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No game

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by No game

  1. No... That's what's puzzling. My dad was on blood thinners and his hands were terrible from putting his hands in his jeans pockets, etc... This just started a few months ago... All of the sudden. I suspect I have thyroid issues and no one will listen to me, but it was before this started. I have all the symptoms, but only test my doc will run is tsh and it's in the upper 3s. Which he says is normal.

    Well there goes that theory..

    As far as the thyroid seek out an endocrinologist,

    That's who I see for my thyroid issues, a general doc will only do general testing :)

  2. I am in horrible pain...but I had a really hot bath today and it eased it up a little..With having pneumonia the time it is the worst is when I cough...I cough a lot! .And then I can hit the roof..Man I wonder if this will ever end?..I really do!!!

    Oh yes coughing and dislocated ribs! Not a good combo.. :(

    That pneumonia is lasting pretty long...

    Can't the give you something more for it?

  3. I would like to stretch mine out a little. The amount of food I can eat now is really really tiny. I went to Chipoltle today and I got some taco's. No rice, minimal Beans, meat and tomatoes. I got about halfway through the first one and I was done. I am still learning to accept that stopping point. It's tough.

    You don't need to stretch it out any! Trust me.

    You are still newly sleeved (not even 6 months yet) there is a reason they call this the honeymoon (best losing window) period. Like over night capacity will change.. not back to pre sleeve but compared to what you got used to eating it will feel like it.

    Your stomach is still not healed all they way it will relax on its own and you can eat a bit more.

    I can eat a taco... I wish I couldn't but I can..

  4. HELP!! My first holiday season is killer. I'm far enough out from surgery (9 Months) I have to rely on my will power and not necessarily how miserable I feel to keep away from sweets and carbs! I had a party last night and ate worse than I have since having surgery. How can I reign myself back in??? I still have to get through Christmas AND New Years!!!

    Ok I have ever evolving strategies on the holiday season.. First I was going to power on and still try and lose weight! Lol then thanksgiving came..

    Now my strategy is to hang on for dear life and try not to gain! :P

    It's a season.. But really it's just a day or two.

    I will eat at my two Christmas functions (not go crazy) and eat normal/ go back to basics on all the other days.

    You ate sweets? Spend the next day detoxing.

    Because that's what it really is. Your body acts like it received the best drug with those sweets and carbs. So now you have to go through the withdraw period to get back on track..

    Not fun but doable when you had one day of indulgence.

  5. Bougie size.

    I have very strong opinions on making them a factor in a "successful" surgery outcome.

    They do not do the work at losing the weight, you do

    A too small a bougie (32f) MAY increase complications (leaks, strictures) . The most common used is 32-40 F

    The bougie (some don't even use bougies) sizes are used as a guide A GUIDE ONLY! for the doctor when removing your stomach. As far as getting a "bigger" or "smaller" sleeve the difference between the ALL bougies sizes are really very small..

    Your doctor will know what is right for you!

    Everyone's stomachs are different some are small, some are long so even two people using the same size bougie can have different capacities after..

    And as far as "getting one as small as you can"

    If your stomach is made to small there is a greater chance of long term problems.


  6. I cannot attribute my success or failure to bougie size. As you know the difference between 32f and 38f is minimal..

    After the first 6 to 7 months or so all of us will have a bit more room because the stomach does relax..

    As for your stomach being stretched out to pre surgery proportions.. Over eating will stretch our stomachs out more.. That's why it's so important to not over stuff for life. Just to eat enough till satisfied. Even if we overstuffed I believe it's impossible to stretch our stomachs out to pre surgery size unless there was some doctor error..

    These surgeons are learning as they go and I'm sure from three years ago to today there have been advancements and little changes that each surgeon does to ensure success trail and error..

    For instance they used to use up to a 60f bougie!

    Unheard of today, because of less than successful outcomes..

    My thought? I wonder if your surgeon (bougie aside) did not get all the fundus out??

  7. Good grief, never mind then. I was just looking to get support from others who are doing well, experienced, just getting started, etc on this plan. I've done my own googling on this but hearing what works/ didn't work for others was all I was looking for.

    I don't think you should give up, we have several threads on the vets forum where most of us are participating giving support advice and answering all questions :)

  8. Wow Jane (Sheryl) your family party sounded like so much fun..

    I like that you all sang together.

    Such an unrestrained fun thing to do!

    I love wearing clothes and feeling good now.. Before I would just put on the best thing to hide under..

    Oh yes stress and weight loss! It's a given if I'm stressed I can do everything "right" and still hold on to the weight!

    Daisy (Denise)

    I hope that my daughter and I will get closer as she gets older.. I really think the army is going to help her a lot.

    Ok where do you live again? It must be small if there are no men closer..

    Weight I say we all just hang on for dear life the next couple of weeks and get past the holiday.


    There you are! Did I miss your name again??

    I know this will be a tough holiday season for you. Missing a very important person in you life.

    My brother took his life on Labor Day no weekend party BBQ for me.

    Anger? Hell yeah I spend time being angry at him. And ok when I have those feelings because it's ok to love, miss and be anger for something's. Take care globe....

    And oh yes the bathroom weigh I'm not blessed with a "daily" reward sometimes it's up to three or four days!! (No joke) I always run to the scale thinking I'll get some good news.. Nope same ole same ole..

    Oh and I agree about the upstairs thing for me.. I'm crazy as a loon :P

    Sheila, I'm glad your girls are feeling better, but fuzzy pjs and movie watching sounds pretty good :)

    Yeah Christmas.. I'm very behind.


    Spitfire! Yep that describes my daughter. Even at a very young age.

    She hated (hates) to be touched or made to stay still..


    your day sounds awesome (yes even the brownie part) did you take pics? You always take the best bird pictures you should post a few :)

    Lol @ disfunction is on parade!!

    What a great way to say it and perhaps a more light hearted way to look at it.. I might try that this year.

    Being more accepting of the quirky craziness :)


    You are cool! Lol as I was reading your "about me" that's all I kept thinking.. Then you got to the knowing DAVID BOWIE part and you became doubly cool! :D

    Oh my teenage years.. He was my idol.. I still have all his records, eps drawings I used to do if him.. It's the one thing that stayed with me alls these years a orange crate with these things..

    You may not be able to check in as often as some of us but you still very much a part of the 5:2 girls!!

    That picture, that morning is gorgeous!

  9. She (your nut) makes sense..

    I prefer to bury my head in the sand though and believe the below statement! :P

    How does weight loss surgery effect

    your bodies metabolism?

    Both gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy are metabolism altering operations. While both operations cause restriction to the amount of food you can eat and to some degree absorb, the true mechanism for how the surgeris work is quite complex and involves multiple gut intestinal hormonal changes. Both gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy cause an increase in multiple satiety hormones while at the same time decreasing multiple appetite stimulating hormones. Gastric bypass will also increase an individual’s metabolic rate even in the face of weight loss. Sleeve gastrectomy prevents the decrease in metabolic rate seen with typical dieting. The net effect of both of these procedures is a re-setting of your bodies set point to a much healthier weight. Your body no longer resist significant weightloss.

  10. Thank you Georgia:) I really love you guys. I feel like I can come here and just let it all come out and be myself.

    Georgia yes living this is quite surreal sometimes even when I'm writing it it sounds made up like somebody else's life.. So it's nice to know others can relate.


    It sounds like things went well today with your daughter! Good news maybe we will all sleep a bit better tonight.

    Brown good ideas wrapping those presents.

    Lol I still need to buy some.

    My daughter and I did retail therapy today but just for ourselves :D

  11. Cathy,

    I am sorry to hear about your friend...

    But thank you for telling us about her. It really resonates with me and I'm sure a lot of other people here.

    Before this surgery I knew I would die early I felt my mortality every time I climbed the stairs winded heart palpitations death anytime..

    These are the important things.

    Again thank you for sharing this powerful story.

    Almost a year ago I had dinner with an old friend that I used to work with. She had lost her job after 16 years and was depressed and told me over the phone she had gained 150 lbs. she was probably 250 or higher the last time I saw her. I wasn't prepared... She could hardly walk... And was probably 450 or higher... She was in the position of not being able to get a job and had back problems and was trying to get disability. After that night I worried for her, feeling like she would end up bedridden... I also worried for myself... When I retire will I get bigger and bigger? Will I be able to walk? My feet were constantly hurting, I was already having problems. I took my friend to lunch a few months later and she couldn't wear a seatbelt and couldn't step up on a curb, we had to find a restaurant without one.... Reconnecting with her lead to my decision to have the surgery. I called her before, but didn't tell her. I wanted to tell her face to face. I was going to see her while I was on leave, but time flew by and I was back to work... She had a heart attack and died in her sleep 2 days before Thanksgiving. She was 38 years old, married, with a 10 year old daughter. Her death has devastated me. I will be an example and advocate for WLS.

  12. When I first started reading I was going to say girl just do it! Come on quit throwing up the excuses and get it done!

    But the more I read, I realized you do sound like you know what your doing in feeling this is not the right time for you. Just because we are all fat doesn't make this surgery the right move for everyone...

    It still takes willpower and a tremendous amount of dedication after the surgery not just in the months to follow but the years.. This is a tool to help and only a tool.

    It sounds like you've backed out before.

    Is this not just a pre op diet issue but fear?

    I commend you for realizing it's not the right time for you.

    It's better to say no now than coming out the other end with regrets...

  13. I'm sorry AuriP,

    I could not get past this woman's first story. She has a personal axe to grind for whatever reason..

    Listen ANY surgery comes with risks but so does living your life morbidly obese.

    This woman sounds like an extremist wackadoodle sorry :)

    I found an interesting blog describing all the bad things that weight loss surgeries do to the body. It was an interesting read and I wanted to see if the Vets had any insight on this. She seems a very passionate about what she writes. Anyway here is the Blog....http://suethsayings.blogspot.com/. Have any vets had any of the problems she stated?

  14. There you go! Yes if you go away for the holiday it insures a good time and a nice excuse not to spend a day(s) with toxic family members!

    Ok my daughter wants to go out somewhere with me (shopping) wish us luck :)

    It's weird but I spanked her once (yes only once)

    When she was way younger at the urging of a friend that couldn't take it anymore one day and said "laura you need to spank her now!"

    The funny thing, I hated spanking by the way it felt like such a methodical thing to do..

    She was so sweet and well behaved??

    She's acting the same way now..

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