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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kelsan

  1. Kelsan

    Entry #1 Here We Go!

    Woot - woot, we're sleeve sisters! I'm in for surgery Monday at 12p.m.. I'm usually a nervous nelly about these things but I feel oddly calm about it. Good luck to you, I hope you have a safe and speedy recovery! Check back in when you feel up to it.
  2. Also, contact your insurance company directly and see what is required and see if they can send you those requirements in the mail. That was the first thing I did when considering this surgery.
  3. Kelsan

    Preop diet fail

    I am at the end of my pre-op diet and it was soooo hard for me too! I had a few bites of cheese through the week and that was my cheat. I even thought about going for fast food for a "last meal," but thankfully I was (somehow) able to talk myself off the ledge and didn't go. Everyday, is a new day - try and focus on the future and don't beat yourself up about last week, just keep busy. We've got to shrink our livers for a successful surgery! I know you can do this .
  4. I would go through with my appointments and ask the office insurance coordinator for advice and on ways to make the approval process easier. If you had my insurance BCBS, you would be fine with the stats you've provided. Good luck (but don't five up), the process can be long and arduous. After a year of thinking about this surgery (including the 6mo supervised diet) I'm having my surgery Monday afternoon!
  5. Kelsan

    Taking all vitamins at once?

    There are vitamins you can take where it's an all-in-one pill. The one I take is Opurity. Good luck.
  6. Oh,no - I'm so sorry you're having a hard time with food!! Please check back in with us after your appointment with your doctor to let us know what's going on in that tummy.
  7. I'm having my surgery on Monday too! I normally get really, really scared and anxious before surgeries, but I don't feel that way yet. I hope you guys can get a good nights sleep and a quick recovery!!!
  8. Kelsan

    Stomach cancer

    Geez guys, I'm having my surgery on Monday, and this post has given me new worries !
  9. Kelsan


    Congratulations - hope you continue to do well and keep us posted.
  10. I'm glad to hear you guys are doing okay, it makes me feel a bit better about my up coming surgery. Thanks for checking in.
  11. I hate chewables too! Looking forward to hearing what others suggest/say.
  12. Kelsan


  13. Kelsan

    Sick of shakes

    I have Unjury unflavored and they suggest mixing it in Crystal Light. Good luck and try and stay strong
  14. I know it's hard to resist the thought of having a cute/sweet little baby, but waiting is best for the health of your baby, which is paramount. Plus, for your own sake, you really need to take full advantage of that six month honeymoon right after surgery, because it will never be this easy again. Good luck!
  15. I think you should consider postponing surgery. You want your body to be healthy as can be before putting it through surgery. I hope you feel better soon - good luck. I had a health issue in March and my surgeon said he would not operate because the immune system is taxed enough trying to deal with the current issue, let alone trying to heal from surgery.
  16. Jess: how are you feeling now?
  17. Itsme!: Did I read your post right? Are you really gardening? I have my surgery 5/6 and it sounds like you're physically doing very well. It makes me feel a little better about my up coming surgery. Good luck to all of you!
  18. Kelsan

    Today, the very beginning to the rest of my life!

    Thanks for introducing yourself and welcome, I look forward to reading more of your blogs.
  19. Kelsan

    I wish I was a bird so I could fly away from here...

    It sounds like you're really focusing on the important things before surgery (mental game) and I think that will greatly benefit you for your life after the surgery! You really sound like you're ready and committed to the change our new life with require. What's done, is done, just try and look forward and have a positive outlook, you're going to be great!!
  20. My surgeon said I could not lift anything more than ten pounds for one month. My friends surgeon told her nothing heavier than a coffee cup for a month. Good luck. Hope you're feeling well.
  21. Thanks for the thoughtful inspiration. I'm in my pre-op liquid diet now and enjoyed reading your post. So true.
  22. Pre-op here, but what are some examples of "slider foods"? I hear that word mentioned often, but don't really know what it is.
  23. My house is getting Martha Stewart clean . Two birds, one stone. Good luck!
  24. Kelsan

    is the start line?

    Congratulations on making this big decision! I had my last child two years ago and I still weigh the same as I did when I left the hospital! In the past, my weight loss attempts got me down to 192 but I could never move the scale further than that no matter what I tried. Which is why I decided to do the sleeve last spring. My surgery is on May 06. I'm nervous but looking forward to it. Thanks for sharing your story, I think you're going to do great.
  25. My nutritionist and surgeon said once I've started the process, that I could go ahead and try to lose weight on my own, and I would just be that much further ahead after surgery. They said it wasn't going to matter in the approval process, but I was definatly talk to your office to make sure that is the same case for you. Six months is a long time to wait (I did too), but it gave me time to think about this decision and read lots of information. Ultimatley, I feel better prepaired because of it. Good luck!

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