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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by insubordination

  1. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Had my first fill today. It was an easy, painless process and I got to talk to some cool people in the waiting room. I have a 9.5ml Swedish band (didn't know that) band and 5 mls of saline was put in. This amount was the same for the 5 or 6 first time fillees in the room and they all drank their two cups of water easily but not me. The water seemed to slide down very slowly and it was a little painful. I could not finish two glasses with any comfort. There was a lot of gurgling and burping. I asked the others what they were feeling and they weren't having the same sensations as I was. At first I had the thought that I wouldn't say anything as I want good restriction but then I realised that it really was too uncomfortable and I didn't want to be self-destructive. I told the doc and he took some fill out. After that, the water felt much better. He said that I will adjust to this level soon and to come back in two weeks. I can finally eat solid food tomorrow. I can't decide what to have. Also met some longer term bandsters there who had lost most or all of their weight. It was good to talk to them. By the way, I have now lost 14kg or 30.8 pounds. Woo Hoo!
  2. It's true that some people do not do well on it. I didn't despite being utterly faithful for the first 14 days. It got to the point where I would feel faint and dizzy and couldn't think clearly and carry out my work duties. I agree, contact your dietician/doctor and tell them what you are feeling. They may have some suggestions.
  3. insubordination

    Dont like Dairy products

    I don't eat dairy. I have no probs but you have to make sure you are getting your calcium. Google calcium rich foods and puree them for your mushies stage. I didn't drink any milks (soy or otherwise) for years but in the last few months, I have taken a liking to oat milk. By the way, mushies is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than liquids or pre-op.
  4. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Thanks Stef, I'm getting my first fill tomorrow, so will remember to chew. Luckily I don't eat meet but other stuff will prove pesky, I'm sure. Janine - that sounds so frustrating. This can be such an annoyingly slow process at times. I bet you want to hit the FF button. It's all very well for your doctor to be calm and patient. She has a holiday coming up!
  5. insubordination

    Aussie before and/or After pics

    HonkyTonks, that's amazing! Over what period did you lose that amount of weight? Love this thread. Hope to be posting pics on it in a year (or two). I withdrew my super too. I couldn't wait a year for private health care to kick in, so I'll have to make this year count since it cost me so much more. I just hope nothing goes awry before my private kicks in. I'm going to follow the rules. Note that the super you take out is added to your taxable income for the financial year giving you a higher Medicare surcharge and (if you went to Uni) HECS/HELP repayments. However, you get a medical expenses tax offset which helps. I have still ended up owing the tax department, despite 21% being taken from my withdrawn amount. Ask your employer to increase the amount of tax they take to cover yourself. Can you tell I did my tax yesterday? I owe them! I'm still worth the $$$. 6 weeks ago, I weighed 14kg more than I do now and I haven't even had a fill yet. :whoo: Also, I've been feeling really happy and have had no depression at all. I sometimes used to feel down and took St John's wort regularly. Haven't had any since banding. However, I don't have diagnosed depression.
  6. insubordination

    Time For My First Fill ????

    You are in what's known as 'Banster Hell'. The period after the op but before restriction. It's common not to lose weight in this period. You will lose again once you have restriction. In the mean time, try the best you can to eat nutritious food and get some exercise. Call your doc and tell him/her what you told us.
  7. While I doubt that has any scientific basis, I choose to believe it's true as I'm very tall.
  8. insubordination

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Oh that's such a lovely photo. It must have been great to have a healthier family on your wedding day. Congratulations. You didn't have to wear sleeves. Yay! Your skin looks so great. Did anyone watch Mikey Robbins on Australian story? Was pretty good.
  9. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    No, I wouldn't do that! I wasn't the one who said soy causes boys to be girls. Twas funny.
  10. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hang in there Crabby, BigSexy, Captain Danbo. I am so happy you've all pulled through. In about a week, the worst will be over. Welcome ItsJustMe Lucy, I have thyroid probs so avoid soy yet am vegan so don't eat whey. I use pea protein or rice protein. They both have very few carbs. Wait, were we on the same thread? I am doing fine and enjoy reading the posts everyday. I'm also enjoying trying on clothes in my wardrobe. I've found quite a few things that now fit. It made me so happy and it's only doing to get better from here. Toni, you keep the thread alive. Thanks! I get a fill/get to eat solid food this Thursday. Yay! It feels like months since I've had a normal meal. Wait....it is 2 months. I'm so glad I cheated on pre-op those three days. The memories of it got me though. :-)
  11. insubordination

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Just wanted to wish all the July bandsters the best. I'm a June 2006 bandster and our thread has been so exciting for the past month and a bit. We all got through the op just fine (except one poor lady who couldn't get it done due to a hernia). The support on this board is just what we all need.
  12. insubordination

    post surgical sexual intimicies

    For a short while, I though DH was D-head and referred to people's husbands. :-)
  13. insubordination

    Has anyone slipped up on the liquid stage?

    Don't eat! I didn't cheat as I didn't want to damage anything. Also, I paid waaaaaaaaaay too much for my band to risk it. Just make your liquids more delicious. Think smoothies and curried soups and the best juice you can make.
  14. insubordination

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Just wanted to congratulate Susannah on cracking double figures. You are a champion! It's a huge milestone.
  15. insubordination

    Mushie Stage Woes

    I don't have the strength either. I gave my scales to my Mum to take away a few days before the op because I know what I'm like. Still, glad to hear that yours are moving in the right direction I'm glad I don't have them because I have only exercised twice in the last three weeks. Still, I don't want to be one of those 500 cals a day people so my body's going to damn well get used to 1200.
  16. insubordination

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Nettle tea (drunk or applied topically) is good for hair loss. Use a soft brush to prevent ripping the weaker strands out. Blackmoors hair, skin and nails can't hurt. I've also heard that coconut oil rubbed on bald spots can stimulate growth. Susannah, please let us know when you crack double figures.
  17. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    My 2c - (gentle scold). I reckon if you're put on liquids then you should stick to liquids. Clear liquids and protein shakes would be so tough so if I had made up my mind that I couldn't take it anymore, I would cheat with diluted/strained pumpkin or tomato soup or juice of choice straight from the juicer or drinking yoghurt. Something with a liquid consistency. I'm not condoning breaking the prescribed diet at all, I'm just recommending not to eat food/mushies when you're on liquids. You can resist doing it if only your liquids are tasty. Curry powder is thy friend (or whatever else floats your boat). Try thin hommous in tomato soup with black pepper - heavenly. I'm not perfect by any means. I'm bigger than most of you so am not renowned for my willpower. I sucked down 100g of dark chocolate over the weekend which is not really a good way to start a banded life. I cheated on pre-op a few times. Self-sabotaging behaviour for sure but there's no way I'd eat solid food before the doctor gave me the green light. I don't want to risk my band in any way. Post-op seems so much more of a gamble, especially if your insurance won't cut it. I have to be my own insurance policy. Also, I don't want to re-live that post-op pain again. I'm finding the mushies stage easy and enjoyable. I can still eat nice things, just digested in a food processor so my stomach doesn't have to do the hard work. Today, I had hot eggplant curry for lunch. It doesn't seem to be the same with everyone but I felt really full after 1/2 - 2/3 cup and although I wanted more, I knew I couldn't fit it and that I needed to have the rest later later. It wasn't going anywhere. I've also been trying with the water thing. It's not easy. However, I find that if my food has a lot of flavour, I don't feel deprived. The main hard thing for me is not being able to accept social invitations. I just don't want to until I can eat again. I agree that it's frustrating to read that some people are allowed to eat from a few days out while others get liquids for 6 weeks. However, doing what your doctor orders produces far less anxiety. Let's face it, in a few months this part will be long behind us. We can do it! Ooooh I can't wait to hear back from the remaining new bandsters. There are about 10 to go I think. Pipe up you lot and tell us how you're doing.
  18. insubordination

    Mushie Stage Woes

    I am at the same stage as you. I may have gained weight on mushies but I don't know as I'm not weighing myself. It would drive me crazy and dictate my mood for the day if I did. I fully expect that I have gained a little since I was on 650 calories on pre/post-op and now I'm probably nearly double that on mushies. I think gaining (or at least maintaining) might even be necessary unless you want to stay on 650 and under for the rest of your life. Your body's just saying 'woohoo! nutrients! energy!, I'd better store that for later in case there's another famine'. Your body will sort itself out. You don't need to strictly diet now. Just focus on getting the correct nutrients.
  19. insubordination

    Who would you rather marry?

    I chose neither. I don't ever plan to get married.
  20. Dear Zannie, Congratulations on being morbidly obese. We of all people absolutely get it. My BMI is now also under 50. Woohoo! Everyone's doing great.
  21. insubordination

    My Year Two Bandiversary!

    I think I will look into getting an eating disorder therapist. I'm nuts to think the insanity magically won't come back. Great posts (both of them). I wonder what next year's will bring.
  22. insubordination

    It just amazes me

    I'm 2.5 weeks out like you Kimmom. I went shopping and bought waaaay too much. It's going to last me a month.
  23. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I took 9 days off work and needed a couple more. I'm fine now though after my first 5 day week, though I feel a little weak and tired and couldn't work as effectively as usual. Everyone is different. I don't think I ventured outside until day 5. TMC- for you info, there are 3 men on this thread (maybe more, it's hard to tell from usernames). Heck, I could be a bloke for all you guys know. The other two are BigSexy and CaptainDanbo. I hope all the lurkers/rare posters are doing fine with their banding/pre-op. Not much left of June now. We'll all be banded shortly and dealing with 'bandster hell' and fills and mushies and slippage paranoia and whingeing that we haven't lost enough. I can honestly say that I'm feeling fine now, so for those that aren't, you will soon. Just wait it out. I am staying away from the scales (took 'em out of the house) to keep me sane. I think I will just be weighed at the doctor's until I have good restriction. TT - I really like how you address everyone individually. I can't find the time to do that these days. Welcome back Holli - you posted so quickly. Something tells me you are going to out-lose all of us. LadyHR - good luck and report back as soon as you are comfortable. So, anyone had a fill yet? Who's first up? Mine's not till July 5. Maybe Stef is first?
  24. insubordination

    Strong Negative Emotional Reaction to Band

    I have heard of this reaction before and I hope others can advise you. May I ask why you don't like it? Is it because you know you won't be able to eat big meals anymore or is it because you have a foreign object in your body? Just take it easy and give it some time. The band is removeable if it would ever be necessary, so don't panic.
  25. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    BCrazy7, you'll be banded by now. We can't wait to hear from you. Michele, I know what you mean about work. A week or so off doesn't really help if it's all waiting when you get back. I'm back into my usual habit of working extra-long hours. Good luck back at work Suzzzie. I have a slight infection on my biggest incision. I'm going to watch it for 24 hours and then go to the doc. I should have taken the sticky things off earlier. I was worried it wasn't healed. BeckieT - great to have you back. I hope your lack of hunger lasts. Mine has for the most part. Pippz - it's awful when someone notices and comments. Toni - am glad you're feeling less anxious. While waiting in the doc's today, I saw the guidelines for gastric bypass patients. We are so fortunate in comparison. Go Little Baby - it's feels great and bad at the same time, doesn't it? evaughn - I didn't have an enema but each hospital/doc seems to have their quirks. I feel for you. Maybe ask if it's truly necessary. Heather - Thanks for that info about the stitches. I had no idea. They must be industrial strength. This explains a lot. Stef - Be gentle with yourself and don't overdo it. You sound like a real go-getter unlike my lazy self. I am finally on puree (mushies?) today. Woohoo! Not weighing myself was a great idea.What a surprise I got to find out I have lost 11.8 kilos/26 pounds since first day of pre-op diet. Not bad for 6 weeks' work with barely any exercise. I love seeing the effect the loss has on my BMI.

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