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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BethinPA

  1. BethinPA

    What's the story behind your profile name?

    I joined this forum when I was about a week post-op, shell shocked and thinking "what the hell did I just do?" I know no one who had had this surgery, so I came online to look for support. Creativity in choosing my screen name was the last thought on my mind when I was signing up! My name is Betsy, and I live in Pennsylvania. Bleh!
  2. BethinPA

    Ready for my date

    Good luck on your journey!
  3. Sounds like a good plan to me. Good luck to you!
  4. BethinPA

    Dating post-op..does it get easier?

    Somehow this surgery taught me that I really no longer want to be alone romantically - I want to be in a committed relationship. But I wanted to wait until I lost weight. So I joined a website this summer, and dated someone through the summer. The relationship didn't work out, but it did give me confidence. I'm a little slow about these things, but I will try again.
  5. Edifying us! What does the Botox do? I wouldn't have thought it would help. Thank you for any info you can provide!
  6. I am a year out, and my stomach is still noisy. Not as noisy as it was in the beginning, but I doubt it completely goes away for most people. You get used to it!
  7. BethinPA


    Warm drinks really go down easy, and were my saving grace in the beginning. Try some decaf hot tea?
  8. I got used to not consuming caffeine. Then I had one of the crystal light energy flavors and I was buzzing! I could only consume half because of the buzz. It is good to know I have a go-to pick me up when I need it!
  9. I am thinking about exploring fillers to give my face a more youthful look. I startle myself when I look in the mirror sometimes! I'm 46, and I think we just don't bounce back from this weight loss as we get older…
  10. RDA means recommended daily allowance. It refers to each vitamin or mineral, and the number would be different for each one.
  11. BethinPA

    Vitamins making me throw up...

    I would probably go ahead and order the ones that don't upset my stomach, and revisit these vitamins later. Let some time pass, could make the difference in how well you tolerate them.
  12. Today marks my one year anniversary, and I am thrilled with my changes over the last 365 days. I haven't yet made goal, but I am going to keep on plugging! I am so happy and grateful that I swallowed my pride, admitted I really needed help, and got the sleeve!
  13. I have a big family, and it has become a joke that "moist meat rules!" Because in the beginning I was so careful to order something moist that I knew would agree with my new stomach. Now I find that they are giving all the credit for my weight loss to my surgery, as if I had nothing to do with my success. Very frustrating! In restaurants I always ask for my uneaten food to be wrapped up, and head the waiter off at the pass by saying something like it was great, but I just got too full to fast, or some such excuse. I've never gotten any flack or looks.
  14. I used special bariatric vitamins for the first three months, then began taking "normal" vitamins thereafter. If there is an issue, it will be apparent on your follow up lab work, and you can correct it. I wouldn't sweat it too much. Just one nurse's advice. : )
  15. Thank you all very much for your support! I don't know a soul who has had VSG, so this website has been a lifeline for me over the past year. I used to be a ferocious reader, but I don't think I have finished hardly a novel in months because I'm always reading posts here! Thanks again!
  16. BethinPA

    What's your poison!

    I probably have 1-2 glasses of wine a month, but was recently introduced to fireball whiskey. I'm not a whiskey drinker either, but the cinnamon flavor is pretty pleasing, and is a nice flavor for fall.
  17. I don't know the answer, but I am in the same boat - you are not alone. My one year anniversary is tomorrow, and I have lost 103 pounds, but want to lose 37 more. It is going to require hard work, but I'm optimistic that we can do this!
  18. My birthday was eleven days after my surgery last year. My best friend tried to make it festive by making me my "birthday" protein shake, followed by my "birthday" lovenox…you get the picture. What we decided upon was that I got a do-over. I could pick a date in the future when I felt better, and my loved ones would celebrate my birthday then. I picked a date about three months after my surgery. So here we are almost a year later, and I am over 100 pounds lighter. It was so worth it in the long run! And this birthday will be that much sweeter and more enjoyable as a result! Focus on the long game with this one - it will be so worth it for you too!
  19. BethinPA

    excessive thirst?

    I don't know of you are still taking pain medications, but they can make you thirsty as well.

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