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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Jaiassa

  1. As I have lost my wight, It seams as if I have even lost myself along the way and who I truely am. I think I will start to see out counceling to see what I do feel is true and if it is acturally leading me on a new path in life.

  2. I have gone from a size 26 pant size to today buying a size 16. Hell to the Yeah

  3. Did some power yoge other night, I think I hyper extended my left shoulder.

  4. As I loose weight it is giving me a new idenity. Who am I?

  5. I am down 57lbs now and counting.

  6. I am down 57lbs now and counting.

  7. So tired. Working till 1 in the morning and getting back up at 7 to ruch kids to get ready fpr school is just taking a toll on me.

  8. Does anyone stray away more from red meat after the surgery? Pros and cons?

  9. Walking onto my kids school today, I could feel how much more lighter my body is while walking.

  10. Mood swings going off the chart. Anone else seam to have these in the 3rd to 4th month?

  11. I have been having some lower abdomon pain this week, and I saw three different types of doctors. My Chiropractor, General Practitioner, and My speciatly doctor for this surgery. None of which could tell me what is wrong and all had a different opinion.

  12. I have been having some lower abdomon pain this week, and I saw three different types of doctors. My Chiropractor, General Practitioner, and My speciatly doctor for this surgery. None of which could tell me what is wrong and all had a different opinion.

  13. I have been having small pains the last two days in lower stomach area about where I have had my c-sections prior. My chiropractor thinks it is where the large intestant connects to the small (eliocecos valve). I also saw my primary care physician that thinks its a bladder infection,but I have no pain with urination. They both did bring up a possible issue could be the apendex. I hope not at least. More blood work taken today. Let me know if anyone out there is or has simmilar issues.

  14. I played beach volleyball today. I have not felt this great in a long time. All though I am sure I will feel it more tommorow.

  15. I played beach volleyball today. I have not felt this great in a long time. All though I am sure I will feel it more tommorow.

  16. I have had a runny nose for the last two days. I amnot sure if it is a cold, or aI can take for this and not be a problem with the vertical sleeve?

  17. Looking worward to New Years and the challanges ahead of me. Anyone Know why you can only drink on special occasions, just curious.

  18. Doing great. Moving along in my revovery to getting back living a normal life.

  19. Meats and cheese treys this holiday. Yeah thats what Im talking about.

  20. My scale broke, so now I am not constantly looking and checking my weight.

  21. I forgot again how to add new photos, please enlighten me as I have a headache trying to look for it.

  22. So much good foods durring the holidays that it is hard to resist the temptation.

  23. I have a great intern right now, and I hope that next year when things pick up again she will be around to help with some of the load.

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