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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SerendipityHappens

  1. SerendipityHappens

    sex after sleeve

    My doctor told me as soon as I wanted. I would have felt "ready" after four or so days, but I was staying at my sister's and my boyfriend was 300 miles away so I didn't do it until I was about two weeks out. As far as birth control, I don't use any or need any since my 41 year old eggs are all used up.. I know for most women even if they were previously infertile, they need to be careful after surgery because weight loss can resolve fertility issues.. but there isn't anything that can be done once your eggs are no longer viable.
  2. SerendipityHappens

    How old am I?

    Well you look quite a bit younger than I do so I'm going to guess 32?
  3. I'm in my 40s but I'll chime in anyway, Mine improved from diet! Prior to changing my diet my knees were in so much pain I could barely make it through a 7 hour shift. I could no longer close my hands all the way and I had given up crocheting because it was painful. After about a month of a wheat free diet, about 90% of my pain is gone. My hands are 100% pain free and I have complete range of motion in all digits... and my knees still have some aches but it's NOTHING like before.
  4. SerendipityHappens

    favorite NSV's/most anticipated NSV's

    Today's NSV... I crashed my bike and didn't get injured/killed. When I was 360 I was petrified of crashing because with all the force from my weight, I could get really injured from just a minor crash.. Today, I had a minor crash and was more worried about the bike than me... and we're BOTH fine!
  5. SerendipityHappens

    Liquid diet starts tomorrow!

    Awesome! Enjoy the process. I loved the preop phase... It was HARD but during my preop diet, I proved to myself that I could do this!
  6. SerendipityHappens

    Do you tell?

    I just started dating someone new recently. I am still on my weight loss journey. I told him that I had the surgery and that I'm still hoping to lose 50-90 more pounds. I explained this all on our third date when it became apparent that we were both interested in seeing each other exclusively and cultivating a relationship. If I was not in the process of still losing weight, I would not have felt that need to inform him of this so early on and would have just mentioned it when the subject came up naturally... like when showing him old pictures of if he asked me why I eat so little... but since my body is still changing, I thought it best to clue him in early just in case he was a chubby chaser, because the LAST thing I need is to get involved with someone who WANTS me to stay fat!
  7. SerendipityHappens

    Too tight? too short?

    It's only too tight and too short if you're in Saudi Arabia!.. otherwise, I'd say it's maybe a bit too loose.. you could go down a size and still look fantastic. I wear a spandex camisole from walmart and it's AWESOME under my t-shirts.. that way I can wear one that shows off my curves without showing off my bumps and rolls!
  8. SerendipityHappens

    High Cholesterol After the Sleeve

    Some people experience a temporary increase in cholesterol during rapid weightloss. Also your triglycerides may be a bit higher too since it's likely you're eating more meats and cheeses now. My triglycerides are actually in the normal range now rather than being off the charts low as previously.
  9. SerendipityHappens


    I actually just bought some today. I just bought the cheap microfiber fruit of the loom.. I got seven pair for ten dollars. I figure they're good for the transition period I'm in. I LIKE maidenform panties but I don't want to pay right now for them.... Personally I buy briefs because my lowerstomach is really wide and floppy and sticks out the legs of the high cut.. gross.. Can't wait to get that thing cut off..... then I'll be able to wear something with a high leg and/or low waist.
  10. So I'm starting a new relationship and am soooooooooooo self conscious that we have not even "done the deed" yet because I can't bring myself to expose my naked body! I've NEVER EVER EVER had this issue, At 360 pounds, men knew what they were getting when the clothes came off.. and my body looked like what they were hoping for.. somewhat full breasts, my skin was filled out, and relatively un-cottage cheese like... but now.. my thighs are wrinkly.. my belly is hanging lower than ever.. my breasts are more like breastcicles. I am so not used to this feeling.. I've always been an uninhibited "lights-on" kind of woman but now I'm like a fish out of Water. Just the thought of anyone seeing my nekkid body makes me want to vomit.. and that's not exactly sexy. Anyone go through this? Really it's bothering me a lot.
  11. SerendipityHappens

    Mexico Bariatric Center

    I went alone too. The driver picked me up at the airport and brought me right to the door. My Mexico coordinator Daniel, met me and helped me get checked in. Everyone was very helpful and I never had a moment's worry.
  12. SerendipityHappens

    Mexico Bariatric Center

    I went through MBC. Christy was my coordinator and Dr Valenzuela sleeved me. Fantastic experience. I have not a moment's hesitation to recommend Dr V. I healed great and my PCP is thrilled.
  13. SerendipityHappens

    Non believers

    As someone who tried very hard to force it for 35 years and feeling "less than" because of my "lack of faith" I couldn't agree more. I do not consider myself an atheist there may or may not be a higher power.... but I will never EVER again allow a religion dictate to me how I should feel, believe, act or treat others. There are some studies that suggest that belief in God is genetic. I think there might be something to it.. and that would definitely explain why I struggled so much with religion despite participating in all the indoctrination and genuinely wanting to believe it.
  14. SerendipityHappens

    If you still struggle afterwards, why do it?

    I'm six months out and yes it's a struggle even this early on, but for the first time in my life it's MANAGEABLE. I had gotten up to 360 pounds and managed to lose 20 and just stayed there even when I was putting in effort. I don't MIND making effort to lose weight as long as I don't feel like it's insurmountable. Having the surgery didn't make things easy for me.. but it did make it less hard!
  15. SerendipityHappens

    Pain lots or little?

    I had no pain.. just some discomfort. While in the hospital I did have some stomach spasms that stopped me in my tracks while walking.. but they were more shocking than anything... and they quickly passed. Now my gallbladder surgery I had several years ago was PAINFUL... I was in bed for over a week and I was absolutely miserable. For me VSG was a cakewalk compared to my gallbladder surgery.
  16. SerendipityHappens

    what is so bad about regular cheese?

    Yogurt can be a problem but is not always a problem.. if you're unsure, it's worth it to give it a shot.. different brands have different amounts of lactose.... or you can make it yourself and let it set for BF is lactose intolerant but never had a problem with the yogurt I make.
  17. SerendipityHappens

    I geel like I can eat too much...opinions

    My stomach held around the same as yours at six weeks. I had very little inflammation so my stomach was much closer to its "mature" size than many other sleevers. Also, I had a rather long stomach so it's just automatically going to be able to hold more since there's nothing they can do about the length. As for you not losing/gaining.. that's very normal.. you may even have an entire month with no loss.. stalls happen. They suck but it's all part of the process.
  18. SerendipityHappens

    Am I big enough?

    I tolerate my weight extremely well. At 40 years old I had no co-morbidities with a BMI of 60... so for me 199 would NOT be big enough for surgery. There are others who do not tolerate excess weight so well and for them, surgery may be an option. If your obesity is primarily stacked up around your middle and if you ARE trying to lose and struggling. then MAYBE... it's not about how hard you've tried, I'm sure you've tried countless times and failed just like the rest of us... it's about the benefits vs the risks.. For ME personally, at 199, No, the benefit of the surgery would NOT outweigh the risks.. but if you have a family history of weight related issues, or are prediabetic, etc.. then I'd consider it.
  19. SerendipityHappens

    Questions for women only

    My doctor told me as soon as I wanted it.. but that I should bear in mind that I shouldn't lift anything heavier than 15 pounds... I spent far too long speculating exactly WHAT type of sex he though I'd be having where I was lifting more than 15 pounds.... Anyway I resumed my activity after 2 weeks.. but that was just because I didn't return home to my bf until two weeks after surgery because I was staying with my sister.... If he had been around.. I would have felt great to resume relations after three or four days.
  20. SerendipityHappens


    I was cleared for popcorn at six weeks but didn't have any until a month or so ago. Now, I eat popcorn when I really want to indulge. It's a slider food BIG time for me so I don't make it a habit. I measure out the portion. (1/4 cup unpopped) and only make that amount. It's 300 calories when fixed the way I like it.... If you're not down with 300 calories, just the air-popped popcorn by itself is only 160 calories.. not bad at all.
  21. SerendipityHappens

    Indian tonight!

    That looks sooooo yummy! My sleeve LOVES Desi food... I cook something from the region at least weekly!
  22. SerendipityHappens

    Self concious of my nekkid body for the first time ever.....

    Thanks ladies. Turns out, I was worried about nothing. I'm still not 100% comfortable with myself like I was before but he didn't burn out his eyes with a red hot fire poker after gazing upon my nekkidness so it's all good.
  23. SerendipityHappens

    no drinking BEFORE meals?

    When you are newly sleeved they'll give you 15-30 minutes because it takes longer for the Water to go through because your sleeve still may be swollen.. Personally for me, water runs right through and pretty much always has! I stop drinking maybe 5 minutes before my meals and don't drink again until I'm thirsty (maybe an hour after)
  24. SerendipityHappens

    I am in the 200s!

    WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm so happy for you! I celebrated for like a week when I finally made it under 300!Fantastic job!
  25. SerendipityHappens

    what is so bad about regular cheese?

    If I'm doing very low carb I do regular cheese.. if I'm eating more carbs then I cut a bit of calories by selecting a cheese with less fat... full fat cheese is very calorie dense and even with the sleeve you can rack up a lot of calories from cheese if you're not careful.

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