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Everything posted by jsrico

  1. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I just feel so blessed! Like a second chance to live life to its fullest!!!! My husband has been great....he has gotten on a health kick and has lost some weight. I think he maybe a little jealous....we have several family members that keep telling him that I am getting too cute and that someone is going to steal me. Well ....all of the sudden he breaks out with that he wants another baby! I had totally shut out the idea of having more kids.....my kids now are 10 and 6 yrs. old and not to mention I will be 35 yrs old this year. He just never wanted more....and now thats all he can talk about. I finally feel like a normal person and he wants me to get fat again...because when I get knocked up I get as big as a house. I did or do want more kids,,,,but not sure what to do. I am so confused. Sandra 255h,242s/174c/165g
  2. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    on a more funny note.....I have always worn the Lane Bryant panties....hey they are comfy and dont ride up. Well lately when I sit down the panties slide down and when I get up I have to pull up my pants and my panties. Well just like all of you I have clothes, bra's, panties in all sizes. I had to give up my LB size 14 panties. So today is cute panty day!!!! LOL!!!! My husband saw me getting dressed this morning and said.....hey...who are those for???? I said just for me!!! LOL!! Sandra
  3. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Just wanted to share a "MOMENT" I had this morning. I get to work and put up my stuff, turn on computers then I walk across the street to Starbucks for my morning addiction. I usuall cross at the cross walk, but this morning there was some road construction so I had to cross in the middle of the street. Well on my way back same situation...but we have glass windows through out the building and I saw myself walking from across but didnt recongize myself. The closer I got I realized it was me.....I actually looked normal.....not a big girl....just tall and normal. I am not gonna say skinny...because I know I am not that, but I looked NORMAL. I am wearing a size Medium shirt today and my size 14 pants are falling off. I feel sooooo blessed. Sandra
  4. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Mantee...you look great....so handsome!!!! Twinn Mommy....way to go.....husband is gonna start getting jealous! Feel great I bet!
  5. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Where is everyone??? Thats unusual for us not to post something! Well I have nothing exciting to report except I got on the scale this morning and I was 179!!! What the heck is that all about....yesterday 174 today 179!!! Is the two bites of cheese cake I had on Sunday just kicking in or what! Well I am totally annoyed.....and I checked the scale 3 times!!! I have been good...despite my Sunday Cheesecake attack. Let me re-think this..... water....check excersize....check protein....check no junk food...check small portions....check Well maybe its a sign of good things to come......hey I am trying to be positive here. I DONT LIKE IT WHEN THE SCALE MOVES IN THE WRONG DIRECTION!!!! My pants were even tight this morning so I had to change into a more foregiving shirt!!! UGGGGGGGG!!! AAARRRRR....ok so I am not a pirate but you guys get the picture .....I am not happy! Sandra
  6. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Melissa, OMG...that sounds sooooo good. I am so proud of you....a couple of bites and it was good and enough. Hmmm..moderation....who would of known??? LOL!!! I really dont feel deprived...I feel like I can take a bite of everything and be happy with it. Manatee,.....WOW!! Thats all I can say WOW!!! You must feel great. A couple of days ago I was w/ my in-laws and we went out for dinner...well I was struggling w/ the menu.....everything w/ battered or fried or pasta!!! So I got soup and salad....my father-n-law said. You dont need to eat salad....your gonna be invisible pretty soon if you dont start eating. Well at first I thought he was being sarcastic about me being a big girl so my feeling were a little hurt....then my DH said you are starting to disapear. First time I feel like a normal person....not fat, not big, just normal healthy person. Great feeling!!!!
  7. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    annielkd, You are sooo right....in the past I would of sat down in front of the TV and had a slice...then it would of been so good I would of got up and had another slice and maybe some w/ dinner or hell even some with breakfast. Well things have sure changed!!!
  8. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Well my DH went and found a cheese cake w/ different toppings!!! My favorite is caramel and chocolate on it. Twin Mommy....I can NOT do regualr cake...has to be cheese cake because it goes down like butter!!!!LOL!!! I had a very small serving...I'm talking like 3 small bites. I got it out of my system and it tasted soooooo good! I have always been a desert freak!!!!!! Well got on the scale I didnt loose but I didnt gain either so I am happy. The good thing is that the cheese cake was small so there isnt much left at home. Sandra 255h/242s/174c/165g
  9. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I am just at home and I sent my husband out for cheese cake or chocolate cake or any kind of cake, but I told him not to come home till he found cake!!! I dont know if I am PMSing or hormonal or stressing but I WANT CAKE!!! I have not had a sweet attack in a long time. When he gets back I will try to just eat a couple of bites to get it out of my system. God help me. Sandra 255h/242s/174c/165g?
  10. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Well I have so much to report. I havent been on like I usually am for about 100 reasons. Well first the weight is just creeping off...I am down another pound....so as on this moring 174. I still feel big though! I would of that I would feel better at 174. Hard to explain! Sandra 255h/242s/174c/165g?
  11. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    A lot of family and friends have noticed that I eat different and thats why I am loosing weight. I choose not to tell my husbands family and a couple of friends because they would be very critical and a pain in the A$$ to deal with. Well some have noticed that I eat different than before and thats why I have lost weight......wich is fine w/ me. If I happen to be somewhere where I cant touch the food for fear of PB'ing or slimming I WONT touch it and be polite about it of course. Well yesterday was that situation and I swear everyone there was trying to force feed me!!!!! They made the ugliest coments to me....like "what you think you are too good to eat now" or "your not going to gain if you eat". Anywayz I had to sit an hold a plate of food I could not eat for a while!!!!!! Sandra
  12. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Manatee, OMG.....Congrats! You have reached 100 lbs lost! Your ROCK BABY!!! Sandra 255h/242s/175c/165g?
  13. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Twinn Mommy, I did get my new hair cut!!! I was actually just talking to my co-worker about my hair. The thinner I am the longer my hair gets and the bigger I am the shorter the hair do. LOL!!! So now its getting long again. Shopping is sooo much fun now, but I have to watch my budget.
  14. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Mini, Thats sweet....I still dont think I am slender though!!! 175 now is NOT the same as 175....8 yrs ago.
  15. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Twinn Mommy, I know exactly what you mean....just read back a couple of pages and I was saying the same exact thing. I have a suit case full of clothes that I can not quit fit into yet. I have been wearing a size 14 forever now and figured to try some other 12 and 14 that I have. Well they all fit but look horrible on me. I remember weighing 175 and wearing a very comfortable, cute looking 12. Its like your weight has shifted into places you cant seem to get rid of. Well atleast we are healthier...right? Sandra 255h/242s/175c/165g
  16. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Mini, I am 5'7. Why??
  17. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Weighed in this morning at 175 lbs. I feel like I should feel smaller, but I dont!! Did that make any sense????? I am 10 lbs from my goal weight...but I dont think I am going to be satisfied when I get there. I always told my self that if I could get to a size 12 I would be thrilled. I dont think I will be satisfied!!! Sandra 255h/242s/175c/165g
  18. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    I was told I should weith 130....I am 5'7 I would be nothing but skin and bones....I like having some bootty!! More cushion for the pushing!!! LOL!!!
  19. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Well I am just bummed!!! I dont know why....just down in the dumps for no reason. Maybe its PMS...but I never get cranky when TOM is coming or around or here!!! I have not been hungry at all these days. I had coffee for breakfast w/ my 2 small shortbread cookies and then a protein shake for lunch. I have no desire to eat. Every time I eat I PB or slime or thow up so I kind of have had it with that. I dont even have the energy for food right now!!! I never in a MILLION years thought I would say something like that....its crazy. Exersize is going good sitll trucking my 3 miles about 4 times a week. Doing my 200 sit ups every night before bed...and my weights for my arms....dinking my water. Weight is not coming off very fast now.....I am 176....but I am not complaining! Maybe I need to go shopping to cheer myself up...nice pair shoes always makes me feel good.....well I could of said a nice piece of chocolate cake makes me feel good!!!
  20. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Twin Mommy.....68 lbs lost is great!!! You are doing wonderful!! I can almost eat a can of tuna...but everyone is so different. I know I need a fill when I can get some bread, pasta, or bread down. Tuna is 6 oz....and I think thats what we are suppost to be able to eat at one sitting!!! Dawn.....you go girl....keep doing what your doing and before you know it those 100 lbs you have left will be gone!!!! Sandra, 255h/242s/177c/165g??
  21. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Manatee.....I am so glad you are doing better. That girgling, stopped sink feeling is horrible. Just take it easy!!! You will see progress soon. I finally got down another pound!! Yea me!!! Sandra 255h/242/177c/165g??
  22. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Mini....way to go girl!!! Tire of the water get some crystal light to change it up!!!
  23. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Manatee....how is it going today?? Mini??? Nothing going on here but a frozen scale!!!!!!! I got a family function tomorrow...and I wanted to be down 5 lbs.....but NO!!! Family functions (DH's family) always stress me out. Still 178.....I havent been eating much and when I do things get stuck so I have been throwing up a bit. Excersize if going good...water too. Maybe after TOM I will see some change on the scale!! Sandra 255h/242s/178c/165g??
  24. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Manatee, I meant to say that I got a tight fill and it was not pretty!!
  25. jsrico

    May 2007 Banders

    Manatee....be very carefull. I got full and it was not pretty. Take it easy for the next couple of days....clear liquids tonight and tomorrow and then soup and then mushies!!!! I dont want you mess up your fill....you are soooo close to goal!!!! Take care of yourself!!! Sandra 255h/242s/178c/ 165??

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