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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by insubordination

  1. NValicia, I didn't have attacks but I did get massive pain in my lower stomach. The doc pressed on the spot and I almost died and my stomach made funny noises. It was so bad that I was taking painkillers and took a few days off work. A partial unfill and liquids/mushies for two weeks fixed it up. Of course, it doesn't sound quite like your problem but don't hesitate in seeing that doctor.

    It's great to hear from you Janine. We have Bob and Jillian in the Australian biggest loser. I was just watching them today. Love 'em both but Jillian is my fave due to her no-nonsense approach. By the way, the best way I got through my post-op lapband pain was by comparing to my wisdom teeth removal (didn't go for the local). The wisdom teeth was by far more painful. I can still hear the crunching and the jaw creaking. I can't even imagine how much suffering you must have gone through with the complications.

    Missy, you are looking great. I must say it's an inspiration for me. Wow, you know you're doing well when your mother admits it.

  2. Not So BIG FRED

    Yabba Dabba Doooooooooooooooooooo! You legend!

    WELCOME TO TWOTERVILLE. You entered in such as grand fashion at 295.



    On another note. I might pike out on this month due to band issues (fills, unfills, liquids, mushies, chocolate and the like). I will keep a close eye on everybody's progress however. 3 people got there this month, I have my fingers crossed for the rest.

  3. Special K, that is a good strategy. Try weighing only when you go to the doctor's or the fluctuations will drive you crazy.

    I think we can all relate to 'being the biggest' everywhere we go but it's kind of disheartening when you are the biggest in the doctor's office. Rest assured, you are not the biggest person in the world. Not even close.

    I've lost 80 pounds and met with an old friend last night whom I hadn't seen since pre-banding and he didn't even notice, though he did ask me whether I'd had my haircut.

  4. Thanks for your kind words. I'm feeling much better now and am back at work. I hope you had a great birthday Rhonda.

    Stef, whine anytime. You've read ours often enough and give us loads of positivity and good advice in return. I hope everyone feels free to air their difficulties when they need to. I can vouch that it can really help a lot.

    Love you guys

    Ann (bet you all forgot my name)

    PS Regular June lurkers, I know you're out there and I love you guys too. You'd better post on your bandiversary!

  5. I had a fair bit of pain recently and the results of the barium said:

    The pouch above the band is considered to be generous in size and prominent. There are signs of tight restriction at the level of the band.

    My doc did a partial unfill and I have one week's liquids, one week's mushies. I sincerely hope this addressed the problem.

    I feel a bit embarrassed as, although I have good weight loss, maybe I have been cramming my pouch with too much food. I also drink with meals, which I ought to stop.

    Does anyone else have any experience with a stretched pouch?

  6. That is incredible Who'sYaDaddy. I'd be happy with 100 pounds in the first year and I don't even think I'll make that (I'm at -80 pounds with just over 2 months to go).

    I had a partial unfill today so I'd better post my weight loss now. Next month might not be so pretty so I will set my goal very low. I used to look enviously on this thread at people who weighed 264 so I'm pretty happy.

    I hope StaindGal and GloballyYours are OK. You are so close, I can smell it.

    Name................Starting........ Loss.......Current.....Goal......ToGo

    staindgal..............315.................8............307.........29 5........12

    MrJumbles............288................4.2..........283.8.......268.. .....15.8

    RidinMyHDDream....256.................0............256.........247.... .....9


    Globally Yours........308................1............304.........299.......... 5

    Insubordination......273................8.4..........264.6......268.. ....-3.4

  7. Well if you look back at the posts, you'll read that just a week ago, I was justifying why I was keeping a tight fill. Big mistake! I even arrogantly said that I would advise you guys to get an unfill if it were that tight but that I'm keeping mine!

    I woke up the other day with excrutiating and unyielding pain and couldn't even Iron my clothes much less go to work. I could only keep down warm or boiling Water and regularly threw up chewed up painkillers and Vitamins. I hoped it would get better overnight but the pain only intensified. I tried pineapple juice to no avail.

    I went to the doc's today (the drive was a hard one in so much pain) and got a barium swallow (ruled out slippage, blockage) and an ultrasound (ruled out gall bladder attack). I was really happy but the pain did not go.

    Upon looking at my results, it seemed that my pouch was swollen (probably from prior overeating and then irritated from all the PBing lately). He took 2ml out and made me drink water and I was finally relieved of the pain. I begged him not to take all of it out! I have to call him on Friday to check that all pain is gone. I will be honest this time.

    So far, the pain seems to be gone. I have one week liquids and one week mushies to look foward to. Then he will (perhaps) consider putting some back in.

    I had good restriction but insisted on another fill about a month ago because I'd reached a plateau. Yes, I lost a lot of weight in the past month but I also PB'd more than 15 times and only ate one or two solid meals in all that time. I kept justifying that it was worth it because my weight loss was good. The pain has taught me otherwise. I don't want to willfully put my band in jeopardy. It was a scary lesson to learn.

    If you have any problems, or think you are too tight, don't be stubborn like I was. Go to your doctor. I'm glad I only waiting about 30 hours and didn't dope myself up and continue to work.

    On a cool note, met an old friend in the banding room. We both exclaimed how much wait we'd lost.

  8. So good to hear from you Missy and Karla. A size 14, that's astounding. 6 pounds isn't bad.

    Missy, your ticker still blows me away. If you have been reading, you'll know that a lot of us have been plateauing around this stage. I'm glad you're looking for other options to combat it.

  9. I have a really tight fill also. Could barely get down Tomato Soup for the past two days and was starting to panic. However, I now drink hot herbal tea with 'mushies' and am able to get in nutrients again. I know I should probably get an unfill - that's what I'd advise you guys but I want to hold off for a few weeks to see if it slackens.

    However, if I PB again this week, I'm off to the doc's regardless of cost. It's bloody annoying that chocolate, ice-cream etc. are suitable for tight fills. I dodged the choc this time 'round but Easter is just around the corner.

    CD I think you got your weight off through hard work more than the band. The fact that you put weight on means that the band couldn't do its job. Take pea sized bites and chew. You'll have the weight back off in no time. I always lose a lot after a fill.

  10. I'm not weighing until the end of the month (so I don't torture myself) but I can tell it's been going well. I hope you are all kicking but. I'm so excited for those about to hit TWOterville. Now, pardon my ignorance, I get 'ONEderland' but what is TWOterville? Does it have another meaning?

  11. Glad to dropped in Terranne. I hope others do the same.

    Question for everyone ~ Were you given a specific amount of Protein to intake each day after surgery.

    No, no specific amount. I saw a dietician several times but she wasn't of the massive doses of protein persuasion - just a balanced diet. I was a vegan anyway so the protein/carbs balance hasn't changed that much for me.

    I am suprised when I see all the protein some of you eat but I can see that it works for you, especially those who go to the gym. I guess not being able to eat as much meat is a factor.

  12. I must say that my plateau has also been busted big time over the past few weeks. Now I just got a fill last week, it's dropping even more.

    I was so happy as I'd lost almost nothing for 2 or 3 months. I thought I'd reached the end of my major weight loss.

    Hang in there. I'm sure it's a natural thing as a lot of us are going through it at just the same time.

  13. Thanks Stef. I DID look after myself and was extremely sensible and didn't PB today. I could only eat a very tiny bit so was sure to take my Vitamins. Now usually I work in KG not pounds but posting on another thread made me realise some good news:

    Highest weight about 2 years ago - 374 pounds

    Current weight - 272.8 pounds

    This means that I have lost 100 pounds!!!! 73 pounds since being banded but still, not too shabby. Being 374 pounds scared me. I'm so glad I'm 100 pounds less and not 100 pounds more.

  14. Been a few months but I wasn't in the right headspace to join the challenge for a while. Maybe a few of us went thought that when we hit Twoterville. A fill has spurred me on. Stained Gal, I thought you already had a band. I hope you get one soon.

    Name................Starting........ Loss.......Current.....Goal......ToGo

    staindgal.............315...............6.6...........308.4.......295. ......13.4

    SEC1978.............288...............3.2...........284.8.......268 .......16.8

    RidinMyHDDream...256.................0.............256........247..... ....9


    Globally Yours.......308...............0.............308.......290.........18


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