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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jsrico

  1. You go girl! Good Luck!
  2. jsrico

    Mexico Banders?

    OK guys....I am totally confused now! I had never thought about going to Mexico for this. Well my family is originally from Colombia, South America but I was born and raised here. I speak fluent Spanish. I just took out a loan of 13000,00 to pay my surgeon here for my lap band. Now I am wondering if I should go to Mexico....and save the rest of my money! I live in Texas...Mexico isnt to far from here. Should I look into it???
  3. jsrico

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Congrats on your Surgery date girl! I will find mine out tomorrow! I am not sure if it will be one at the end of May or I might be a June bandster!LOL!! I am starting to get anxious......I dont know how I am going to handle the liquid diet thing.....not to motivated for that. How is your brother doing???
  4. jsrico

    hi all

    Hi! So nice to meet ya! I am very close to having my lap band. I find out tomorrow my date. Any regrets??? I would love to keep in contact so we can support each other. I am hoping to be banded by next week. Please stay in touch.
  5. jsrico

    Another Newbie!

    OMG! You just had surgery 2 days ago. How do you feel??? How long were you in the hospital??? I am hoping I will have surgery at the end of May or June. Tell me how your doing??? Any regrets yet???
  6. jsrico

    GAY Bandsters

    I am sooooo happy that I have found all of you guys. Makes me feel like I have my own support system. Hopefully I will join you guys as one of the banded!!LOL
  7. jsrico

    Another Newbie!

    How do you get all the pretty stuff on your comments or replys??
  8. jsrico

    Another newbie

    Hello to all lap banders and all lap banders to be, My name is Sandra I am 33 yrs. old....from Houston, Texas. I have been on the road to getting a lap band for over a year now. I have been over weight most my life....but always was healthy. Well now I have it all...High blood pressue....knee pain and asthma. My highest weight has been 255...right now I am at 242. I did 5 months of Nutrisystem. I finally got financing for my lap band....found that out yesterday. Now I have to meet w/ my surgeon Dr. Spivak next wednesday, May 23. I wonder how long it takes after your consult and the money end of it is done. Anyone know??? Well I am very excited to get started. Thanks to all you guys you have all motivated me. I am a little nervouse....I have two kids....and all I can think now is that I dont want to die when I go under. I am sooooo ready not to be the "BIG ONE" in the family.....or have people tell me your sooooo pretty such a shame that you are so big. I think I have heard that all my life!! I will all updated on when they schedule my lap band. I was a little hesitant to tell some of my friends and family.....is that bad??? I did have someone tell me...that they knew someone that had lap band 8 months ago and all she lost so far was 20 lbs. Do lap bands actually fail???
  9. jsrico

    Newbie :)

    Ok.....you guys will be the first to know! I got my financing done! Wooooooweeeeeee!! I cant believe it!! I am sooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!! I have to go back to see Dr. Spivak since it has been a year since I started all this....so my appointment is May 23rd. How fast does this happen after you have the money part taken care of??? Does anyone know that???
  10. jsrico

    GAY Bandsters

    You will be the first to know......I got the loan for my lap band. So excited I wanted to cry. Know I have to go see Dr. Spivak on Wed. of next week and go from there. Everyone keep me in your prayers!
  11. jsrico

    GAY Bandsters

    Well 24 pounds lost is great....that was 2 months ago since you got banded. I wish I was there with you. No band yet...still trying to get the financing done. I just read everything here and want it sooo bad. I am 240 and miserable. Just want to get under 200 and I think I would be sooooooo happy w/ myself. Congrats on loosing the 24......I know you can do it.
  12. jsrico

    Newbie :)

    Well I am new here too.....I having been wishing to have the lap band for over a year now. First my insurance was going to pay for it....so I did all the required stuff. Bariatric Surgeon consult, seminar, then to a psychologist, blood work for thyroid.....the they decided it was no on my insurance plan. I was devistated. Right now I am trying to get financed...since I am self pay. My credit is awfull.....I made a lot of mistakes when I was younger...but have paid off all my bed debt. Well I fixed my credit to buy a house and now.....I have to much credit owed since I owe my house!! UUUUGGGG!!! So my boss is helping get the financing! Everyone cross your fingers and say a prayer. I have never wanted anything so bad. I want to start posting my progress!
  13. jsrico

    GAY Bandsters

    Just wanted to check up on your progress. So how is it going?? Any regrets??

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