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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by loseitsoon

  1. I will so join you. After spending the winter in the land of eating out (FL) I have gained 7 lbs????. We are on our way home now and will begin eating the sleeve way. Protein, Water and only healthy carbs. The one good thing about Florida is I get so much exercise there, walking, golf, yoga, and swimming. I will really have to work on that at home as I hate cold weather, let's hope for a warm spring and summer.

  2. Bayougirlsc, I have always wanted a flat tummy, after working so hard to lose the weight it was my reward. I had also had many surgeries in the past so I really wasn't worried about complications, I guess should have. As you can see I did have a lot of overhanging skin that I have always hated. My husband couldn't figure out why I wanted this so badly, he thought I should have had my arm or breasts done, it anything, he was just so happy that the weight was off. The first time we saw the results I cried, he said, he got it a that moment why I wanted the Tummy Tuck. Still love the results.

  3. I'm not sure we can name doctors but mine was from Troy, MI. I had my surgery at Beaumont Hospital Troy. I can't say enough good things about this hospital. After they figured out my problem I had 3-4 nurses with me at all times with consent monitoring for about 4 hours until I had my next surgery. There are many good plastic surgeons on Big Beaver in Troy. Make sure you have it done in a hospital. Good luck to you.

  4. Like you Queen of Crop I am 5'3 started at 211 and lost 81lbs. I am almost 65. I had a lot of lose skin but it covered up pretty good with clothes. Yes you really do need to wear the compression garmet. I really didn't go out of the house for 3 weeks. I had lots of bruising and was very sore. You can not stand up straight for 2-4 weeks. It really did mess up my summer last year. I wore a lighter panty girdle for at least 5 months. It really helps with the swelling. I would be 2-3 inches bigger all around in the evening. I always felt better when I had it on. Some doctors don't believe in them but I think most make you wear some kind of garment. I read realself.com alot during this time. They are full of imformation. If you need more pictures send me a message. You sould be fine if done in a hospital. You will have a nice scar forever. Don't know if that would be a problem at one of your balls? Good luck

  5. It's been a long time since I have been on here. I had my sleeve on January 9, 2013 and reached my goal of losing 81 lbs in 11 months. I am now 3-4 lbs over that and I have been struggling to lose those few lbs. I am eating about 1,100 to 1,400 calories a day. I know I have to get back on the program of fewer carbs and fewer calories. I got a fitbit a few months ago and that has really helped me get my 10,000 to 18,000 steps in a day. I lost a lot of hair in the first year. It has grown back now but the funny thing is my once straight hair is now curly! Has anyone heard of this happening? I had my vitimins done again at 2 years and I was way over my vitimin B's, so I am not taking any right now. I guess I am getting enough from real food. Everything else was fine.

    Last June 6 months after I reached goal I had a Tummy Tuck. It was done in a hospital in Michigan. The surgery went well and I was back in my room but was growing very weak. They discovered I had interal bleeding. So they rushed me back into surgery and I was bleeding all over interally. They fixed this and I still needed to have 2 blood transfusions before I started feeling better. I spent an extra day in the hospital. They can not figure out why this happened to me. I don't think and no one else thinks it was anything the doctor did. I have had lots of extensive work blood done and everything is normal. I have had my other surgeries with no problems. I wasn't taking any meds at the time. I am only thankful that I chose to have my surgery in a hospital. Since I live almost an hour from the hospital I don't know that I would have made it. I can only recommend that anyone having plastics or any other surgery have it in a hospital. If you are in a surgical center and don't live nearby I would stay in a hotel overnight.

    I love my tummy now. The surgeon did a wonderful job. Never in my life have I ever had a flat stomach. My scar is nice and flat and even around. I had a normal recovery after I got home. It was not an easy recovery, not a lot of pain but very uncomforable. I wore a compression garment for a few months and a light panty girdle for a few more. He removed about 4.5 lbs of excess skin and fat. Would I do it again? As much as I love it I'm not sure it was worth almost dying over and scaring my family. Think long a hard if this is something you really want to do afterall it is elective surgery.

    I am so happy to have had my sleeve, I am so my happier and healthier now. My husband is a happy man too!




  6. After getting two quotes. One for $10,015 done as an outpatient. The other for $9,118. done in a hospital and staying overnight. I choose to go with the overnight in a hospital. I like both doctors but I like the lower price and will feel safer having it done in a hospital. I'm getting mine June 5 and can't wait. Will do some pictures when I can.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
