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No game

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by No game

  1. Not much variety in that stage.. But I made homemade chicken broth. So much better than canned! Or for a treat go to a Chinese (or better yet send someone :)) food take out and order a Soup (egg drop or wonton) ask for mostly broth. And strain all the stuff out (yes strain everything) and drink the broth :)

  2. One thing I never say is "88 pounds gone forever"

    Lol I don't want to jinx myself :P

    But I'm also aware that it's not an guarantee that it will stay gone..

    As for common sense and listening to our bodies? Yep tried that.. Now I surrender myself to the process, and my surgeons guidelines.

    Well expect for coffee.. But I waited 4 months :D

    I think a bit of hard scary reality is vital to being successful on this journey.

    We need to work on our heads! And our relationship to food!!

    Priority number one! Our heads, not the surgery :)

    I know some here think that certain people here are meanies (like me sometimes) when they rain on their food parades. And well sorry but I'm only trying to help people be armed with facts so that they have every chance there is to be successful

    I,like you read what those crusty old vets had to say when I was a newbie.

    It scared me yes, but my eyes were wide open going into this. And for that I am thankful.

    Very very good post. Laura-ven, I always appreciate the insight that you share with the rest of us. It has been very helpful to me personally. I am still pre-op and haven't yet scheduled my appointment because I realize that all of the above statements are true. It will not be easy. It is not a lifetime guarantee against weight gain. It is ultimately up to me making good choices regardless of the size of my stomach. I have been kicking this idea around for more than two years, and very very seriously for the past eight or so months. I am slowly working through each of my mental stumbling blocks wanting to make 100% sure that this is the right decision/time for me. I am currently at about 98% sure....there are just two remaining little nagging worries I am dealing with. One thing that strikes me as....silly, I guess...is the newbie posts around here about how they are disregarding their surgeons recommendations in favor of their own "common sense" version. I mean, if their personal version of healthy living was accurate they wouldn't have had to resort to WLS, right? I am actually thankful to those people's arrogance opinions because it reminds me of the importance of the MENTAL changes that I need to make in order to have lifelong success with my sleeve.

  3. Those life vests are not very flattering either! I think its great that you were kayaking though, and we will hook up and kayak sometime... maybe this spring? I still flop out of the kayak! some things never change!

    Yes you need to come to the elkhorn! We can flop on the dock together :D

  4. Ok I didn't want to start a new thread but my husband found this picture today..

    This was me in July of 2012 a couple of months before surgery..

    All the way to the kayak place I worried that I wouldn't even fit into a kayak anymore :(

    I fit (barely) but after a couple of hours of kayaking when I pulled up to the dock I couldn't physically get myself out! I had to rest for awhile then when I finally was able to hoist myself out and roll onto the dock I had to sit there for about five minutes because I could not stand up on my own...


  5. The throwing up is your body telling you you are eating to fast, too much or it is not ready for these foods. Just because your surgeon tells you it's ok doesn't necessarily mean your body is ready.

    17 days is really early out. And it is impossible to get your nutrition through real food.

    Find a Protein Shake you like. Premier from costco is good. Also plain Greek yogurt. As far as food if you must, try one new approved thing a day and only one small bite or two..

  6. Just caught up with the overnight posts :)

    Yes here we are!

    I'm glad you all found moments of joy in the last couple of days...

    Wow life doesn't stand still does it?

    Ok I'm fasting today and holy shit it's hard!!

    but I must.. I blew Tuesdays fast and I just found out I have one more holiday thing on Saturday.

    10:25 am and my stomach is growling for food carbs in particular..

  7. I have a really good friend here. Long story short she and I really like each other but had different philosophies on the sleeve journey. Mine is a little strict hers was not..

    She is past the three year mark and looking to get re-sleeved.

    Moral of this story?

    Please don't rely on the sleeve to stop you.

    Failure or success is still very much in your hands.

  8. I'm a food addict.. So my surgeon doesn't encourage me to eat just a cookie or two.

    But perhaps you don't have these issues?

    I've been reading here a lot lately that many people don't have the issues with food (disordered eating) like I do.

    Some just have 50 pounds they need to lose and this is the newest cutest way to lose very trendy.

    They still eat the same way

    "just tiny amounts, lol"

    Not all of us are like that. This is a radical surgery that was the last stop before death for me.

    I have had a cookie, shit last night I had a piece of see's candy..but eating one makes me want two or more..

    So I ate it with caution not bravado.

    As I said I'm a year out and not quite at goal yet. So these things are not really conducive to my weight loss.

  9. "Probably gonna tick some people off.......lol"

    Lol..not a provocative confrontational title at all!! :P. (was that passive aggressive?)

    Anyway.. Not pissed but I can eat a whole bag of chips. When I was as new as you I wouldn't dare. Because I was following my surgeons orders.

    But now that I'm over a year out and long past the honeymoon stage? It's on me to pass up that bag of Oreos. Yes that whole bag that I could eat.

    This surgery is not a cure. It's not a magic bullet.

  10. Wow! 400-600 seems so extreme to me! I'm glad I asked the question... My doctor doesn't give caloric guidelines, only Protein grams, etc.

    It is extreme.. My doctor let me get away with small amounts like that when I was newly sleeved.... But wanted me up to 1000 to 1200 for the long term weight loss phase. Granted it took some months to get to that point if you are eating right. But don't tank you metabolism.

    And mix it up don't eat the same exact calories everyday keep that body guessing.

  11. Hi :)

    One more thing....

    Some days I'm completely fine and don't mind my family eating anything and everything around me (and trust me they eat) but other days for many different reasons I can't handle it. And when I'm feeling that way I just let them know how I'm feeling.

    And excuse myself until they are done.

    This may not work for everyone. But sometimes I just don't feel like watching everyone eat pie so I don't :)

  12. Lol coops,

    the face on that deer looks like me when I stepped on the scale today!!! :P

    I'm going to chalk it off to salty pork dumplings yesterday :D

    I'm thinking if all of you today. I know this has been a rough holiday season for some of us..

    But we did it! It's Christmas night and whatever will be will be. And in a few days we will start a new year and that new year will be full of wonderful possibilities!

    And no... I haven't been drinking :o:P

  13. The best advice I can give you is reflect on why you did this surgery. And remember that even through we had this surgery success is still completely in our hands. This is a tool that we need to work, we still have to come up with the discipline to make smart choices for the rest of our lives. This early out, I would stay as strict as you can. This is the time to try and build new habits.

    As time goes on, and I mean after the honeymoon stage (the first six months) you will have to make choices as to what you can and can't handle. Some can do a little moderation, but most of us with an addiction to food need to stay clear. Because those bites are never just bites.. They are the opening of the door to old behaviors.

    I know it is hard.. I had surgery last year a week before thanksgiving so I wasn't on "real" food for Christmas yet.

    But this year I am, and it is a challenge not to give in to the temptations, especially when those around you are eating with sweet abandon.

  14. Laura - interesting your evolution in the sleeve process...I wonder how many people have progessed like that. I have been sitting here thinking how scary it will be to express my feelings as they are happening but how liberating it could be too, and maybe add years and perhaps less wrinkles to my face :) That might be an interesting post, probably has already been done....how has ones personality, ways you deal with people, especially difficult ones, changed since you had surgery?

    I think my thread "life got in the way of the sleeve" touched on it a bit.. I was definitely going through some growing pains with my family.

    I was getting some push back that week of wanting the old mom and wife back from my family. You know, the door mat, yep they missed the old me. "Your not the same" "we want you bank to the way you were" they said.

    The only problem is that I became a non person that got no respect and didn't even respect myself.

    I can see how they miss that person though.

    I was easy, easy to ignore easy to push around.

    My care went into anything but me.. Now I'm not easy, if you disrespect me slight me or expect unreasonable things from me I will speak out.

    I can no longer soothe myself with food. So I talk.

    I love my family and they love me so we will grow and get through this, but like everything else we are doing its a work in progress :)

  15. Well whatever you do, don't chew and spit that just sets you up for all sorts of other problems or disorders! I know this is a hard time of year to just of had surgery but know that this time next year you will be a much healthier happier person.

    Get away from the food. That's what I did last year, I just told my family I couldn't be around on thanksgiving because I was still in the throws of withdraw from food.

  16. It happens to do many of us after rapid weight loss... I've lost weight before and never had this problem but since the surgery and lost wait even sitting for a few minutes hurts.

    If you google "sore tailbone after losing weight"

    You will get pages of theories. The padding or skin on the actual tail bone becomes very thin why I don't know..

  17. Whoa! Did the doc tell you it was ok to eat a cup and a half of food? ?

    Your stomach is swollen and numb so don't look for that full feeling just yet especially with things like yogurt.

    You should be measuring and eating only a certain amount the first weeks.

    For most of us it's 1/4 cup at a time..

    You are a man? Your stomach is probably naturally bigger than mine but 1 1/2 cups is to much.

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