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Everything posted by insubordination

  1. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Rhonda, get thyself a fill. I don't think doctors warn us enough about how frequent fills might be. Some people can go for months and months but our fills seem to wear off after a week or two. Also, Toni, I think you should call your doctors and ask them what's going on. You didn't go through major surgery to stay the same (though it's cool you're not gaining).
  2. Amazing loss Lisa. You'll make your mini-goal in no time.
  3. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    To answer your question Stef, I can eat 1 cup of food at the moment. I only lose because of the band. I used to eat three HUGE meals a day. Bigger than a normal fat person. I'd also have a giant muffin and a whole bar of chocolate and a muesli bar. Now I can only have three small meals a day. I haven't cut out snacking ('cept the muffin)but it doesn't matter. My overall calories must be much less and as I'm a lot bigger than some of you so my body would naturally require a lot more calories just to function. I'm not on a diet and won't go on one. It puts me in a bad head space. However, I'm starting to realise that my standards in life have been set too low (in all areas, not just food) so now I'm starting to choose things which are more nutritious because my body needs them. Although I don't count cals, I have been on diets before and I do know that a chocolate bar has the calories of two extra meals so I've cut down to the small-sized one and every other day rather than every day. I'm sure that after a while, I won't be able to eat 2000 cals (I'm guessing here) and still lose but I can now so I'm not going to worry. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Awesome NSVs everyone.:bounce: I haven't bought any new clothes yet but a colleague commented that I was 'swimming' in my current ones. She doesn't know about the band. I'm also starting to notice little things. Tonight I doled out the correct portion for dinner. I ate it and I really do need to take pea-sized bites now or I'm in trouble. I like tasting every mouthful. When I had finished, I went to get more and as I was reaching for it, I thought, "Who am I kidding? That isn't going to fit" and put it back in the fridge. Also, I was going to eat some chocolate wafer biscuit thingies and then I had the thought that they were cheap, sugary rubbish and ate two passionfruit instead. If I'm going to have junk food, I'll make it a small 70% dark chocolate with almonds or marzipan or something I love. I have been chewing and spitting less (gross I know but I do it). I now only spit out junk food and not normal food. I used to buy a takeaway meal and be angry I couldn't finish it and chew and spit it in a bowl until it was done. Now I can't be bothered and see it as a waste of money. It's as though my eating habits are slowly starting to improve. I can even recognise emotional overeating now. Today was a really stressful day at work so I'm off to the gym to see if that'll help. I think my body needs the movement. It's not good to stay still all the time. Which isn't to say all is hunky dory. Had a really tough time with PBing this week and had to go on liquids for 48 hours. My stomach was really sore but I'm OK now.
  4. insubordination

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Gosh no, it spurs me on.
  5. insubordination

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Had a very average month but this one is going to be good. I'm sure of it. Name...................... Starting....Loss....Current.....Goal......To Go Rainer.......................283.........0........ ...283........18..........18 Insubordination...........296.5......0............296.5......288........8.5
  6. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Good to hear from you CD. Gulf of Mexico huh? Sounds great. I think 2.5 cups per meal is too much. If you're losing it's fine but it you're not, get a fill. Stef- I'm proud of you for not eating the full 12 and for destroying them. The binge monster is always going to rear its ugly and desperate head from time to time. Even normal sized people without eating disorders eat 6 biscuits. I have to report that my hair seems to be growing back. I lost a lot over the past few years due to a thyroid condition. I'm used to being bald on top along the part. Luckily I'm tall so not a lot of people see it but it used to make me cry when I got an aerial view on security cameras etc. However, I definitely notice whips and curls growing back. It looks a bit funny with all the different lengths.
  7. insubordination

    Need advice

    It could also be a technique problem rather than texture. Your bites should be pea-sized and chewed to a paste. Rest between bites. A meal should take a lot longer than we usually expect.
  8. insubordination

    Is peanut butter allowed?

    It's a bit disturbing that it's referred to as PB. I've heard of people adding it to their smoothies in the liquids/mushies stage. Also, curried Soup is divine with a bit of Peanut Butter in it. I also found that (watered-down) hommous was good too add to Soups in the liquid phase.
  9. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I and hear ya Holli and Suz. I'm also a heavy-weight and have been since I was a young'un. One time I starved myself down to 200 and it was great for the week it lasted Every tiny bit of weight lost is such a blessing and I'm so glad I found my way to the band. I can tell I'm going to succeed too. I am started to make so many plans that I never dared dream about before. I have many issues I need to address but it is so refreshing to address them while I'm losing weight rather than while I'm gaining.
  10. insubordination

    Why are YOU Fat?

    That's cool you can admit it if that's the case. I wonder though sometimes, why do we need to exercise extreme willpower when others don't and simply put their forks down when they're done? Is there something confused in our brains? I know my grandmother really has to discipline herself to stop eating and stick to small portions to maintain her weight, yet my bandless friend just naturally eats bandster-sized portions and never seems to want more after a certain point. It's a mystery.
  11. insubordination

    Liquids after PB

    I find threads such as this useful. I don't want to be throwing up every day and I don't want to go to hospital because of stuck food. I'm usually able to eat in the evening but after this last fill, I PB if I eat after around 7pm. This happened two nights in a row. I believe the really bad PB on the second night was because I hadn't been sticking to liquids and my stomach was still irritated from the previous day. One unchewed kidney bean was the culprit. I have learnt my lesson and am on liquids for the next 24 hours to give my stomach a rest. Also, when I go back to eating, I'll make sure I do it earlier to avoid this problem. Also, I obviously need to chew more and not just swallow because the food is of soft texture. I should have had refried beans!
  12. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I'm no expert. Just one of those distrustful-of-the-government conspiracy-theorists. Probably the majority of people would disagree with me. I think some of you have a good point. To calculate needed Protein intake by body weight seems out of balance when you are only eating small volumes of food. You'd have to be eating almost all protein to make the recommended amounts. Maybe a % of total food is the way to go. It is really challenging to get our recommended fruit and vegetable needs too with a band. If fact, it's impossible. Following your doc's orders is likely best. Besides Stef, if you are losing weight, then keep doing what you're doing. I totally admire your dedication to exercise and reading your posts is one of the things that finally got me off my butt. I think exercise is the key to succeeding in this thing. We need to build lean muscle tissue and to do that, we need to fuel our bodies well. When we've lost all our weight we can perhaps re-look at everything to maintain. Until then, I guess we should make all our choices healthy ones since eating junk food wastes valuable stomach space we need for nutrition. As for protein, carbs, fruit, vegies and calories, I guess that's totally up to the individual.
  13. insubordination

    Aussie Bansters Chat Thread Part 2

    I concur, Opti has all the same stuff as a multi. When you stop using Opti, then take a multi.
  14. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I am at the opposite end of the spectrum as Stef but I might as well tell you what I think. I'll put a disclaimer to obey your doctor at all times. I am definitely not a doctor. I just read about this issue all the time. It's a hobby of mine. Warning: rant ahead. I think the recent trend the need to consume massive amounts of protein is a myth funded by industry. Before I follow statistics and recommendations (even from doctors), I try to find out who funded the research that led to the recommendations. It is usually tied to the meat and dairy industries which are among the most powerful industries in the world and influence everything from government policy, doctors and even the food pyramid. PCRM >> Your Health >> Stop Childhood Obesity Now Rather than put my trust in the US Department of Agriculture (whose members receive massive donations from these industries), I look to organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) or the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) for protein recommendations. They don't have a financial interest in pushing protein. The planet couldn't sustain itself if every human being ate 90g of animal and/or soy protein a day (think land use and climate change). Excess protein will contribute to heart and kidney problems as well as putting the body in an acidic state which it compensates for by leaching calcium from the bones. Good grief, I sound like Michael Moore. Anyway, you probably know that I'm a vegan so I will declare my bias right now. I'm not bagging the US either. Exactly the same thing happens in my country (Australia) and it's outrageous that my government releases diets under the auspices of a scientific organisation when it was actually mostly funded by the agribusiness. No wonder they recommended red meat 4 times a week for weight loss. England seems a lot more responsible in comparison.
  15. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Forget Herbalife. I could rant for 20 pages about it. My father has been a distributor for years and years.
  16. insubordination

    Weight Challenge: Labor Day to Thanksgiving

    Congrats on ONEderland. It must feel great! I am finally joining this challenge. I'm on the other thread too, so know my weight and now I know when Labour Day and Thanksgiving are and have converted kilograms to pound, I am listo. Name...Challenge Start Wt...Current Wt...Challenge Goal...To Go Huntersmom...... 174........... 172....... 159............ 13 SWEETY.......... 202........... 198....... 180............ 18 MJsafari........ 268........... 260....... 238............ 22 captdanbo....... 211........... 211....... 185............ 26 PaulaD.......... 216........... 216....... 199............ 17 Stefanie42467... 206........... 202....... 175............ 27 Suzzzie......... 349........... 341....... 320............ 21 glindab......... 277........... 269....... 250............ 19 MM.............. 242........... 231.4..... 218...........13.4 finallythin..... 254........... 254....... 225............ 29 BeckieT......... 259........... 259....... 239............ 20 Miscontext...... 303........... 303....... 275............ 28 ja9va........... 207........... 202....... 182............ 20 wombat712....... 180........... 177....... 165............ 12 Texasmom5573.... 252........... 252....... 230............ 22 Waters.......... 214........... 213....... 190............ 24 lessnless....... 206........... 195....... 179............ 16 MissDarlene..... 223........... 223....... 195............ 28 o2bthin..........238............238........215 ............23 insubordination..300............296.5......283.............13.5
  17. insubordination

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Don't worry about it. If anyone deserves a helping hand/band, it's you. I don't even see it as such a big deal anymore, though countless would disagree with me, I'm sure. I'm very glad you figured out what's wrong with you. I went though something similar thinking I was lazy etc. when I really had a thyroid problem and chronic infection stemming from wisdom teeth. I really responded because your mother horrified me. Giving you white, nutrient-free food while spoiling your sister. The kind of thing you only see on Law & Order or something. Anyway, you have had weight loss success before and you'll have it now only you'll be relieved because it will stay off.
  18. insubordination

    Road to "TWOterville"

    It is awesome L, 13 pounds! My weight loss has been sluggish but TOM is approaching so I'll let myself off the hook. Besides, there are still a few days to go. I just got a fill yesterday, so that should move things along. I've been exercising too so I'll be OK. Didn't someone say that they have the pattern of a good month and a slower month? Kimmie, you're doing great. Name...................... Starting....Loss....Current.....Goal......To Go losingjusme.(Christine).. 273..........-4...........269.........252........17 faithmd...................... 302.........-4.6.........297.4.......290.......7.4 ridinmyhddream (Carol)...262..........+1..........263. .......250........13 insubordination..............300........-3.5.........296.5.......292........4.5 Kimmie.........................314........-19. ........295..........290........5 Tinkerbell77..................317........-4.8..... ..312.2.........299......12.2 Rainer (Lorraine)............298.........-13...........285..........278.......7 Chiefsfankatie...............305..........-8..........297..........290.......7 jbtullis ........................300..........-2..........298..........285........13 Elisabethsew.................278...........6...... ....272..........269........3
  19. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    What a gorgeous family Stef. Loved the picture of the dogs on the bed. MJ, I'm glad you found out what's wrong. Your poor hub! The seatbelt thing is so awesome. Sheila - that's a significant non-scale victory. How good you must feel! I got a 4th fill today. 0.5ml put in. Hello restriction! Where have you been? It was great not to be able to finish lunch and I wasn't obsessed with snacking/planning to snack all day. I just know it'll wear off a bit after a week or so *sigh*. I agree with others Suzzie, if drinking Water hurts (though you're only sipping, not gulping I hope), then you're over-filled.
  20. Astounding! You must not be able to believe it. I'm a similar weight/age/body shape as you and it's great to know what I have to look forward to if I do my part. mjsafari, that is awesome. Especially considering your past history with the airline. The tray table and everything -:rose: wow!
  21. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Well if it's working Stef, keep doing it. I shudder at the very concept of 600 cals and protein drinks but you are obviously healthy. I'm contemplating getting another fill but it's hard to decide, isn't it? I'm still losing but maybe I could be losing faster. I don't want to be overfilled and have the problems associated with that and I actually enjoy being able to eat (almost) normal person sized portions. I've also found that it's texture that's the key more than fill. I'm also learning to eat the parts I want and forgetting about useless filler like rice. That said, I want this weight off and I'm definitely eating more than I was a month ago. Thing I have gradually noticed is that I don't snack all day like I used to. I'll have a passionfruit or a cracker sometimes but mostly I just wait for the next meal. I used to munch on muesli bars or chocolate every day.
  22. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Really? Ouch! Do you have enough energy with that? I don't even count calories but at an estimate, I eat thrice that. Maybe I can get away with it because I'm tall and...well..supersized.
  23. insubordination

    Road to "TWOterville"

    FAITHMD, I knew you could do it. You rock, you roll. Welcome to Twoterville - stick around a while. Not long-term, mind. :whoo::whoo::whoo::clap2::whoo::biggrin1: :roll::rockon::wow2::lock1:
  24. insubordination

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Been away for a few days, so haven't caught up on the posts yet. I just got back from my business trip (I posted this elsewhere because I'm excited) and the plane seatbelt fit! No humiliating extender por moi. The armrest stayed down. Did you hear me? I said the seat-belt fit. :whoo: I was lucky it fit on the return trip. I was really doing experiments with this band, with bad results. Let's just say, what happens on holidays, stays on holidays.

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