When is it too early to speak about it? The topic was brought up, and so I rolled with it. I am pretty open about my sexuality, but I am now left with the feeling that this may just be about sex and that I ruined a potentially good, no great relationship by answering these questions too early. We have spoken on 2 occasions about sex. It dominated our first 3 hour phone conversation, taking up at least one of those hours towards the end. Opinions please, I'm meeting him face to face on Friday, and I really want this to work. Thanks.
  3. SeriouslyChange


    Yup! You can mix it in anything!
  4. SeriouslyChange


    Up cal D is a powder. It's pretty good stuff, calcium citrate + vitamin d
  5. SeriouslyChange

    Nutrician drink that's worked for me

    I bought the moringa powder on amazon by Global Moringa for $19.48. Got here in like 4-5 days. I've taken it for 2 days, haven't noticed much yet, I did end up feeling strange for the first hour after taking it. But I feel fine now. It did go through my system quick, when I went to the restroom, it was green.... Lol
  6. SeriouslyChange

    Nutrician drink that's worked for me

    Moringa tastes like ass, any suggestions as far as what to mix it with?
  7. SeriouslyChange

    I want to know honest calorie intake

    I'm 4.5 months and eat 700-1000 calories a day
  8. SeriouslyChange

    salad post op

    My nut had me wait 6-8 weeks for a taste of veggie! I waited around 5-6 to be honest. Lol, I would have killed someone for some lettuce back then! But even now, I find myself thinking "Protein first" and I don't eat much else other than my protein.
  9. It is hard to change from one day to another. We didn't gain all this weight overnight. Try to eat Protein only. What helps me is making snack bags to carry with me when on the go. Then I have something to eat. If you cheat, eat just a taste, not the whole plate. Don't deny yourself because you'll over indulge. But don't allow yourself to binge either. It's a fine line to walk.
  10. SeriouslyChange

    Nutrician drink that's worked for me

    Looking into this right now! If it can save my hair, I'll try it!!!
  11. SeriouslyChange

    9 month checkup, 116 lb loss, pics

    I hope I look that amazing at 9 months!
  12. SeriouslyChange

    Talking about sex too soon? DATING

    It went well. And then not so well. Long story short: I ended up alone. He doesn't talk to me and his friend that professed his love one drunken night and ruined what I had with the guy, told me that he didnt want to settle with someone who looks like me when he could have someone so much better. Lesson learned: I'm still a blimp, but a baby blimp compared to the humongous blimp I was, and guys will just want to f*ck me and not settle into a relationship. Huge blow to my ego, but I kind of needed it in a way. I was getting an over inflated head as to how I look (I'm down 70 post op, 100 including preop) and I'm over here thinking I'm a super model when the reality is: I'm a 5'4 size 18 apple shape. I am soft and squishy, have no shape, my hair is falling out, and I have acne. I have loose skin, and wearing nicer looking outfits doesn't disguise any of this. The reality: I'm a work in progress. Plain and simple. It really did hurt my feelings. All of my friends who haven't seen me in 6 months are just like OMG! You look AMAZING!!!! And I really believed it. I've never seen a fat person looking back at me in the mirror even when I was 300+ pounds. But I am still the fat friend. And I am still token fat girl when I go out. The crazy thing: I love my roll. My belly roll I mean. I'll honestly be sad when it's gone. Surprisingly, I still talk to his friend a lot. As rude as his comment was, he is making a positive impact in my life. I feel more hopeful than ever for a better future. And for that, I am happy. I think for now I am going to stay single and focus on me. Love will come eventually. I don't want to settle with just anyone because I am so desperate for a relationship. I want to find someone who loves me for me and loves my body, loose skin n all. I'm sure that there's someone out there for me, and I'm willing to wait to find them
  13. I take 5000 daily but have upped it to 10000 Mine is by a company called superior source. They make sublingual tablets
  14. SeriouslyChange


    What are you eating?
  15. SeriouslyChange

    I did a BaD BAd thing

    I will eat something not so great: crackers. And then I'll eat cheese with the crackers. Then I laugh at myself when I start thinking that I'm binging, pre-sleeve, I would eat a box of ritz and a pound of cheese. 10 crackers and 2 slices of cheese isn't too bad. Always cracks me up, but I just don't let it happen often. We all have slips, and we can all learn from those slip ups.
  16. I am also 4 months out. I eat when I feel hungry and until I'm full. I on average hit between 800-1000 calories per day.
  17. It's a result of the trauma from surgery. I'm thinning a lot too... Good thing: it grows back. It just sucks now. Cheap route - take Biotin supplements. It'll help it grow back faster
  18. SeriouslyChange

    Can i eat this!

    The egg will keep you full longer than the bread. Try to eat proteins, usually meats, first. And if there is room and you're not full, add the bread. Try half a slice at first and go from there
  19. SeriouslyChange

    Can i eat this!

    I don't think you should be eating that much bread in one sitting. Maybe 2 eggs and half a slice of toast, eat the eggs first, chew well. If there is room left and you're not full, have the toast slowly
  20. SeriouslyChange

    Can i eat this!

    I can't eat 2 slices of toast and I'm 4 months out. Please be more specific.
  21. Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone loses at a different pace. I was down on myself for a long time because I would do that but I like where I am now
  22. My best friend at work who was also a fellow big girl, we were the only 2 big girls in our store, was like this. It destroyed our friendship. She was jealous and I didn't give a crap. She made so many negative comments and would always make fun of me for eating an egg for lunch, I just had enough. We don't talk anymore and I quit my job. Real friends are supportive. My other friend was the only one who was on board as soon as I told her. Came to see me at the hospital, and when we went dancing this past weekend, complimented my decision to be sleeved. She has said nothing but nice things, though it is awkward when we eat out lol she is proud of me for putting my health first. I'm not as afraid to tell people my story anymore. Surprisingly I'm not as embarrassed and I don't give a crap what people think. Love my sleeve
  23. SeriouslyChange

    Inner Thighs - Ick!

    Are you pushing this product? This is the second thread you've pushed it on. My Pink Wink, like other bleaching products, does not cure the cause for the darkness. It simply masks it.
  24. SeriouslyChange

    Darkening Of Skin

    No matter what you use, if you have acanthosis nigricans, it will come back. Weight loss is the only true cure
  25. SeriouslyChange


    When were you sleeved? When in doubt about a leak, contact your surgeon. It's better to have a false alarm than to be too late...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
