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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SeriouslyChange

  1. SeriouslyChange

    Dont be a tough guy - take your meds

    Maybe email your PCP or your surgeon? Ask about alternatives to Advil for pain. You should be okay to take basic OTC pain relief Tylenol.
  2. SeriouslyChange

    Incentive Spirometer

    I had them put on me after surgery, they were attached to the bed, but I didn't like those either. Lol, it was hard enough getting out of bed without trying to wrestle the leg compressors off too. After almost wetting myself a few times because I was moving too slow I just left them off. They gave me multiple shots of heparin though and those I didn't say no to.
  3. SeriouslyChange


    You start spitting it back up. I have issues with that to this day lol. If you're not paying attention and swallow big chunks of food, you'll have them come back up your throat. Not in a throw up way, just in a spit up way? Hard to explain. How I know I can't tolerate foods: I feel like **** about 10 minutes afterwards. I feel out of it, kind of like being high. Not a good feeling. Then again, it doesn't happen with many foods for me.
  4. SeriouslyChange

    Incentive Spirometer

    I forgot mine at the hospital. Oops... I didn't realize that we could take it with us, I honestly forgot all about it when packing to leave the hospital.
  5. SeriouslyChange

    Valentines Day Challenge!

    I haven't been using the spread sheet, but I'm 2 pounds under my goal as well. Yay for v day!
  6. SeriouslyChange

    Do you bruise easily now?

    I'm 11 weeks. It's so strangle, I mean, I know where they came from, I was working on my car, but I've never bruised easily. So it's strange to me that all of a sudden I'm bruising left and right. Anemia is the last thing I need but I haven't been great about the Iron so maybe that's it
  7. SeriouslyChange

    hello im 23 and need some support

    I'm interested as well
  8. SeriouslyChange

    Do you bruise easily now?

    I sent my doctor pictures of the bruise progression and he's at a loss but says he's looking into it. Kinda freaks me out, everyone thinks I am getting abused or something. They're all on my forearms.
  9. SeriouslyChange


    I can take about 1oz gulps. But I don't think I'll be able to chug a whole bottle of water or anything like that. I can do about 2-3 gulps and wait a minute or two, and another 2-3 gulps. It's easier to sip
  10. SeriouslyChange

    Support needed, 5 days post op!

    Stay optimistic. It sucks very early on, I'll be honest with you. You're eating tiny portions. Vitamins are gross. You'll start to really feel normal again between a weeks 6-8. It's when you can usually add in solids and then you start to realize that this isn't a life long diet. It's a lifestyle change. I'm 11 weeks? food doesn't taste the same anymore. I use to be a carb LOVER. I could do 2-3 pounds of Pasta to myself in a day or 2. I haven't touched pasta since pre op. I've had a small bit of rice but I don't crave it the way I use to. You'll feel serious restriction when you get to the solids phase. Just stay positive, measure your body, and see that this really works. I never thought that I'd lose as much as I have so far. I haven't weighed myself in 2 weeks but I'm down 50+ for sure. Don't become a slave to the scale. See how differently clothes fit. There's an app called see me get fit. You can update your weight and add photos. I usually do 1 face, each arm, and full body. It's great motivation when you're down. I don't see my loss. But those pictures side by side, it's obvious how much I've lost.
  11. SeriouslyChange

    How much was your out of pocket?!?

    My out of pocket total including all preop appointments was: around 300-400 I have an ***.
  12. My suggestion to your stall: get a tape measure and measure yourself. I stalled as well but m body kept changing. Don't worry too much about knowing when you are full. Measure your food and eat slowly. Chew well. You'll get your groove down. I'm still at a bit of a loss on the fullness thing. NUT says it takes time to learn and not to worry.
  13. SeriouslyChange

    Alchol 4 weeks post

    Try a sip from a friends wine. See how it feels going down. If you're okay, go for your own glass. If not, wait. I tried drinking at 4 weeks and it burned so bad. 6 weeks out I tried again... And I enjoyed a good couple of drinks. You may still be too tender but try just a sip at first
  14. SeriouslyChange

    Wanting to leave my SO?

    Hi, I'm post op a little over 2 weeks. Before surgery. I had lived with my SO for 5 years. we had good and bad times. For the past 2 weeks while recovering, i stayed with my parents. And surprisingly, I really enjoyed it. The issue now is, what should I do? My relationship has been so painful for me and he tends to not treat me well. I know I should leave. I should have left years ago. My issue is: what do I say? I'm 23,I haven't lived at home since I was 19. I find that though I just came back to my SOs house, I am constantly thinking about my family. The environment was better for me there than it is here. Any advice? I promised myself that I would change my life around when I got my sleeve. And my feelings for my SO have changed so much. Thanks.
  15. SeriouslyChange

    100% covered with Kaiser

    The copay depends on your plan. Pre op my bmi was over 50 and I have sleep apnea. I paid 100 for surgery. Then again, I didn't have to do Options. Just like other insurance, some plans cover Bariatric surgery, some do not.
  16. SeriouslyChange


    Don't be shy about asking questions in group. I dominated the questions in my group of 10. I wanted to know about my contact lenses, my period, if I would be able to charge my phone, the soap i could shower with post op, etc. not very helpful to everyone else, but it helped me a lot. Plus it encourages others to ask questions as well as many people are shy about it too.
  17. SeriouslyChange

    Be honest....

    I had my "pig out/stress binge" before I got my date. I was eating everything in sight. After I got my date it was such a slap in the face wake up call. This was really happening. And I got my ass in gear.
  18. SeriouslyChange

    alright tough guys - how long to recover?

    I was in the hospital 3 days and 2 nights. I felt ready to go back to work by days 7-10. Went back on day 16. Felt good to get out of the house
  19. SeriouslyChange

    i have question about frozen yogurt

    You could freeze some Greek yogurt
  20. SeriouslyChange

    Stress eating

    I have many problems and find myself eating to help cope. Nothing seriously bad, worse thing I had so far was half of a single serving of mango sorbet. I'm concerned because, for example, today I had to call out of work due to car trouble. My boss chewed me out, and as she was yelling I found myself in the kitchen grabbing 2 oz of meat and a bag of cheese. Polished off 2 oz of meat an about an ounce or 2 of cheese. It will be considered Breakfast, but it shouldn't have happened while I was getting yelled at. This isn't the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last. What do you do to help cope with stress eating? I'm almost 3 months out and I just can't deal.
  21. I know I'm dehydrated and have been since day 1. I don't get enough Fluid in. How do I know when it's at the point that I should go to the hospital. Given that I'm asking, that says a lot about how bad it probably is. But I just want to be sure because unless I'm admitted, and my copay is waived, I can't afford to just go for nothing. Thanks!
  22. SeriouslyChange

    Dehydration and when to go to the hospital

    No IV or anything, just wasted time.
  23. SeriouslyChange

    Dehydration and when to go to the hospital

    So ER told me to go to my PCP. PCP Says drink water. Done.
  24. SeriouslyChange

    Dehydration and when to go to the hospital

    Sitting in the ER. Waiting for fluids. I'm even worse today than yesterday
  25. SeriouslyChange

    Dehydration and when to go to the hospital

    I'm in about 50 oz. I may just wait until I'm off work. I'm sure if I talk to my parents, they'll help me but I'm sure to get a lecture about letting myself get to this point. Not that I don't deserve it. Thanks for all the responses guys. I really appreciate it

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