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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by insubordination

  1. Mary, I am in a dreadful place right now too. I too have lost 55 pounds or so and started getting excited and made all sorts of plans for the future and then boom! Last week, I put on a few pounds. I thought that was barely possible with a band but I managed it. I didn't think I was even that 'bad' but I have been eating around the band too I guess (chocolate, smaller portions more frequently). I keep thinking that this is it, unless I cut down to 600 cals for the rest of my life and exercise a few hours a day, I will be morbidly obese forever and all my surgery has been a waste. Fortunately, I recognise that these feelings are temporary and I just have to ride them out. I also clearly need a fill if I shouldn't be able to eat as much breakfast as I have been. Everyone has down periods and I guess I'm in mine right now, some of it is because I put on weight but most of it is my tremendous workload with no end in sight. It's a shame because everything's been so good. So Mary, I can't help you but I can tell you that you're not the only one going through it.
  2. insubordination

    quitting after 1 day??

    You don't suck, the job sucked and you weren't desperate enough for the money to keep going. Keep looking around. Office work is a lot easier. Pick up phones or something.
  3. insubordination

    quitting after 1 day??

    Give it a couple of weeks to show you gave it a go. I once stuck out a job for 6 weeks. Then I really knew I hated it and quit happily with no doubts. I worked in a theatre once. Removing gum from seats was not fun.
  4. insubordination

    3 Month Pictures

    I agree and you look 5 years younger in the 2nd shot. Much less bloated and a cute haircut.
  5. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Thanks Toni. You are sweet and you were so good leading the way when we all got banded. I'm actually in a 'down' phase right now. It's partly work, partly weight *sigh*. Of course, I won't disappear when I quote FarmerE 'get into a funk'. You'll hear all about it, I'm sure.
  6. insubordination

    most ignorant reply

    Ever noticed that people love to tell you what you can't do? Howz about a bit o' encouragement for a change.
  7. insubordination

    Scale or no scale

    I didn't have one up to 6 weeks post op. Now I really regret bringing it back into the house. It makes me feel so up and down. I think I'll get rid of it again. I always feel I have to answer to it.
  8. insubordination

    Should Pets be more than Property?

    Have only read the first couple of pages but it's ironic that the pet food itself was also made from dead animals. The sooner the law recognises that non-human animals feel pain and have an interest in being alive, the better (whether or not they have more value placed on them by being loved/not eaten by humans). I really miss having a dog. Had one for 13 awesome years. Now I have to be content with my neighbour's dog (who worships me) because I have no yard.
  9. insubordination

    112 grams of protein

    I don't like the Protein calculations. It's done on a percentage of weight and height but surely all our excess fat doesn't require huge amounts of protein to sustain itself. There's no way I'd put 112g of protein/day in my body. It's so acidic and impossible to do unless you take it in concentrated, powdered, processed form. Then again, it's not a good idea to disregard your doctor's instructions. Maybe do some reading and decide what you want to do. There is so much conflicting advice on the subject.
  10. insubordination

    Weight Challenge: Labor Day to Thanksgiving

    Want to also congratulate the pair of you. Awesome job.
  11. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Welcome back FarmerE. This thread has been a tremendous help for me. I can't praise you guys enough.
  12. insubordination

    Should I have to

    In Australia, we call that 'tall poppy syndrome'.
  13. insubordination

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I have shamefully put on weight! I can't believe it. I did so well early October and so disgracefully late October. I'm reluctant to join the challenge this month because I don't want to base my moods/sense of success on weight. It's fine when I'm losing but I'm not. Sigh! Any tips for getting though a non-loss period? I've never had one since being banded 5 months ago. before. I'm still exercising but chocolate creeps too often in which is likely the culprit. Can you give me a motivational speech?
  14. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Janine, sometimes it could kick in if you are menstruating or under stress. Make sure it's not that first. Maybe decide in another week. I wish mine would suddenly kick in like that. Can you eat a normal 1 cup healthy meal. If you can't, I wouldn't get another fill. I have booked one for next Wednesday. I can't exactly pig out but can eat a bit more than I used to. I'm disgusted with myself for eating more just 'cos I can. Sometimes I'm worried that I'm choosing easier foods (soft vegies over salad) and drinking too soon after meals and adding extra cals but I haven't been too naughty really. I still should be losing. Maybe I should experiment a little there but no...I want fill! I'm glad there's no Halloween here as I would be led into temptation. I was really angry today (workload but mostly hormones) so I took at all my anger in the gym. Sure, I ate as well but it was nice to have another outlet for my feelings. I jogged on the treadmill for 10 mins (keep in mind I'm only a tad under 300 pounds) and all kinds of other stuff for almost an hour. I felt a lot calmer afterwards. Maybe I can learn new behaviours. 3 months ago I did absolutely no exercise ever and now I make sure I get at least 30 mins every day, even if it's just a walk. I'll give myself a pat on the back for that at least. Great to here from you Stef and to hear about your grandfather. I'm sure you'll have a blast in vegas now. I see you have your drinks planned already. Oh and what did I forget? That's right. ONEderland! You legend! We are so proud of you because we know just how hard you worked to get rid of every ounce. :whoo: :kiss2::clap2::bounce::becky::banana:cheer2::Banane10::Banane48::mad::woot::Banane11::Banane21:
  15. insubordination

    Halloween Candy

    Thank God we don't have Halloween or most of those brands (yet?) Sounds like an obvious question but what specifically is candy? In Australia, I would divide sugar-laden junk food into three categories. Lollies (sweets?), chocolate and biscuits (or even better- chocolate biscuits). I googled this but couldn't find an answer. Is a Snickers considered candy or is it called chocolate bar?
  16. insubordination

    Weight Challenge: Labor Day to Thanksgiving

    You guys are kicking arse. Bravo! I have actually put on weight for the first time since banding. Am very disappointed but hope it was something to do with the time of day/month (I only weigh at the doctor's) and not because I've been eating too much. I'm not changing my graph however. My goal remains firm. It will just take a fill to get there.
  17. insubordination

    Any other Vegetarian banders out there?

    You have a right not to eat meat.What would he say if you couldn't for religious reasons? Some doctors don't take vegetarianism seriously and think we want to eat meat deep down and that it would be easy to do. I haven't eaten meat for 18 years and I will never eat it. My banding dietician does not recommend limiting carbs. There are a couple of at-goal bandsters here who didn't cut out carbs. There is another thread on here where I have posted a million (vegan) Protein ideas. Do a search for vegan/vegetarian and you'll find it. Otherwise I'll look it up later. I am a vegan BTW. I saw the dietician today and she was very happy with my choices. I don't want to say ignore you doctor but insist on the fact that you are a vegetarian. If he can't help you with food choices, he should refer you to someone who can.
  18. insubordination

    lap band or bypass?

    I was reading a lapband book the other day and it said, "Why crack a nut with a sledge hammer when you have a nutcracker?"
  19. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Holli, your BMI has gone down so much. It's incredible. !Everyone at the wedding will be blown away. You've earnt it for dallying with that eliptical machine
  20. insubordination

    Unsupportive friends

    I think they are just concerned about the surgery. They probably don't understand much about it. Friends don't automatically have to agree with everything you do but I hope they support you through the various stages. In the end, only you can take control of your obesity and you have enough experience to know that exercising and going on a diet just isn't going to cut it for you. I'm glad you discovered this at 26. If you friends and thin, they don't, and will never get it. If your friends are fat, they probably still truly believe that diet and exercise alone will get them thin one day and that they will stay that way. I think surgery is for people who understand that that isn't the case.
  21. insubordination

    lap band or bypass?

    Obviously, we are biased because we all have the band. Maybe you came here because you're leaning that way. I'm not keen on having most of my stomach cut out or intestines tinkered with. I would only do it if the band had to be removed and I was going to die from obesity. I don't like the idea that the lapband is not good for people who like sweets. The vast majority of people love sweets. Are none of them good candidates? Your appetite changes somewhat. I still want chocolate all the time but am happy with a row or two usually. Not from self-discipline either. Sometimes, I just don't feel like more. I know you're scared of not succeeding. There are some people don't succeed with either surgery because their demons won't let them. Whichever route you choose, you probably need to see a good psychologist to find out why you have these problems you've identified. There will always be support on internet boards for you. I hope you come to a decision soon. I have all the problems you mentioned but I have also found a lil fighter inside of me that believes that I can succeed and claim the life I want.
  22. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I'm sure she'll be OK Sheila. The long recovery must be very worrying for you but it's a big op. I think we all worry about these things until the person is 'out of the woods'. Bummer about the auto-immune disease. Is it thyroid-related? Suzzie, you are kicking arse. Your dimensions are clearly reduced on arms, stomach, everything. Thanks for posting. I love to know what people look like (hypocrite, I know. I will wait for the 6 month Bandiversary in December and post then). Holli, you must tell us as soon as you're under 300. The lightest you've been in 6 years? I bet you feel great.
  23. insubordination

    Banded Teachers Talk - BTT

    I love hearing about your jobs. Heather! I visit onestopenglish all the time. I'm going to teach in Spain and/or Germany next year. I will definitely visit Portugual too. I feel so much more confident now the weight's coming off and going to do all the things I missed in my 20s.
  24. April, I don't *think* he will cancel your surgery at this point but wants you to believe he will... but you should attempt to lose it anyway. Otherwise, you will worry about it. Just go on liquids for the next two days (easier said than done) and you'll be right. If you haven't lost it, just tell them that you've been trying really hard and that you think it's women related. Also tell them how much effort you have gone to to organise it and remind them of how much you *have* lost.
  25. My batwings are just evil. I can deal with the rest of me but the ol' wings stop me from wearing many clothes. It's terrible trying on clothes when you love the colour and how it fits everywhere else but the sleeves are too short/tight.

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