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Posts posted by Decembersleever

  1. Thanks for the encouragement. It is nice to hear when I am a week away from my surgery!

    Atlchick - try not to listen to all the negatives. I got lost in that trap a few times. You are making a life changing decision - it won't always be easy but it will be worth it. Patience is key. Be good to yourself.

  2. Hello everyone

    I haven't posted in quite awhile. I've achieved my goal and wanted to say a few things to anyone out there who needs a boost.

    Was it worth it?

    Absolutely. I paid for my surgery myself and its the best money I have ever spent. I had my surgery on 12/26/2012. A christmas present to myself. I'm 9 months out and have lost 101 pounds. People are now telling me that I am "too thin" and need to stop losing. I've never had that problem before. I personally think I look fine - I'm happy where I'm at and really don't mind the 2 pounds up and down that still happen.

    Did I have any complications?

    I developed some seriously painful acid reflux in about month 7. Did everything the Dr. told me to and still had issues. A friend suggested eating a couple of crackers before bed and that finally worked. My crackers travel with me if I'm going anywhere overnight. Other than that - I haven't had any issues whatsoever.

    hair loss

    I took Biotin faithfully and doubled up on the doses. I used Biotin/Collagen Shampoo. It may have slowed it down but I still lost hair. I'm not bald - but definitely had some thin hair. No one noticed but me and my hairdresser.

    How did I lose 101 pounds?

    I followed the plan. If I had an off day I shrugged it off and started over the next day. The weight came off - sometimes 3 pounds a week and sometimes 1/2 a pound in two weeks. I weighed myself every Friday morning. That was my incentive to not go crazy over the weekend. I set reasonable goals for myself and when I got to them - I rewarded myself with a new pair of workout pants or new tennis shoes.


    Oh yes - lots of them. longest one was 8 weeks. I stressed, I exercised more, I drank more Water, I amped the carbs, I upped my calories, I reduced my calories, stood on my head ....... still had stalls. I finally learned to keep doing what I was doing and eventually the weight starting coming off again.

    How have I changed?

    I went from a size 24 to a size 8. From a XXL top to a medium. Size 9 shoes to size 8 (that was surprising to me!) Everything else got smaller too. I have lots of energy and go up and down 4 flights of stairs without getting winded. I can walk 5 miles and still have enough energy to walk 5 more. My skin is a bit flabby but I'm working on that. The walking is helping to tone my legs. I hadn't planned on wearing any bikini's so I'm ok with my stomach being flabby. It actually isn't as bad as I thought it would be. My chicken wings are the worst. I'm just going to have to live with them. I have no regrets and I'd rather be flabby thin than overweight puffy.

    If anyone is having second thoughts - I can tell you it's worth it. Your life will change - but in the best way possible.

    Good luck to everyone and if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer what I can.

  3. Great accomplishment! It's a life changer isn't it? I was at the gym last night and made it all the way through the TRX circuit without stopping. I didn't realize I was doing it until the trainer high fived me at the end. This is a HUGE accomplishment for me and I literally cried. I've come so far. I hope to get to my goal of 100 pounds lost by the end of my first year.

  4. Hello everyone - I haven't logged on in awhile because I was getting a bit discouraged at how much the weight loss slowed down. I'm right at 5 months out and would say that I have settled into a rut. I upped my daily calories because I was really stuck in a stall for quite a few weeks. I had honestly reached the point where I figured I was done losing weight. I started at 257 and I'm down to 190 today. That's 67 pounds in 5 months and I know I couldn't have lost that on my own.

    I'm happy with where I'm at but I'd still like to lose the last 33. I'm giving myself until the end of December 2013 to do that and it's achievable. That's about 5 pounds a month and I can do that!!! The gym is my enemy and I force myself to go at least 4 times a week. Looking for other ways to get cardio and toning in. The gym is boring to me. I recently upped my calories from 800 to 1200 daily and actually lost 3 more pounds (I'm a believer now!).

    I can eat most anything - just in much smaller portions. I have started losing my hair but I knew it was coming so I was prepared. It's not coming out in handfuls - I just notice a lot more in the bottom of the shower. It's a small price to pay for how I look today. I was in a size 24 pant and 2XL tops (really more comfortable in a 3XL but my body ignored that logic). I'm now in a size 16 (loose) pant and a large top. I've replaced my wardrobe completely including shoes. I had no idea my feet would shrink too. I've lost LOTS of inches - but don't know how many because I haven't done a comparison lately.

    At the end of the day I made a great decision. Insurance would not approve so I paid 100% of all costs myself. It has been worth every cent. I have energy I never had before and I'm a happier person. So if you are on the bubble trying to make a decision - I say go for it. You are worth it.

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