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No game

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by No game

  1. Coops! There is no pooch!! Wear that dress you look amazeballs! (Lol I didn't think of use that saying so soon) :P

    Really, you worked hard for that body show it's nice shape :)

    Susan, no way!! You really read this whole thread??

    And you're still here??? :P

    Welcome to the best part of bariatric pal!

    Shhhh. Don't tell the big "A" I said that!

    What days are you doing Susan?

    I do Tuesday and Thursday.

  2. Laura - I am super-duper chuffed to Beans for you - amazeballs with tinsel on! Now it is official that you are a success perhaps you will believe me/us when we tell you that you ARE a success and that you look amazeballs!! Hugs my friend x

    Lol!! if you're chuffed to beans and think I look amazeballs?

    I truly am a success!!

  3. Congrats! You are a success and I love the selfie! At this point, it's all vanity pounds, but I know what you mean about getting there. I take Ferrimin 150 when I need it. My program recommends ferrous fulmar ate Iron. The Ferrimin includes a stool softener because Iron alone can be pretty binding. I take it right before bed because you're supposed to wait 2 hrs after taking Calcium.< /p>

    Yep. That's why I don't like taking it... I've been boarder line anemic for years. So it hasn't changed since before surgery but he wants me to do something about it now so he emailed my pcp. Because it's due to girly problems. Fun fun!!

    Oh is that iron prescription??

  4. Eh?! How comes my post was 'edited' by you?! Whad I miss?! And it's okay, I have no desire to languish where I'm not wanted! :P

    Because in my giddiness I clicked the wrong button. Quite a power to change others words though... MUAHAHAHAHA :P

  5. I'm not a Vet, so I won't comment.. Other than... You skinny biaaaaaaatch :P:D xx

    Lol! You guys are more than welcome here...

    That is until we kick your azzes out! :P

  6. You know Jane his approval meant so much to me too.. I guess I feel a bit of a god complex for him :P

    I was in the waiting room and there was a few People in there two were there for their one week out and I thought to myself what a wonderful journey they have ahead of them!

    I had to stop myself from talking like a fool to them!

    I will go back in six months again and I hope to be even more healthy then.

  7. Lol :P PB2 is good! I've also been known to have a tiny bit of Peanut Butter too :) It's amazing really about two weeks ago I ate a kims magic pop (kinda like a rice cake) With the thinnest spread of peanut butter (all natural no sugar) I should of taken a picture because it dawned on me a year ago if I had made that, the peanut butter would of been generously slathered on! I put so little it didn't even cover most of it just here and there in spots But the taste was just as good and satisfying. Lol yes I love peanut butter :D

  8. I know what your saying... If it works for you, then that's good. I cannot just do just shakes I need food so it would be a set up for failure for me...

    We have the hardest part to learn now and that is self control. Some people just say "ok these crackers and such, I like them and I might eat them sometimes but not until I get to goal and even then if it becomes a problem they are just something I need to cut out."

    Perhaps just saying no until to you get to where you want to be then reevaluate?

  9. Kim, how tall is your hubs? He look like he's tall in the pic...nice looking guy!

    Sarsar, hes a big hulking Kiwi, around 6'1", 255 pounds, (we used to weight the same!) and his hands are GIANT. He has Fred Flintstone feet... he didn't wear shoes until he was 12! Country boy. I met him by a bus stop in the Himalaya. I could totally see him swinging a sword in some Scottish battle. His clans motto is "Conquer or Die" and our clan motto is "Love" Do you think we might have different conflict resolving styles? You would be right. :)

    I have gone out with men of all sizes and shapes. I did like his stature for sure, and he likes bigger girls, so that worked for me too.

    Wow!! He is a big boy!! I must admit it is nice to be with someone bigger.. But it doesn't always work out that way. My husband is taller yes. 5'9 and some change..but he has a smaller body type (our hands are the same) and weighs in the high 150's low 160's It's can be kinda of a mind game when I'm bigger.

    But love is love is love :)

  10. Ok I'm at the doctors office! I decided to go big.. If I couldn't reach my goal on that stupid scale I Thought imma going to at least look good :P You know the drill wearing the lightest clothes you can.. f**k it! I've layered up the wazoo. I've got two sweaters on an undershirt heavy jeans my studded belt and a heavy necklace :D Stepped on my home scale and I read 153!!! Lol from 149 to that!!

  11. I was fat before I became fat. Eventually my physical appearance matched how I felt on the inside. During high school I was always 140 but felt like I was obese. Hated my body. My rituals with eating began early.... Ohhhhh Snickers bars eating all around the outsides, then the nougat on the bottom. Then each bite after that I would let melt in my mouth. It was like making love to my food. Everything I loved to eat had some sort of ritualized eating pattern associated with it. I always had food battles with my parents. Now I realize it was all about control. I would have to sit at the kitchen table for hours because there were certain foods I refused to eat. I would get nauseous just thinking about them, then and now. Grits, eggs, black eyed peas just a few on a very long list. To this day I don't indulge in those foods, lol. My siblings, cousins and I would have food parties. My idea of course. We all would buy something from the store with our money we'd been saving. Then go on the back porch and divide the goods. We called it a picnic. As a teenager I would by a snack from the store and hide it under my mattress. Depending on how I felt I would finish it in a day or maybe 2, a whole box of Little Debbie Pies. When I moved out on my own at 18 I really settled into my food addiction. Until this point my binges hadn't resulted in weight gain. There was no turning back. I wasn't aware that what I was doing was blocking feelings of low self worth. Giving myself love the only way I knew how. I did not connect all the childhood abuse to my eating. I was just trying to survive. A young adult and teenage mom trying desperately to make ends meet. Too bad it's taken me many more abuses as an adult and reaching the age of 41 to began mending my mind. When you know better you do better. In therapy for a year doing the dance of one step forward two back. Thankful to have just taken a big leap forward.

    "I was fat before I became fat"

    Wow I so relate to this. It still resonates today...

    You describe this so well, including to rituals of food and love.

  12. I'm so afraid of expanding my stomach.. But is it normal that expands a bit? I mean it's only normal right ? My food tolerance in 7 months has gone up. I don't over do it at all. I've lost 130 in 7 months and hope to keep going. Anyone have any info they could share or of anyone had the same fears ..? How wouldi know if something is going wrong ?

    Don't be scared! It's completely normal at about the sixth month mark or so for the stomach to relax a bit.. It just part of the normal healing process (yes it's been healing this whole time)

    Just keep doing what you're doing and eat until satisfied but not over stuff and you will do great :)

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