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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by insubordination

  1. insubordination

    I'm FREEZING and FED UP!

    Get your thyroid hormones checked.
  2. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Don't panic Toni. You are he longest banded. Those instructions are from my Dr and refer to the first two weeks. I just thought that it was extra important to the just banded in case the reason why we can't eat solids wasn't properly explained to them. I think it is natural to worry that we have damaged our band. I am worried myself after my thick soup. I say assume it hasn't happened and then just check everything's OK at the first fill.
  3. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Yes, I had the exact same experience as you. Had it bad for the first 5 days post op, then nothing for a week. Then yesterday both shoulders started hurting and I had a really painful, sleepless night with a heat pack. It's still not better now. To whomever asked, my port site is also numb when I rub my finger over the skin. I had some thicker soup than usual last night (blended minestrone) and a larger quantity than usual (have two more days until mushies). I quickly got very and uncomfortably full. Taught me a lesson. As I'm self-pay, I cannot afford any complications. It would send me bankrupt. For extra motivation (hopefully not to put anyone in a panic), my doc's sheet says: It is very important that you follow these instructions carefully. If you were to eat solid food or drink large amounts of liquid quickly at this stage, you could rupture the stitches that hold the band in place - you may not feel any discomfort or any physical awareness of this occuring. Another poster explained that when solid food enters your stomach, it will expand and contract to try to digest it. This movement could stretch or rupture the stitches.
  4. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Ah quadmom as long as it was soft and you chewed and chewed, you'll be OK. I cheated on my pre-op a few times but can't do it post op because I worry about my stitches and all the money I've paid. Just think about how little you want to go into hospital again and you'll be right. Thanks Toni, I'm not going to complain now I've seen other people's strict post-op regimes. How are you doing anyway. Are you as impatient as I am to lose a lot of weight? Welcome back Michelle, Hopeful and Dawn. I knew you could do it. Serena, there are several mistakes in your ticker code (no close anchor). You didn't delete the old ticker before you replaced it with the new one. Since you don't know which parts to delete (unless you know about html), it's easier to delete the lot from your sig and get a new ticker code and paste it once. Don't worry, you're almost there.
  5. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Welcome to bandland Bandsters! I'm not eating either and was banded 6/6. I have two weeks fluid, two weeks puree. Can't start the puree until Tuesday. I'm just going to 'suck it up' (literally!).
  6. insubordination

    Supervised Diet Complete!!!!

    Sounds great so far. Hope you're approved.
  7. insubordination

    Counting calories

    My dietician says that it's not necessary to count calories and to focus on getting adequate nutrition. Calorie counting makes me utterly obsessed about food all day, all week and not in a good way. It works for some people and not for others.
  8. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I feel terrible that some people post and don't get a reply. It's only because when I (we) get here, there are 50 new posts to read. You might have wanted to respond to post #4 but and #23 but by the time you've read to the end, you're all muddled up. For example, I wanted to remember everybody getting surgery today and wish them well but by the fourth name, I couldn't keep it straight. Don't be disheartened, we're all in this together (even the lurkers, hi guys). So many people getting their op today. We're thinking of you and insist you report back. To the young bandster, that nurse was so rude and outta line. She's not very professional. She should keep her opinions out of your earshot, not try to discourage you. I hope this thread can keep going. Even if some disappear, I sincerely hope everyone heads back this way next June to tell us of your progress. Maybe some will even be at goal! Thanks for asking Janine. Was stiff and sore and weak (my own fault for carrying shopping bags last night) but I went to work. Didn't get much done. I couldn't concentrate. I *suppose* it was good to go back but I was enjoying the rest so much. Also, I've chosen to tell only one colleague (only 'cos he guessed as his sister got it done the day before I did), so it was hard being evasive about everything with close friends. I'm so glad you did fine.
  9. insubordination

    How do you get the medicines down??

    I use a crusher too. If you leave them out of their foil packaging overnight, they will be softer and easier to crush.
  10. insubordination


    I wonder if these people would prefer us to be lying smugly in out early grave with our supersized casket and an inscription on our tombstone reading, "Hey, I died 20 years before I should have but at least I didn't take the easy way out."
  11. insubordination

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    I'm being filled at 4 weeks post off. I'm 8 days banded now but still not in the slightest bit hungry or thirsty (fortunately). I know of Therese from the groups you mentioned. I think I will go. Never been to the GC.
  12. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    QuadMom, you'll probably be OK for Sunday but take it easy. So glad the surgery went well. The pain will significantly subside in a few days. FarmerE - I'm glad you de-lurked. I'm sure you'll wow them when you go back too. Best of luck with your pre-op. Rita - It must have been so disappointing when you woke up. It's surprising that an ultrasound didn't pick it up beforehand. I guess it's great that you looked into the lapband and found this. Your poor insides! You needed an op anyway. I'm sure you can get the lapband at some point in the future but you must get this sorted out first. Look at it as a positive (though I can't imagine what a letdown it was). Renee - glad you came through OK. An IV in your foot? Rhonda- if you buy clothes in TJ, be sure to buy some smaller sizes. Janine - Congrats on mushies. I still have a week to go but I'm cool with that. 14lbs - that's awesome. Isn't it funny to think you couldn't finish the yoghurt? Lucy - maybe you have gone off food entirely. Wouldn't that be great? MintyFresh - good luck with the pre-op diet. The first four or five days are hard, then it gets easier. Since someone mentioned it, my port is central also. I'm glad as I like to sleep on my side. Bcrazy7 - I think most people spend the night in hospital. Just make sure someone is with you to keep you hydrated and give you pain meds. I'm sure you'll get adequate instructions. It's all relative Toni, your BMI is low to me. Holli - I had my period during surgery. It was a pain in the arse. Go Ang123 - fellow metric bandster here. Quite a few Monday bandsters it seems. Not long now. Best of luck to everyone going in Thursday, Friday. I like the sound of your doctor bigbaby. I only want to sip water with meals. Please oh please let this research be right!
  13. insubordination

    post op sleeping problem

    Do you sleep alone? I slept fine from the first night (except occasionally waking up because the pain meds had worn off). On the back is the only way I've been able to sleep and I encouraged myself to stay there by putting a pillow on either side. I also had a heat pack and many, many pillows under my upperback and head to prop me up a bit.
  14. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I'm only 2 days ahead of you. I thought I felt hunger once but I was wrong- it was gas. I'm not hungry at all and still a bit tender. I wouldn't want to eat anything right now. It just doesn't feel settled down there. However, I'm not very active yet. Maybe that's why. Also, I think I do have some 'restriction' if that's even possible. I can't tolerate anything but Water until several hours after waking and I have to drink slowly. I'm used to eating a huge Breakfast, so it's very strange. I still have another week of liquids and I'm not even dreading it at this point. It's still better than the pre-op diet (sorry pre-oppers). Maybe this will change in a few days.
  15. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    If it is the case CD, put something heavy in both pockets when you step on the scale.
  16. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I have to add my well-wishes to the soon-to-be Bandsters. You'll fly through, I'm sure.
  17. insubordination

    What was the last straw?

    Purplegirl, I'm so happy for you. I went through all that but add 15 years (I'm 31 now). Oh to have had the lapband at 16! I would not have ruined my body and health the way I have. Your life will be so much better now. You won't lose your 20s like I did.
  18. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi Annie, I guess it's possible but I think you should take the full week off if you can.
  19. insubordination

    Please Help!!!!

    I also think it's gas pain from the operation. It will pass after a week or two. Get a heat pack or hot water bottle to ease it. It really helps so much. Walk around as much as you can to release the gas. Drinking peppermint tea will also help. I know it hurts but it's only temporary and very common.
  20. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Welcome Danielle, Maestra & GlindaB, Juleann, bcrazy7 (& thinner1, when were you banded?). Please keep posting. Dawneb - it's finally your turn. How exciting! Your kids sound adorable. Of course you're going to wake up. They need a healthy Mum more than an unhealthy one. Bravo Toni for going to the gym already. I've barely left the house. ja9va - your husband got sympathy sick. My gas has 100% gone after 6 days. MkUSmile - so happy to hear from you. I could just tell from your pic that you'd do fine. So cool that you've done this while still in your 20s. You've done more activity the first day than I've done the entire week. Glad you're on semi-normal food Heather. Another 7 days of liquid for me but I don't mind so far. I can tell my stomach's not up to it yet. Glad to hear you took 12 days off work. I was going to push myself to go back tomorrow (Been 6 days) but I don't feel up to teaching yet or even catching the train/driving early in the morning. You're doing great Missy. 4 weeks sound divine. Holli - I have heard Mexican food is a really good choice for bandsters, though a few have trouble with melted cheese or really soft tortillas. For the most part, fine. Apparently crunchy things like nachos are not a problem as they crunch up really small and pass through the band. Not good to have very often methinks. Hi Lynette, doesn't matter which month you are in as long as you are banded. The July thread is great too and the May one. Hang in there pre-op people and to those having/about to have surgery, we are thinking of you.
  21. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    HolliWagz Let us know which type of surgery you're getting. I'm sure whichever one you get will be super for you. The ticker is correct but you have pasted the ticker's code before the close image tag of your photo. See the tag at the bottom [/img] ? Well you need to cut that and paste it just before ticker code (directly after the .jpg). That way, your second photo will come up. Well C'apn Danbo, your job will be so much easier to do with some weight off. How long are you planning to take off work? I think you should take a couple of weeks rather than a couple of days, considering your job. It must be torture to be on the the boat with all that food. Hang in there. Two weeks and a bit weeks can seem like a lifetime but it's still just two and a bit weeks. I have a question for some of you, I ran out of pain meds and when I got some more I (without thinking) swallowed one whole (was a big sucker). Prior to that I had crushed every pain pill. I know it will dissolve soon but it feels kinda tight down there. What about you? Do you swallow whole pills or did your doc tell you not to?
  22. insubordination

    Why are YOU Fat?

    I realise that my childhood wasn't so bad when I read some of the other stories here. At least I was safe and sheltered and never physically or sexually abused. However, we all ended up with the same warped relationship with food, didn't we? Why did I start eating? I think it's because I believed that my parents didn't love me. Maybe it's not true but I believed it for a long time. My family never demonstrates affection (no kisses,hugs, I love yous) and my mother and father used to alternate leaving me and my two brothers for 2 or 3 year overseas stints or move out or in with a lover. Once my Dad, my mother and her boyfriend all lived in the same house. When I was 13, we were left in the house alone for several weeks because my Dad got married and we all weren't invited to live with the new wife. My Mum had to move to from another state with her alcohlic boyfriend to be with us. We were left with Dad's atm card while we waited. I also never had any regular meals or lunch at school or my clothes washed, hair brushed etc. Had no one to tell about my first period. They're much better parents now. They wouldn't acknowledge any of this happened. They may love us but they didn't show it by their actions. They couldn't put their kids first. Sadly, I'm thankful for food in a lot of ways. Got me through it. Also, I have the best two brothers in the world.
  23. insubordination

    Banded on June 6, 2007

    Hey Tammy, we were banded the same day. I can't believe how quickly you organised everything. What a great weight loss you've had so far. I'm staying away from the scales for a few weeks but we're of similar weight believe me. I agree, come and join us on the June, 2007 thread.
  24. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    rcorn60035 <O></O>JackieP12 <O></O>Finallythin@ 34 MkUSmile78 quadmom -you'll be fine. I command you to chill. I'm sure you'll all kick arse. We can't wait to hear back from you (when you're ready) Yeah it hurts a bit but you've just got to wait it out and you'll be better by the day. Pippz, I am a vegan. Have been for 7 years at least and a vegetarian for another 13 years before that. The fattest vegan in the world mind you but they shouldn't make vegan food so delicious, should they? I think I'll find the band transition a lot easier because of it. You showed incredible discipline. I would have caved for sure. You'll have to go back there in a few months and take delicate bites of the dish you had your eye on. I use pea protein powder. Another vegan on this forum recommended it and it mixes deliciously into soups (0 carbs). Have a daily wheatgrass juice too for the vitamin kick. To everyone else on pre-op diets (or pre-preop fun), keep plugging away. It is very hard but it will be your turn before you know it. Well done Minty Fresh on your loss so far. Snoopy, we are all thinking of your and your Mum at this scary time. The wait is the worst.
  25. insubordination

    What was the last straw?

    Having to pay triple for a business class seat because I knew I couldn't be comfortable in economy. Sleeping my weekends away because I needed to recover from the working week.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
