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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by insubordination

  1. I could feel it for the first few weeks but now, not at all except maybe when it's protesting because I ate too much. I can feel the port sometimes when I lift or bend. I just got back from my (plane) trip and MY SEAT BELT DID UP. I rushed on to the plane and looked down at it thinking, "Ok seat-belt, you don't like me and I don't like you but let's just do this thing." I adjusted it as long as it could get, sat my wide load down and 'click'. It clicked in. There was no room to spare length-wise but it wasn't pinching either and I left it on the entire trip. I didn't even need to lift the armrest, which was another relief. I spent the rest of the flight grinning but didn't want to blow my euphoria by trying the tray table, so lived in blissful ignorance. Huge NSV for me. I was so worried about this. I stand by my choice of aisle.
  2. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I just got rid of a bunch of the clothes too. I just couldn't be bothered to iron, photograph and describe everything. I put them in a charity bin instead. So awesome that we are getting rid of clothes.
  3. insubordination

    3 Month Pictures

    Wow Melissa, where has you stomach gone?
  4. The band is fickle. Glad that weight came back off. Welcome Sassy. 360 is quite standard on this thread. I'm a workaholic also (just worked 12 hours - a lot unpaid). I bet there's a connection between workaholism and obesity.
  5. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I hate having to think about aeroplane seats too. I have a flight this Thursday (fortunately only an hour or so) and I'm going with collegues. They picked an airline I haven't flown before and I'm so worried that the seat belt won't do up. I guess I shall find out shortly. That's so funny. I thought I wanted another fill but I've changed my mind now right when I was reading your post, up came dinner/saliva all over my shirt. I didn't quite get the bowl in time. It's so gross but it serves me right. I shouldn't be eating dinner while on the laptop. BTW I like Jillian (and Bob) from The Biggest Loser too. We have an Australian version of the show but we poached Jillian and Bob for it. I personally would never go on that show. Too humiliating and too easy to stack on the weight once it's over.
  6. insubordination

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Thanks Rain. I will be eating out every meal so I'll have to be careful. Glad to see you've been through the worst Kimmie and that you're back safe and sound. You're going to succeed. I can tell from your results so far. Elizabeth, I hope you get the right dosage and feel better soon. I bet it will help with the weight too.
  7. insubordination

    Weight Challenge: Labor Day to Thanksgiving

    uhhh never so this thread before. Looks as though I've been missing out. So as a non-American, when was Labour Day and when is Thanksgiving?
  8. insubordination

    3 Month Pictures

    Missy, you can really notice the difference. Your neck especially looks a lot smaller. Go Faith, you look great in jeans. BeckieT - that shade of blue is definitely your colour. MusicalMomma - you are very photogenic. It's all in the eyes. Stef - there's no denying it. You're a hottie. You also look quite toned. Rhonda - those jeans are a lot looser.
  9. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I had forgotten about the subthreads too. I'm only subscribed to this thread. I have loads of fat pictures. I don't mind getting my photo taken, as long as I don't have to look at them later. My highest weight (a couple of years ago now) was 374 pounds and I know I'd have a few pics from then. Now I'm 296 but come my 6th month bandday, I'll post a before and now.
  10. insubordination

    Band Slipped - Insurance Denied Coverage

    My condolences. The cost must be a very scary situation. I have put myself in the same position because I wanted the band so badly. If anything goes in the next 8 months requiring surgery, I will be paying it out of my own pocket (which is empty and then some).
  11. Liz, you were not born to be fat. As your avatar suggests, you were born to have a healthy body that moves and guides you through life. I know you've had a tough time with the band but I don't see any reason why you won't get to your 'sweet spot' soon. You have done incredibly well and you know that there's no way you really gained 4lbs in one day unless you ate 4lbs of lard, in which case BAD GIRL. It's typical after a period of liquids for a gain to happen. Sometimes a fill which is too tight means you can only eat soft/sloppy/liquid foods and maybe not get the variety you need. Some people could even take in more cals than if they had a lesser fill. I think everyone goes through stages of feeling down about the experience, particularly after the scales go up. I know I have. Sometimes feelings and emotions just don't take the band and calories into consideration. I predict you'll be on the up and up shortly. Maybe you should only weigh in when you visit the doctor's for a while. That way, you'll have to base your feelings about the day, and how you're going, on things other than the scale. Barbee and April - we all had/have a fear of failure and disbelief in the band. After all, we've failed so many times at weight loss before. I have lost 48 pounds in just a few months and now I'm starting to believe that the band is going to work for me and that I too will be a success story in a year or two. I just have to work with it, make sure it's filled properly and not fight against it as I sometimes have the urge to do.
  12. insubordination

    Banded Teachers Talk - BTT

    My adult ESL students told me I looked 'tin' today. I said "pardon?" and they indicated 'thin' with their hand gestures. The entire class then started talking in their own languages and I could here [ChineseChineseFACEChineseChinese]. So I gather they have noticed that my face is thinner. I told them I was going to the gym and they heartily approved.
  13. In light of recent posts, was crossing the road today at some traffic lights while a car full of teenage boys waited. One of them yelled out 'Hey sexy!' and I turned and looked at them and said, "You know it." They laughed but I copped no further abuse. I didn't walk away annoyed either. It was a little bit funny.
  14. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Nvalicia - I'm glad your gall bladder operation is behind you. I hope you feel better soon. Lady HR - is it wrong that the main thing I focussed on in your post was the warm cookie? What kind was it? Suzzie - yes I've been to a drag show. Sydney is the gay capital of the Southern Hemisphere. Waters- I bought that book too. Quite informative for newbies. Too bad it doesn't address head hunger. I would be interested in food whether I were hungry or not. Went for a walk with some fellow bandsters in my area this morning. It's so great to meet others who know exactly where I'm coming from.
  15. insubordination

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Elizabeth, the thyroid gland is a tricky little thing. Have had problems with it myself. I'm glad you've had it checked out. TOM is evil for everyone else too it seems. I think I'm going to have to take some TOM relief pills next time. Carol - a week and a half isn't so bad. I'm down a couple of pounds again this week (thanks to exercise, I think). I'm not recording it however as I'm going to Melbourne (I'm in Sydney) for 4 days shortly. I'm scared I'll overdo it. Rain, any tips for controlling yourself on holidays?
  16. insubordination

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Katie, I have not stepped on the scales since I hit Twoterville either. Too funny! I might this weekend. I love my monthly group (June). They are awesome. This thread is one of my faves too as we're just here to encourage each other to lose weight. It's changed my thinking a bit and I love seeing others' successes. Congrats Kimmie. It's an outstanding start and your doctor will be impressed. The best thing is, you won't gain it back.
  17. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    That's awesome Missy. I only started exercising just over a month ago. I can't tell you how much stronger and fitter and more aware of my body I am. I never thought I would do it either and couldn't relate to those posts on this thread but now I'm getting into it and am not making excuses. It really isn't as hard as I thought it would be...or at torturous. It's actually *gulp* enjoyable with amazing mental and physical benefits.
  18. insubordination

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Carol, your fill will get your back on track for sure. Rain - 600 calories in one workout and with kids to worry about too. I'll remember that next time I don't feel like going.
  19. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Go Waters*Go Waters*Go Waters Trust your instinct. What a snide beeeeeeeeyotch. Pippz, congratulations. There is nothing better than having a dog. Can you post a picture?
  20. insubordination

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Go Katie. You made it to Twoterville! :whoo::clap2::eyebrows::faint::whoo::clap2::D:D:D:whoo::clap2::clap2::clap2:
  21. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Kick him out Suzzie (I'm horrible, aren't I?). It sounds like he'll try the same thing again. For those not losing enough weight, you are doing better than you think. The problem is that you're comparing yourself to the most successful losers here. You have to remember that most who've lost 50 pounds or more have/had BMIs over 50, so % wise, everything is probably in order.
  22. insubordination

    Road to "TWOterville"

    PS Sorry if table is wonky. It was hard to update and wouldn't paste how it normally does. It was all over the place. I hope someone can fix it. September Challenge Name...........................Starting........Los s.......Current.....Goal......ToGo losingjusme.(Christine)........273...........1.... .........272........252........20 faithmd...........................302............+3............305........290........15 ridinmyhddream (Carol)........262..............0.............262. ......250........12 insubordination...................300...........-2.2........... .297.8......292.......5.8 Kimmie..............................314........... ..-6. ...........308........290........24 Tinkerbell77. . . . . . . . . . . .317 . . . . . . .0 . . . . . . .317 . . . .299 . . . .18 Rainer (Lorraine).................298.............4...... .........294.......275........19 Chiefsfankatie...............305...............0.. .............305............290......15 jbtullis ........................300...............2....... ......298..........285.........13
  23. insubordination

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Well done Kimmie. Faith - get a fill. I know you could do it without one but you don't have to. *Drumroll Please* WELCOME TO TWOTERVILLE: POPULATION ME :clap2::whoo::bounce: I joined a gym last Friday and it's stopped my just-getting-home- from work-snacking. I am now 297.8! Wooooooooooooooooh!
  24. That's so great April and and well done on the 30 pounds. Wooooot! Yes, I must prefer the aisle because I'm very tall. You can stick one leg out so it doesn't cram into the seat in front of you. Anyway, I'm off to the gym because I really, really want to get this seatbelt fastened on the flight. It really does depend on the airline though, doesn't it? Unfortunately, I'm boarding with three or four colleagues. It's going to be VERY embarrassing to ask for an extension.
  25. insubordination

    Road to "TWOterville"

    WOW!:whoo: Go Jonathan. Two amazing goals in the span of a week. You are awesome. Welcome to Twoterville: population you! :bounce::clap2::peace::rofl::cheer2::mad::eek:

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