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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jujubeesmama

  1. I am 7 months out. I have lost 100 lbs total, 87 since surgery. I am at my goal which is 165, my bigger goal would have been 152, to a healthy BMI.I know we are supposed to wait until 1 year out but I am dying to have a baby. I could care less about being skinny, I just wanted to be healthy and feel good, which I do. I have PCOS so trying to concieve may be difficult. Has anyones dr ever cleared them to start trying sooner? Or was their dr mad that they got pregnant too early? I need something to convince me that its a bad idea if it is?

  2. First of all to those who are mad that I said what I did, get over it. I read millions of posts about how recovery is so easy. It fooled me big time. That's what I meant. I want calling anyone a liar. But truth be told most do not post on here about their bad, and now I can see why. As for me, I write that in the hospital. I am doing pretty well now and I am very happy. And just because I was in pain does not mean my surgeon sucked. I won't be posting on here again because quite frankly I don't need to be scolded for my opinion or be made to feel like my experience is less valid. Those who are pre OP have a right to know both sides and that being in pain after is normal. I am not one of a few who experience pain. Just because there are multiple posts about it being easy, this is not a valid nor scientific representation.

  3. I am in the hospital , day after surgery. This had been the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. A million times west than child birth. Please be seater that recovery is painful. Dr said mine went perfect. It only took an hour an 15. Since I got out of the operation I have thought u did I do this to myself when will this pain end. When will I be able to take a few sops without dry heaving so intense that it feels like my inside a are being ripped out. I'm hoping a well will pad and I'll start too feel better. I am not trying to talk anyone out of this I just want people top be prepared.

  4. I just wanted to let everyone know, if you have BCBS FEDERAL do not worry!!! I am 255 a BMI of 41.5 I think? Something close to that. I have only been at this weight for a year, which I had no documentation of. I had it documented about 6 months ago at 245 BMI 40. Previously I was pregnant and they do not accept that weight. Prior to that I bounced up and down with BMI between 35 to 40. My doctor did not write a letter of medical necessity. He REFUSED to. He provided my weights, and a script for evaluation for bariatric surgery. Which I am pretty sure his nurses wrote, and otherwise he would not have done it for me. I had MILD sleep apnea, very mild, and was never fitted for CPAP because I do not need one. I was approved over the phone!!! The office coordinator told me that the insurance co asked if I was morbidly obese for two years. She said "well her weights were such and such... " Insurance co said "okay well she was still class I obese so I say that qualifies". CRAZY! All the worrying and crying for nothing. I had told myself that if I am not supposed to have it, then it wont work out. To be honest the office coordinator was not confident that I would be approved. Well here we go! January 16th I will officially be sleeved. Goodbye fat me! Goodbye bra strap fat, goodbye belly, goodbye exhaustion, goodbye aching knees, goodbye back and hip pain. Wow I just realized that I really do have some health issues that will be going away....

  5. I initially went to my primary Dr about two months ago.he talked me out of surgery while in his office. The moment I walked out I burst into years because I knee I wanted this surgery. I called the office and told them I am moving forward. I need a letter signed by him and my chatted weight. They jerked me around for a month. Today the receptionist tells me that doc doesn't think its the best option for me and that he doesn't see why he had to sign of f that these surgeon should. I was irate. I am going in today to plead with him at 4. I would appreciate any good vibes or prayers or pleasant thoughts my way. I don't know what I am going too do. I want another baby and I won't be able to get pregnant without it. I have pcos and probably sleep apnea according to my test. I need this.

  6. I know that you can't "bring on" sleep apnea. I was just wondering if anyone had been in a similar situation, or knew certain things that aggravated sleep apnea. I know you can have mild moderate or severe sleep apnea. And actually, it can be brought on by certain things, or made much more severe. My pulmonary doctor told me that i may have had it during pregnancy, but not now. That the anesthesia may make it much worse, and they needed to be prepared, thus the sleep study.

  7. I know this might sound awful.. But my insurance needs two years morbid obesity. I am now and have been for a year and a half but no record of it. I was recommended for a study but Ian wondering if anyone knows what might make apnea worse for the night. Please don't judge me. I know apnea is serious but I need this diagnosis for a Co morbidity. If anyone had any tips like Benadryl or something please let me know.

  8. I am getting extremely nervous. I am 255 with no comorbidities as of yet. I have a sleep study on december 8th. If I have sleep apnea I will be golden for insurance approval but otherwise I might be screwed. My BMI is 41.9 right now. They want two years history of morbid obesity. I do NOT have this, because in the past two years I was pregnant and supposedly this does not count. Before that, I was only 215. To make matters worse, I was 250 after I gave birth but have no record of this. That would give me a 17 month history if I actually had it on record. I am so concerned about this. Before, the coordinnator acted like it was no problem. Now, they are acting as though it might be a problem. I have polycystic ovarian syndrom too, but I dont think its going to count for anything. Anyone have a similar problem? Are they really strict with this? Also, My grandmother mentioned that pretty much anyone who goes in for a sleep study gets diagnosed with sleep apnea. What are your experiences with this?

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