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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *Dean*

  1. I'm keen but I might have to play this one by ear. Monday is my first shift at Argos, so I don't know if I'll be in a position to slink off!
  2. Mate you know me, I'm not going to dance around it - this sounds pretty serious. I think you need to speak to some medical professionals to help you get it sorted. You clearly know it's a problem by the way you speak about it, which is a good thing. You should be eating WAY more than 10 grapes a day by now. I'm a bit lost for words, but that doesn't mean I'm not worried or don't care. Keep us updated, Deano
  3. We're probably overdue for a Brisbane lunch catch up!
  4. Hi guys and welcome all the new people. Have been ridiculously flat out with work, which is why I haven't been around much. I've recently picked up a position at Task Force Argos and I start there on the 13th. So I've been bust wrapping up stuff where I am at the moment. I have mixed feelings about moving on, because I love the people I currently work with but after 5 years I'm ready for a new challenge. Congratulations to everyone's continued success and to everyone else's commitment to a healthier life. I've hit a little bit of a plateau I guess. I'm not stressing about it. I know with the calories I consume the weightloss will kick off again. I have days where I eat a little bit more than others but I know that is related to when I have big exercise days, so I'm not phased about that either. Have a great day, Deano
  5. *Dean*


    The closest thing I've had to fillet mignon in the outback is a kangaroo tail chucked on a camp fire!!
  6. Jog! There's NEVER any embarrassment in having a go. There will be embarrassment if you don't do the 5k now because we know about it! You will not be alone in doing a slow or very slow jog. Good luck!
  7. Think Pantene ........... it won't happen over night, but it will happen! It's one of those things we don't have control of. With everything else on this VSG journey we've had an element of control ie reward for effort. I'm really inconsistent with these thoughts. I've gone from 46 inch jeans to 32's. Sometimes I look at myself and think "You look phucking amazing dude" other times I think "how can you have lost all that weight and still look fat". I'm always picking up jeans / shorts / shirts THAT I OWN and think, you can't fit into that! I just laugh at myself now because it's happening less and less often. And before I never paid myself a compliment for how I looked, so I'm taking what I can get!
  8. I did CF for about 2 years pre op. Looking back I would have been almost always tail end charlie for most work outs. I can tell you I never left feeling like that. I'd leave feeling like I'd smashed a good work out, just like the person next to me.
  9. *Dean*


    My go to foods at any place I'm looking for seafood with a sauce on the side.
  10. *Dean*


    *runs in, moons the room, runs out*
  11. Mate Crossfit is a lot like this thread and starting running. Virtually everyone sucks at running when they first start, but like Crossfit it doesn't take long to start kicking some goals and making advances. EVERYONE at Crossfit is supportive and encouraging. These are just words until you see this community in action. Everyone at a Crossfit work out completes a version of the same work out. Lots of people have scaled versions, but everyone has scaled at some point. If there was one person who I thought would love Crossfit and would engage with it on this forum it would be you. Go and give it one week. I dare you!!
  12. Thanks Michele. I appreciate your kind words It's scary the number of (often girls) people who sexual assault / child sexual assault has affected. I think it's good as a community that people talk about what has happened to them. It's a bit like domestic violence. Years ago nobody spoke about it. There were no support agencies or refuges. If you heard it happening next door you ignored it because it wasn't your business. Times have changed. There's no shame in asking for help if you're a victim of domestic violence and there are a number of refuges and support agencies available. This isn't the case for victims of sex offences, particularly children. The more we talk about it, as unpalatable as it is, the bigger issue it becomes for Government and it's agencies. *steps down off soap box* Sorry, when the subject comes up, I can't help myself!
  13. You'll be fine! Congrats on trying something different and getting out of your comfort zone.
  14. *Dean*

    Lets talk about sex...

    Hopefully this is a turning point and your husband 'lifts his game' in that department. You have a really nice profile pic, maybe he's just not into good looking women?? In any case, if he doesn't starting playing the game I'm sure your area is on OTR's schedule ........
  15. *Dean*

    Guilt and what to do?

    It is everyone's personal decision what they tell people. I'm a completely open book. That's worked great for me. As far as the guilt you're feeling for me there is only 2 ways to make it go away - 1. Reconcile with yourself that you've done nothing wrong and haven't lied or 2. Tell them You have no control over the thoughts and opinions of someone else. Her opinion is her business, just like what you disclose to people is yours. Deano
  16. I'm made of fat atoms. You're made of fat atoms. Peace out peeps.
  17. Yeah but Fat's don't get previous Fat Fat's .......... or Australians. I'm cursed. Maybe I'll start a Fat, but previously Fat Fat and Australian Facebook group. Could be lonely.......
  18. Can we speak to the moderators about getting a sarcasm emoticon? I think I could put it to good use on some of these threads. Signed, Fat Fat, But not Fat Fat Fat or Fat
  19. based on your quick results so far, you will get there.
  20. Nobody understands us. I constantly feel judged for being fat fat but not fat fat fat or just fat. You know?
  21. Did a CrossFit session this morning. Part of the work out was a 500m row. I was really happy with my time I got 1 minute 51, which was the 3rd quickest time in the group. I'm loving this sleeve .......... PS - I'm new to Facebook. If any of you would like to be FB 'friends' PM me your FB name. I'd like that Have a good day, Deano

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