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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by maharet111

  1. maharet111


    LOL I do feel MUCH better having gotten that off my chest.. Now if only my boobies would deflate as quickly
  2. maharet111


    /rant on This has nothing to do with this thread but I am posting in here because I think I have reached my limit of bullshit posts the last several days, and the denial comment was spot on!!! If I see one more post of "I ate what I want, it is okay if you do" and they have lost 90 pounds in 3 months, or the "I don't know why I am fat, I ate healthy", or the "I don't exercise and I lost 100 pounds in 2 months", I MAY JUST PUNCH A b***h!!!! /rant off phew that felt good..carry on..nothing to see here
  3. maharet111

    So is SEX better now?

    I guess then I am confused on why you elected to have surgery. Thinking your body was not going to change as a result of weight loss is not realistic I know you wish it came off in other places but you can't control that..no one can.
  4. maharet111


    I like the Special K Protein Cereal...I sometimes eat that before a workout session with my trainer.
  5. Honestly I had no issues with the whole process and the staff at St. Vincents was wonderful. I will be following Dr. Meir wherever he goes but I haven't been able to find him. He told me that was an option when I saw him shortly before he left. Can you go to him where ever his new practice is? Is that an option?
  6. maharet111

    Surgery tomorrow June 18!

    Good Luck!!!!
  7. maharet111

    Chubby Girl Mind

    My favorite panty has become the Tanga panty..shows off the "ASSETS" nicely!
  8. maharet111

    So is SEX better now?

    You need to get out of your own head girlie!!!! We are our own worst critics..every day our bodies are undergoing such an amazing transformation and yes I know sometimes it is hard to think of yourself as "being thin" or "looking good" but you have to start somewhere!!! This is going to sound so freaking off the wall but I have been building myself a positive reinforcement fortress...so like I have sticky notes on my mirror saying things like "You are beautiful" or "Keep up the great work" or on my fridge that say.."Do you really want that crap you are about to put in your mouth". I also do a mental kind of exercise in bed before I go to sleep..where I visualize a part of my body and like mentally admire it.. Before you go running to call the white coat guys..just try it..we are are own worst critics but something a therapist taught me is that we are also our best and most awesome cheerleaders. It is all perspective.
  9. maharet111

    So is SEX better now?

    For me it is a combination of both. Physically I am able to do more, go longer, have better flexibility..but my self confidence is through the roof. Especially seeing the effect I have on my boyfriend with a pair of sexy panties or a pretty bra. My body is my body..he loved it before I had the surgery and he loves it after. He actually makes a point of kissing and rubbing my scars to let me know that he loves them as part of me. Don't hide it..they are your reminder that you will not go back to the way you were. Ancient warriors used to mark themselves before going into battle or after battle with the number of kills they made..yes I know this is a bit of an extreme reference but this is a battle for me everyday..pound for pound..all the blood, sweat and tears I go through. I wear my scars like that...
  10. I had Doctor Meir...and have not yet been back for my 6 month appointment. Dr. Hassan has taken over this practice but I haven't heard anything about them either way. I also thought it was a woman Has your patient advocate talked to you about this change? Given you references etc?
  11. maharet111

    Exercise question for the VETS

    Please no one take this with any offense..but every time I see I have lost XX pounds without exercising I want to seriously like punch kittens! /rant off *Meow*
  12. You know I was wondering the same thing. I am watching it right now..she doesn't look much thinner than the reunion show. But I don't know how they tape these things if there is like a break or something. I am also a Housewives of OC junkie DAMNIT!
  13. Okay..I am going to divulge what prompted me to research and sign up for this lifechanging decision..if anyone laughs I will hunt you down!!! I have gained and lost the same 100 pounds my whole damn life..done nutrisystem, weight watchers, phentermine, you name it. I am a secret Housewives of New Jersey junkie..*hangs head in shame*..when I saw on the reunion show last year how awesome Lauren looked with her Lap Band..I was like wow, maybe this might be an answer! So I went to a seminar but ended up deciding on the sleeve. Best decision I have ever made..I was 238 at that time.
  14. maharet111

    Weight loss slowed after beginning exercise

    Do what I do.. go shopping and just try on clothes Then you will see the difference in the inches.
  15. Honestly I think we should sticky Fiddles and Hky's posts about this. I have learned a ton from them on these topics. Might be a good source for people to refer back to. Just my two cents
  16. maharet111

    So is SEX better now?

    Sex is freaking amazing now!!! My boyfriend and I have always had a very healthy sex life but since the surgery I have been out of control with my libido. Not to mention oh my god the positions, the multiple orgasms and the hours..yes I said hours of sex. And the lingerie!!!
  17. maharet111

    Husband Spying on Me

    What the hell kind of synthetic drug do you make with a cheese grater and strainer.
  18. So I am not going to lie I find the idea that women are not allowed to post in the man's room and vice versa a bit silly. We are all grown adults and considering the forum's aren't private I am not sure why the restriction on the cross posting, but whatever. So what if there was a unisex forum where if people want men's and women's opinions you can get them! Or just lift the restriction Just my two cents!
  19. Those are great sites! Thanks!!! I have been working with a trainer two days a week and I can definitely tell a difference in my measurements, but the scale doesn't move as quickly for me..but you know I am okay with that. I like how much stronger I feel. Yesterday I helped my brother move from his third floor apartment to his new home from noon until 8pm. I helped carry and lift his bed, dresser, dining room table etc. My UP band recorded over 20,000 steps. I was exhausted at the end of the day but damnit I climbed those 3 flights more times than I cared to count. I could have NEVER done that almost 50 pounds and no muscles ago!!!
  20. 12 weeks down and 38 pounds...averages to over 3 pounds a week and almost 50% of your excess weight loss... Now think about those numbers and ask yourself that again Besides..I am a big advocate of there is no "normal"..there only is what there is. Everyone is different!
  21. maharet111

    Daily workout.

    I used to live there!!!!! Does Starnes BBQ still exist?!?! I personally am a fan of Water aerobics..great workout, easy on the joints etc.! It isn't for everyone, but I highly encourage you to look into hiring a personal trainer. For me, I had no idea how to lift weights or go about strengthening my core or do all the things that go into strength training and doing it safely. I love working with my trainer and it is the best money I have spent. I go twice a week for 30 minutes. He also kicks my ass!
  22. maharet111

    The 5:2 diet

    I have a question for this though..how much Protein do you average on the days you fast? On my normal days I am getting in around 1100 calories and over 100grams of protein..but I do have to do it with at least one shake on those days. On the days you fast with only 500 calories..what is your average protein intake? over 60? over 70?
  23. maharet111

    sex after surgery

    I agree with the smaller comment. I don't think that it is smaller versus I have been building muscles in my core etc. But sex is better than ever and you better damn well believe I count it as Cardio!
  24. maharet111

    what to eat before working out?

    My trainer told me something small with carbs in it about a half hour before working out. So I usually do half an apple with 1 tbsp almond butter. When I go home I drink a Protein shake that I make with Water and not milk. He told me that some of the protein mixes are already derived from dairy so if you make the shake with milk instead of water you aren't getting that recovery and rebuild muscle protein you need. Instead it turns into a casein protein which is the longer lasting extended release. All I know is I need a damn degree in biology and macro nutrition to understand this all! Everyone is so different!
  25. maharet111

    sex after surgery

    Just save the crazy sex swing stuff until your internal stitches heal..then it is ON!!!!

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