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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jsrico

  1. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    UUUGGGG the dress!!!! Well they had to order me a size 20 because the only other option was a 4 and 6. Since my original dress was tagged as a 16 but was actually a 9/10 there was no way I could get into that by December 8th! So I got the 20....they called about 2 weeks ago that the dress was in so I went in to try it on and pick it up. They asked me to try it on because they new I was going to need alterations. Guess what the sales girls said??? "YOU COULD OF JUST ORDERED A SIZE 16!" I could of just punched her in the face!!!!!!! Now I need about $75 worth of alterations to fix the darn cursed dress. I already paid 150 for the dress!! UUUGGG!!! So I am not happy!!! Sandra
  2. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Thank You all.....you guys are such a great support team!! Melissa, OMG!!! 10 more days!!! I am soooooo excited for you!!! My BFF is getting married on December 8th (remember the whole dress problems). I wish you all the best. Sandra
  3. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Thank you all for your concerns these last couple of weeks. I must say...that total unfill has made a huge difference in how I feel. I have been drinking water like crazy and am starting to feel like myself. I just hope I can go through this month without gainning any weight. That would soooo suck after all this. Sandra 255g/242s/177c/165g
  4. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    So basically I have a empty band!!! UUUUGGGG!!! I am afraid of whats to come!
  5. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Just got back from the Doctor's office. The PA took all my fill out....so I am back to square one. She was really worried about my dehydration and my kidneys. Made me drink a huge bottle of water before I left. No burping or hic ups. I am on a mushie diet for 3 days with NO protein...unless its a protein shake. I have irrated my stomach from all the throwing up so I have to chill.....no acidic foods, no coffee, no spicy foods, just yogurts, baby food, mashed potatoes and creamy soups. At this point she doesnt care if I have high calorie stuff....I put my body through starvation and she wants me to recover and feel better. She said in a couple of days my body is gonna want to EAT like a mad person but to try to use my head and make good choices. I am just glad I can drink.....I was soooo thirsty!!! Sandra 255g/242s/177c/165g
  6. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I am going back to the doctor today. I am still not able to drink or eat very much. What scares me is the not drinking....my back is starting to hurt I think it might be my kidneys. I try to drink but I start burping and then get the hic ups and it sounds like a stopped up sink. It gurgles on the way down. Food....I take two bites and then I got to go throw up. I thought I could handle it because I didnt feel bad, but NOW I feel bad. Sandra 255h/242s/177c/165g??
  7. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    So its been 12 days since my fill. I am down 13 lbs. I have sooo much restriction and I got a unfill last Monday. Yesterday I made myself a can of tuna and I didnt even finish half the can. That is all I could eat yesterday. Today....two bites of a baked potatoe and about 3 bites of a lentle soup. Water still fills like its hard going down. If I take a sip I burp and then get the hic ups right away and keep burping. I am not hungry thank God but I am just really tired not energy. Sandra 255h/242s/177c/165g
  8. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Macygranny, Try this give you your ideal weight according to your age and height and what the average person your age weighs. Let me know what you think. Better Ideal Weight Body Calculations
  9. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Macygranny, 165 puts me at slightly over weight....but probably a size 11/12. Which if fine with me because I am 5'7 tall. If I can get under 159 that puts me at Healthy weight. So I will take anything under 159. Its hard to figure out where your suppost to be. I was 140 all through High School and wore a size 8. Not sure if its realistic to try to be your high School weight after 16 yrs and 2 kids. Is it??? So they give you a local and then open you up at your port and flip it and restich it????
  10. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I wanted to know if anyone out there know how they fix a flipped port???? Do you have to have it done at the hospital???? Do you have to be put under anesthia or can you get a local??? Legster, I am 15lbs to my first goal weight!!!! I am going to push it to see if I can be there by Christmas.....lots of water, lots of protein and lots of excersize!!!!!! 165 is my first goal weight ust figured that was a good number for my Height I know that once I get there I will want to loose more so from there maybe 155 and then to 145. I guess I am not sure where to stop. Sandra 255g/242s/180c/165g??
  11. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Thanks guys for being concerned. Here it is Sunday evening and I just had a chance to get online. My husband has the flu, my 6 yr daughter had the flu, and my 10 yrs old son has the flu! UUUUGGGG! I think my 3 dogs even feel bad. Well and I of course feel like CRAP!! This fill has just kicked my butt!!!! I have had NO food since Tuesday, but I was able to drink after my fill on Wednesday, and Thursday was little bit of sips all day long of the same bottle of apple juice. Friday I was so busy at work that I didnt focus on drinking, but when I tried to have some Soup I threw up.....oh yea I also BP milk. liquids are going down to painful. I only have 2cc in a 4 cc band so I feel like I should be able to handle it....right???? So no food for 5 days now. I have been trying to drink little sips all weekend, but I have that horrible feeling of a golf ball in my chest. I start getting soooo desperate that I wish I would throw up so I could feel better. I did just eat a like three bites of ice cream...but I had to throw that up too. I guess I gotta make it to the doctor tomorrow. Then I get to be torchered I guess thats what I am most afraid of....my fills are hard. Well the only good thing is that I am NOT hungry. I weighed today thinking I had lost a couple of pounds. I have lost 10 since Wednesday. I just hope I dont get the flu! Sandra 255h/242s/180c/165g??
  12. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I had a fill on Wednesday.......today is Friday and I can bearly get even juice down. It took me al day to drink a bottle of juice and I didnt even finish it by last night. I have this golf ball feeling in my chest and when I swallow. I felt soooo bad yesterday that I went home early from work. I tried drinking coffee this morning but it doesnt feel right. I keep needing to burp. I feel like crap....well atleast I am not hungry! Sandra 255h/242s/187c/165g??
  13. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Macysgranny!!! You are doing great girl!!!! Keep it up!!!! You go girl!!! Mini, Spanx....you can get them at Lane Bryant. They even have them on QVC. They have all different kinds....so for I have the ones that are shorts and go up to your bra....they work great for anything. Try them!! Sandra 255h/242s/187c/165g??
  14. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Mini.....yep....above my belly button.....just way up at the top right under my bra. The prick of the needle isnt sooo bad its that my ribs are in the way now and they have to press down real hard on them. Hell they even made me cry....to be honest I have a high tolerance for pain. We all want to be skinny yesterday...we forget it takes time. I would love to be a goal by my one year anniversary, but if I am not I will just keep trying. I am sooooo much healthier and happier about myself now I wouldnt change a thing. Now off the subject................has anyone ever tried SPANX??? I bought a new outfit yesterday...size 14.....it was very clingy to my lumps and bumps. The sales girl suggested the shorts that go all the way to you bra. It's a miracle girdle.....doesnt hurt, doesnt ride up or down. I can bearly feel that I have it on. I look all trim and lump, and bump free...made a world of difference on thos love handles.!! Just FYI!!! Sandra 255h/242s/187c/165g???
  15. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Sue, My port is smack in the middle of my body.......right under my ribs. So they have to press down on my ribs now to get to my port. I think its because my ribs are sticking out now. It hurts sooooo bad though....feels like my ribs are going to break. I think I avoided a fill for a long time because of that. Mini, Thank you....sometimes I feel that I am just going sooooo slow. Then I look at the numbers and months since I was banded and I feel that things are coming along as they should. I have a lot of restriction.....I had trouble drinking milk last night. I am down to 187 this morning so it makes it all worth it. I just thank God that I am not hungry. You have lost 36 lbs...and are also doing awesome!!!! Keep up the good work! I am hoping to be at goal at least by May of 2008. Sandra 255h/242s/187c/165g???
  16. jsrico

    help...banded but no weigh loss

    Girl.....I didnt see any weight come off till all the gas was out of my body. I am sure the weight will start melting off very soon. Your body just went through surgery. Are you still doing liquids??? or mushies now??? I will start happening soon...be patient. Sandra 255h/242s/198c/165g
  17. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    First of all....Melissa I am sooooo sorry. I dont even know what to say. My brother commited suicide when he was 19...I was 22 at the time. It devistated are family and we have never been the same. Its been 11 years and the pain still feels the same. I had to go for my second fill today. It was complete torcher!! My port is smack in the middle right under my ribs. Its hard to get the needle in....I guess because I lost weight and my ribs are sticking out....bu my port is pointed towards my ribs....so I just layed there and cried....felt like my ribs where breaking. Well I think I got good restriction....my soup is going down SLOW!!! I just hope I can get back on the loosing side!! Sandra 255h/242s/189c/165g??
  18. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Macysgranny, Congrats!!!
  19. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Ragdollx19, I know exactly what you are feeling! I think one of the main reasons I got so big was because my husband always told me I looked good. He never once told me I was fat or big or anything in that desciption. I knew what the scale said and I knew the truth...just took me a while to realize that I wasnt ok! Sometimes we get back handed compliments! Just take them and let it go. The people that love you the most, will hurt you the most w/ words. Just remember that you are BETTER.....and will continue to feel better, look better every day!!! Sandra 255h/242s/189c/165g??
  20. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    UUUGGG......frustration has kicked in!!! The scale is hardely moving!! I have lost 2 lbs in 3 weeks!!!!! This is the first time I have hit this stage. I have only had one fill and that was back in June. So I think its time for a FILL. I have never been able to eat bread or rice or pasta. Well I have been testing the waters....and all of it goes down. NO PBing! I have 24 lbs to be at my "first" goal weight. Sandra 255h/242s/189c/165g??
  21. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Melissa, Girl...that is only a about a month away. How is the dress fitting now????? Just right...a little snug??? Well I went back to the bridal place and the dress was discontiued so all they had was a size 20. The dress I had was a 16...but my co-worker(S) who wear a 10 fit into it just fine. So now you know my frustration!! So I dont know if the dress was just tagged wrong....or the sizes vary that much, but remember I tried a size 22 a week before I was banded and it fit too big...and hell I have lost over 50 lbs since that....so I think the dress was just tagged wrong and know I will need a whole lot of alterations. Well regardless all they had left in that style dress was a size 4 , 6 or 20.....so the stupid size 20 dress will be here next week. We will just have to see if it work!! Cross your fingers.
  22. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    My son is making it....a lot pain, but only when he lies down or actually sits for long periods of time. They gave him Valium to be able sleep and relax. Well He has a fracture on the LS??? Then..they saw something on the other side so he had to have a Cat Scan yesterday. If that side is fractured too then he will need to wear a back brace for a couple of months. My poor baby got hit in the lower back w/ a helmet...so he has been walking around w/ a broken back. I feel horrible....my husband and I kept telling him to get tuff..and get over it. We thought it was a muscular thing. Live and Learn!! How far away is your wedding day???
  23. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Twinn Mommy, I will probably mail out your pants in the next couple of days. My life has been sooooo hectic....my 10 yr just broke his back in football. So we have been at the hospital. So dont give up...you will have some HOUSTON, TEXAS pants soon. To all....I have missed you all!!! You guys are such a inspiration. Just reading everyday makes me a better banded person. My scale has been cruel to me so far...I have hit a plataue for about two weeks....trying real hard to get it moving. I did go to Old Navy yesterday and was going to pick up a size 16 pant and my son said those are two big for you now MOM!!! So I got the 14'S thinking that they would be returned or put away for a later use. Well got home and found out they were the low rise!!! Which I never ever do low rise. Well they fit just fine......as long as I dont sit or bend down....because they are soooo low you could see stuff that you shouldnt when you are clothed!! LOL!! So they are being returned but not because they dont fit, but because I like pants that cover my crack when I sit down!!! LOL!! Sandra 255h/242s/190c/165g
  24. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I had a NSV this weekend. We live in Houston....home of the Houston Texans Football Team. Well we had an invite to go tailgating this weekend. My husband has a Texans Jersey, my son has a Texans Jersey. Well my daughter (age 6) and myself did not and we wanted all to represent!!!LOL!! So we stopped at Walmart....the adult womens jersey all they had was a size Small pink Texans Jersey so my daughter go that...it was big but it looked cute on her. They had no mens jersey's so I wan bummed that I was not going to get one. Well we happen to go by the boys section. They had jersey's....My DH said try on the boys XL. I said that is not going to fit.....well to my surprise it did. Perfect...so at the Texans tailgate Sunday I was wearing a little boys Jersey!!! LOL!!! My kids and husband were sooooo tickled....my DH kept saying you look sooooo good! My son said I am sooo jealous...I cant fit those...I had to get a mens!!! LOL Sandra 255h/242s/194c/165g
  25. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Twinn Mommy....just send me a private message with your address and I will send you some 20's and 18's...because I am sure that the 18 will be fitting just fine any day now. Sandra 255h/242s/194c/165g

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