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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *Dean*

  1. Not in my adult life Misty! It's hard not to mark yourself against everyone around you (work, gym yadda yadda) I feel like I'm already blessed with a BMI of 27ish. I already feel and look healthier, stronger, faster than most people I meet / see / know. I dunno how I feel about comparing myself like that, but I can't help it. I am quite competitive! So because of that, I'm expecting that if I get to a BMI of 25 it might be a bit of an anticlimax? But I'm enjoying the journey
  2. Just updated my tickers. 8kgs away from goal / BMI of 25. How cool is that!!
  3. Hey guys, I'm back from some work in and about Cairns. Just read through the last few pages. Everyone is doing so great Sorry I missed today's lunch. I will get to another soon! Brendan, you will know when you're ready. I agree with your dietician, I knew I was ready to have a VSG - I had lost ALL optimism for losing weight traditionally. If you believe you can achieve the weightloss you're after, I'm sure you will.
  4. For me I found that the self conscious thinking about food changed over time. It changed to where I was self conscious but in a good way. Now when eating out or at social gatherings food isn't a huge priority and I don't even think about what other people 'might' think, or what a waiter 'might' think. I just do my thing.
  5. Feels good to be losing weight but not feeling deprived for the first time ever doesn't it?
  6. I like being 'one of them'
  7. I'm the same Kell. It doesn't take too long that you can make a reasonable dent in a small serving of something sleeve friendly. Like fish. I find I can usually fit in a restaurant size serving of fish, a bit of the salad / veg leaving the carbs.
  8. How about 'I've had weight loss surgery and I'd feel like a hypocrite drinking your product because it's part of the problem for many people'!! Maybe not so good for client relations
  9. I didn't start until 2 today - but I'm sure we've passed each other in the street!
  10. You're doing fantastically well Misty. Congrats!
  11. Misty I have some perfectionist traits and I'm a bit of a black and white thinker. For me, in the past, that was part of my problem. I was either being 'good' or being 'bad'. Now a make 95% good choices and I don't beat myself up about the 5%. Often I'm happy to on occasion indulge. Best advice I can give is to learn and improve every day on this journey there has to be some minor mistakes to learn from The old me used to say 'well you've ^%$ed today, you may as well go off the rails' or 'you've ^%$ed this week, you may as well go nuts' Taking a step back, what I've noticed is 'normal people' have occasional indulgences, planned or unplanned, then they modify what they eat the rest of the day, or following days accordingly ....... and they don't beat themselves up like I (used) to.
  12. George did my procedure. Fantastic at what he does.
  13. Yeah, give yourself a few days to get to know the machine and what a comfortable walk speed for you and a 'comfortable' jog speed........... I'm excited for you!
  14. That's awesome Laura! You've been a beach walker for a long time, I knew you'd enjoy it. Have you downloaded the C25K app??
  15. Thanks Kell Feels good to like the way you look for a change. I had two slabs of meat for arms for so long ...... now they're more like a bag of walnuts!
  16. Thanks Fiddle. I feel stronger, fitter, healthier, happier. It's amazing how resilient the human body is.
  17. Thanks mate. We've all been there for each other through this. I've appreciated having you in my corner
  18. My wife was laughing at me taking 'a selfie'
  19. Hey, Sleeved Nov 2012. SW 303 CW 202 About 22 pounds away from goal.
  20. *Dean*


    From the album: *Dean*

  21. *Dean*


    From the album: *Dean*

  22. That's a nice time to be baptised
  23. *Dean*

    Almost After

    From the album: Before and almost after

    Approx 6 months post op. 45 kilos gone. 10 to goal.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
