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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by maharet111

  1. Thanks Everyone and Gman..I agree with you. I am perfectly happy with what and how I am eating, I am still losing weight and my bloodwork is spectacular. I just hate this one size fits all approach she was trying to give me and make me feel as if I am doing it all wrong. I seriously felt like I was in grade school being lectured and I hated that feeling.

    I love you all! Which I don't say often enough :)

  2. So I went for my six month visit with what I thought would be the doctor and it turned out he had to go to some meeting so it ended up being his PA. I am 6 months out, down 60 pounds and I feel great. When i was talking with the PA and I was telling her my diet and how I have increased my Protein intake and caloric intake as I have been working out hard and I am also not one who loses weight when their calories are super low. I have adopted a much more primal diet and cut out a lot of sugar etc.

    So this PA proceeds to tell me I don't need 120 grams of Protein a day and that I shouldn't be drinking a Protein shake after working out and that my calories should be under 1,000 calories a day. I felt like a child being scolded and I could feel my blood pressure rising as she sat there and talked.

    I have done a lot of research and talked to a number of people about the eating plan that works for me. All this PA kept telling me was that I am trying to follow a diet that is for people who are entering body building competitions which I disagree with. I am following an eating plan that is clean but yet provides me with the essential calories to get through my day and my workouts. I use the protein and the complex carbs to fuel me and to repair muscles etc.

    Has anyone else gotten this type of feedback from their doctor etc? I don't disagree there are things I could do like sub in Turkey bacon for regular bacon etc., but if I would do the things she wanted I would be back on a diet of less than 800 calories a day with 60 to 70 grams of protein and this is where I felt tired and run down. I understand the honeymoon phase is over but I have been struggling with feeling like I broke my sleeve, when i was perfectly happy with my diet and loss etc. Now I feel like a bit fat failure.

  3. From what I have watched on TV..I would wait a bit longer to really participate fully in all out contact. You definitely want your sleeve line to be fully healed and for me I was still feeling the internal stitches pulling until around 6 weeks. It wasn't until then that I felt healed. Although the other part of this is..you are going to be tired after the surgery with the nutrition restriction etc, so keep that in mind as you plan your return to the ring!

    The excess skin is a crap shoot..age, genetics etc..all play a part.

  4. I'm the same way with pulled pork. Why of all things does my stomach not like pulled pork? It's on the list of high Protein meats...but it rebels every time I try. I haven't learned to stop trying in the last 10 months. I keep hoping one day it will decide it likes it after all.

    Steak for me...doesnt matter what cut or how done...one bite and I am sick

  5. One day, maybe just maybe, you will even enjoy the soreness you feel after a workout! I know that's pushing it but you never know it could happen. :)

    A really good stretch you can do with your hubs is to lay on your back, keep on leg straight on the floor. Lift the other leg straight up against his chest (he is kneeling on the floor facing you) and have him push it forward. I LOVE this stretch, you should feel it in the back of your legs and glutes. Breath while you are stretching and you will get a better stretch. Usually when it starts to hurt we want to stop breathing and tense up if you breath through it you will stretch farther.

    Also, stretch your arms and chest. You are probably going to feel soreness there tomorrow from being tense while you were riding.

    Ok, I'm done now! :)

    This is called the rower's stretch and this is BY far my favorite stretch. I do it with Bands at my trainers.

    Great Job Laura! Let me know if you need any extra padding for those shorts, my jiggly butt has plenty :P

  6. I just read that my local recreation center will begin offering Yoga soon. I am like THE most unflexible person with two left feet..so I am a bit afraid to try. But I do remember a time in my life when I could do backbends and backwalkovers..so I would love to get back to that point :)

  7. I hired a personal trainer to teach me how to strength train and to keep me honest. The best damn money I have ever spent. He corrects me on my form so I get the most from my workouts and yet pushes my ass to harder and harder workouts!

  8. Excellent!! I think you will enjoy these workouts. They are short, yet very effective. You do not need the book to understand the DVD workouts. Mark Lauren explains every exercise very nicely on the DVD in plain English in very simple terms. I have the book as discovered it before the DVD. It is a good resource to build new workouts with many more body weight exercises not in the DVD workouts. I enjoy the DVD workout also because of the high production values and the fact the Mark even struggles a little on the advanced workouts. :) His form is also very precise and impeccable. It was a delight to do the workouts and I am going to return to them in the future after doing some other programs. Since you have been working out awhile, you may find the novice workouts too easy and will want to go through them pretty quickly. I spent an average of 4 weeks on each level of workouts. My favorite exercises are in the advanced workout and include star jumpers, jumping lunges and bouncy push ups. Good luck and do do let me know if you ever have questions about these exercises. Happy to help!!

    Thanks Fiddle! I got a yoga mat too but didn't see anything else that I would need for this. It comes tomorrow, I can't wait!!!

  9. Isereno.....i had mine tested back in the Spring at a local university. They have an obesity/health center there and have three different methods of testing and i did all three including the Water submersion one......which was quite interesting. The fee for all of it was $30. I plan to do it BEFORE the holidays. :)

    I just looked this up too based on you saying you found it at a local university and I also found one! I have the WW scale too but not sure how accurate it is so it would be nice to know. But on the other hand once I know I might be so sick over it I get obsessed..like weighing myself every day!

  10. I get tired just listening to Butter and Fiddle :P

    I work out with a trainer 2 days a week and do Water aerobics 4 days a week. I usually take Tuesdays and Sundays off but I have a dog so I also get 2 to 3 miles of walking in a day with her. I don't count that as exercise..it is sniff sniff walk with her.

    I am thinking of getting those You are your own gym DVD's. I am also toying with the idea of increasing my sessions to an hour with the trainer. I am just afraid I won't be able to complete an hour haha!

  11. I am glad you gave up the stuff! I definitely admire and respect your spirit to be the best and I have learned SOOOO much from you and Butter, Around, Mark! etc., that I think it is safe to say we want you around for the long run. I mean who else is going to get why I am pumped about increasing weights on Deadlifts?!?!!

    Not to mention that crap probably shrinks your man parts..yes I did go there..thought we could all use a laugh :)

  12. Once I accepted that I wasn't going to lose 120 pounds in 5 months, I actually started feeling much better! Remember..it is just a number, take pleasure in the other little things that the 1 to 2 pound a month or a week or whatever it is loss allows you. Such as..fitting on a ride, crossing your legs, shopping in a regular size store.

    For me..I just got my bloodwork back for my 6 month anniversary and for the first time in at least 10 years..my Lipid panel is completely normal!!! I was so pumped..no drugs, no lecture from the doctor lol, just plain exercise and diet. I have reduced my risk of heart disease and a whole host of future complications. I revel in that despite the fact that I didn't lose a pound in July. It is all perspective and we all know I am not a fan of being a slave to the scale! Now if my scale looked like Hugh Jackman, that might a different story :P

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