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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jsrico

  1. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I know you guys are probably looking at my ticker and saying....hello 56 lbs lost....that was from my highest weight starting in January of this year....since banding I have lost 43 lbs.!! Sandra 255h/242s/199c/165g
  2. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I shoot for 8 lbs a month...(seems reasonable)...I usually hit 10 or more a month. So hopefully by the end of September I will hit 50 lbs lost. I have 34 lbs till goal...my goal weight is 165. That was my college weight...before kids. Highschool I weighed about 140-150 so I figured 165 puts me at about a size 11-12...I am 5'7 so I would be happy there, but like I said 150 would be icing on the cake!!! LOL!!! We are all doing great!! Sandra
  3. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I finally was able to get a one of those darn tickers!!! LOL!!!
  4. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Raysbabe,.....all I can say is WOW!!! I think I have hit a plateau or maybe I am crazy. First week since I was banded that I have had NO weight loss!!! I knew it would happen eventually....and I can deal.....I hope. I need to take my own words of advise and pump up the water, protein, and the exercise. I have missed my period again....I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. This is the second period I've missed since banding....and I have always been so regular. Do you guys think I should be worried and call my OB/GYN?? Now I did hear from the grape vine that if you loose a certain amount of body fat to quickly you will miss periods. Has anyone heard that before??? Sandra 255h/242s/199c/165g
  5. I have a 6 yrs old daughter and a 10 year old son! They actually went to the seminar w/ me. They had seen me struggle w/ my weight and doing different diets. I told them I wanted to be healthy so I could do stuff with them. I didnt want to be fat momma! Well they were both very scared the day of my surgery....just nervous because hospitals are scary. After surgery they were both so helpfull...my tummy was real sore so I had a hard time getting out of bed or off the couch so my son would give me a boost. They have been awsome. Like I have gotten food stuck and ended up throwing up because I forget and dont chew good. Well they remind me....they both will say..."Mom small bites and chew alot or else". When we go out to eat...they say Mom can you eat that???? or if they see me get up real fast...they say oooohhh no is it stuck?? So they keep me on track....I told them the rules of lap band.....and they will not let me forget them or break them. When I hit onederland last Satarday 199 pounds I was sooooo excited that when I came out of the bathroom they said are you in onederland yet mom??? I said yes...I finally made it....and they both hugged me and started jumping up in down saying Mommy is in onederland...Yea Mommy!!!!! Then my husband got home and as soon as he opened the door they ran over and told him. I felt so accomplished and there support means the world to me! My kids watch BIg Medicne and Doctor 90210...so they know a little about it.....so the other day they ask me "Mom are you gonna have to have a tummy tuck ?" I said well you guys look at my tummy and tell me....they did and diagnosed me as YES...too much loose skin. LOL!!! So they know thats next!!! LOL Sandra 255h/242s/199c/165g
  6. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    HEy.....nobody has posted today....whats up with every body!!! We are the A-MAY-ZING BANDSTERS!!! Well I am back up a pound from 199 to 200.....so I am down in the dumps. Also I am late for TOM...I should of started last week!!!!! Pleas nobody say that I am PG!!!
  7. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    HEy.....nobody has posted today....whats up with every body!!! We are the A-MAY-ZING BANDSTERS!!!
  8. jsrico

    Countdown to Onederland!

    Clynnc, Hey...thanks!!! I feel GREAT, WONDERFUL!!!!! I was banded by Dr. Spivak on May 22, 2007. I try to eat a lot or protein and drink lots of water or at least my 64 oz of water every day. In the morning 7 am I drink a 22 grams of protein shake....then around 9 I have cup of coffee from Starbucks no latte just plain coffee w/ half/half and I eat these two small short bread cookies...takes me all morning to finish them. Now this is my rountine from Monday - Friday. Then for lunch I have PROTEIN....very little carbs. About 3x a week I will have these beans from a barbque place...its a little cup of chopped beef, then barbque sause then barbque beans and then cheese on top, and then more sause. Makes it all moist and goes down easy...so protein, protein and more protein....its a small cup maybe 6 ounces or less! I drink water all day after that. Dinner is tough...because I gotta cook for the family, so I have tuna w/ a boiled egg....or some cottage cheese. If I make fish I will have that and some veggies sometimes I am not hungry at all so I will have another protein shake. After dinner I take a 3 mile walk 4 days a week and I do weight lifting 3 days a week. I only use 1 hour a day to work out!!! I have not hit 50 lbs yet, but I am close.....I started at 242 and now I am 199....so thats 43 lbs lost!!! Now the weekend I never loose weight...I dont drink all my water, but I do walk on Satarday and then weight lift on Sunday. I will have a cheeseburger hold the bun or some buffalo wings...I am pretty bad on the weekend because we are always out doing stuff. I hope I have been helpfull!!!! Sandra 255h/242s/199c/165g
  9. jsrico

    Countdown to Onederland!

    Stacy, I did it!!!! I weighed in this morning at 199. I checked it 3 times...and I didnt even stip down to naked. I figured it would be a couple more days till I would get there, but nope I made it.....after the weigh in's I sat on the toilet and cried....my 3 big dogs came over and started licking my legs. LOL!!! Congrats Stacey!!! If I knew how to do all that pretty stuff on my post I would too!!!! YEA!!!! Sandra 255h/242s/199c/165g
  10. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I finally hit ONE-DER-LAND!! I didnt think I was going to make it for a couple of more days...I had gainned a pound and then TOM is coming soon. I cant believe it....I weighed 3 times.....I usally stip down to naked, but I figured that it would have not changed so I just weighed w/ a tshirt and some shorts. I love the band!!!!!! Well after the offical weigh in I sat on the toilet as my 3 big dogs licked my legs. My husband worked late so he is still asleep....I soooooo want to wake him to tell him, So you guys are the first to know!!!! I am headed to the beach w/ my kids...last weekend of summer break for them. Sandra 255h/242s/199c/165g
  11. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

  12. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Melissa....congrats on the job!! Metalband....wow you are doing awsome!! Macysgranny....you can do it!!! I ususal post a whole bunch but I've been kinda in a crappy mood! I think its PMS...I am due for TOM in a couple of days. I usually do not have PMS but for some reason I dont feel like myself these last couple of days. Scale has read 201 since wednesday so I am up a lb. UUUUGGGGG!! Well hope ya all have great weekend...I am talking my kids to the beach for the weekend ....I think I need some sun! Sandra 255h/242s/201c/165g
  13. jsrico

    Countdown to Onederland!

    I usual post all the time....but I have it my so called plateu!!!!! UUUUGGG!! I gainned a pound so now I am at 201!! I am waiting for TOM any day now so that may be the problem. So I am not going to panic YET!! Hope all of you have a great weekend!! Sandra 255h/242s/201c/165g
  14. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I went to go see my doc yesterday...since I have been lifting weights I have had a lot of pressure in my port. They said everything was fine but I am not convinced. Does anyone know how you test to see if your port is flipped????? The scale is not being nice....even w/ me doing liquids for almost 2 days I have gainned a pound. I am not worried because TOM is almost here. NSV.....my DH has this bench that he does incline sit up on....but I have to sit on the end because he will flip over w/ bench and all. Well I sit there and count for him.....and I have been doing this for months for him. Well yesterday I sat there like I always do....and the bench kept trying to flip over as he did his sit ups......I was too light!!!! Can you guys believe that!!!! LOL!!! He gave up and got on the floor to do his sit ups!!! LOL!!! Sandra 255h/242s/201c/165g
  15. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I just called my doc and he said I irritated it so liquids and cold for 24 hours. I will do that....I hate vomiting. I am sure that I will be in ONE-DER-LAND in the next couple of days with a liquid diet. Melissa, Heard anything from the interview??? Sandra 255h/242s/200c/165g
  16. jsrico

    Self pay loans

    Try your local credit union or your bank. My bank gave me the loan and they just zap the payement right out of my bank account!!! Best investment I ever made. Sandra 255h/242s/200c/165g
  17. jsrico

    100 lbs I did it !!!!!!!!!!

    CHRIS WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its been a little over three months and you have lost 100 lbs. Wow!!!!!!! Hell I thought I was doing good, I was banded on May 22, 2007 and I have lost 42 lbs...I feel great, but you probably feel amazing!!! Congrats on all your hard work!!!! Tell me your secret...I have to be down about another 40 lbs by December. I got a bridesmaid dress that doesnt fit yet for Decemeber!! Sandra 255h/242s/200c/165g
  18. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I keep thinking I need a fill....since I only got a little one the first and only time!!! I guess I dont if I keep loosing.....right??? I got sick for lunch so I skipped dinner and had a protein shake, this morning I tried eggs and got sick, for lunch beans got sick. What the HECK is going on here. Do you think I irrated my stomach????? I am worried now....three meals gone. Weazer...thanks and you right it feels great but almost not real. Like a dream that those numbers are actually on my scale!!! LOL Sandra 255h/242s/200c/165g
  19. jsrico

    100 lbs I did it !!!!!!!!!!

    CHRIS, When werer you banded 5/29/07 or 2006??? That is awsome!!!!! I would be on the roof tops screaming too!! Sandra 255h/242s/200c/165g
  20. jsrico

    Countdown to Onederland!

    WEIGHED IN AT 200 THIS MORNING!!! ALMOST THERE!!!!! CANT WAIT!!! I bet you are all sick of me posting every single pound that I loose!!!! Cant help it I am a compulsive weigher!!! Sandra 255h/242s/200c/165g
  21. jsrico

    Countdown to Onederland!

  22. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Ragdoll, It has been super hard.......my husband leaves at 4 a.m. so going to the gym in the morning is impossilbe. He gets out of work after 5 pm...but doesnt get home till after 6 or even around seven. So I am left w/ picking up the kids from day care. First does your gym have a day care???? That works for some people...but for me no....my gym is too far from where my kids are. So this is what I do.....I get home and I change in to my work out clothes and put on my sneakers...that motivates me and I am ready to get it done. I always have dinner planned out so I know exactly what I am goona cook instead of standing in front of the fridge taking time to figure it out. LOL!! When every one is eating and by that time my husband is home I head out. Either I go walk 3 miles or I go ride my bike for an hour....or I head to the gym. I give my self one hour. I do this 4 times a week. The results have been great but it is a BIG sacrifice. How old are you kids??? I take them w/ me if I go walk or ride my bike....still give me time w/ them. Sandra 255h/242s/200c/165g
  23. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I weighed in this morning at 200 lbs......I kinda am in disbelief....seems like all the sudden the weight is coming off faster. I am not compaining......I got sick yesterday during lunch didnt chew very well...then this morning I had a egg and it got stuck so got sick again. I dont get sick every day but at least 2 or 3 times a week. I have 4cc band and I got one fill back in June 1cc. Does anyone go through that...some days you can eat something and some days you just cant!!! Sandra 255h/242s/200c/165g
  24. jsrico

    Countdown to Onederland!

    Clynnc, Congrats!!! I know you can meet your goal!!!! I hope to be in ONEDERLAND by September 1st!!! Pray for me, and wish me luck....and I wish the same for you!!! My first goal was to be under 200 lbs by my kids birthday's wich are September 10th and September 16th!!! I am at 201...so help me Lord!! Sandra 255h/242s/201c/165g
  25. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Hey....I have a question for ALL of you!! Who is doing sit ups???????? I thought no abdomen work for 6 months!!! I added some weight lifting to my excersize and every time I lift I feel stuff pull in my port...my port is right in the middle about 1 1/2 to 2 inches below my bra. I am afraid to do sit ups....what do you guys think??? Sandra 255h/242s/201c/165g

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
