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No game

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by No game

  1. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Thank you Georgia:) I really love you guys. I feel like I can come here and just let it all come out and be myself. Georgia yes living this is quite surreal sometimes even when I'm writing it it sounds made up like somebody else's life.. So it's nice to know others can relate. Dorrie, It sounds like things went well today with your daughter! Good news maybe we will all sleep a bit better tonight. Brown good ideas wrapping those presents. Lol I still need to buy some. My daughter and I did retail therapy today but just for ourselves
  2. No game

    To all veterans...

    Cathy, I am sorry to hear about your friend... But thank you for telling us about her. It really resonates with me and I'm sure a lot of other people here. Before this surgery I knew I would die early I felt my mortality every time I climbed the stairs winded heart palpitations death anytime.. These are the important things. Again thank you for sharing this powerful story.
  3. No game

    I give up (updates)

    When I first started reading I was going to say girl just do it! Come on quit throwing up the excuses and get it done! But the more I read, I realized you do sound like you know what your doing in feeling this is not the right time for you. Just because we are all fat doesn't make this surgery the right move for everyone... It still takes willpower and a tremendous amount of dedication after the surgery not just in the months to follow but the years.. This is a tool to help and only a tool. It sounds like you've backed out before. Is this not just a pre op diet issue but fear? I commend you for realizing it's not the right time for you. It's better to say no now than coming out the other end with regrets...
  4. No game

    Found an interesting Blog

    I'm sorry AuriP, I could not get past this woman's first story. She has a personal axe to grind for whatever reason.. Listen ANY surgery comes with risks but so does living your life morbidly obese. This woman sounds like an extremist wackadoodle sorry
  5. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    There you go! Yes if you go away for the holiday it insures a good time and a nice excuse not to spend a day(s) with toxic family members! Ok my daughter wants to go out somewhere with me (shopping) wish us luck It's weird but I spanked her once (yes only once) When she was way younger at the urging of a friend that couldn't take it anymore one day and said "laura you need to spank her now!" The funny thing, I hated spanking by the way it felt like such a methodical thing to do.. She was so sweet and well behaved?? She's acting the same way now..
  6. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Wow yes holidays! When crazy comes knocking on your front door with a smile and bearing gifts... Lol I'm just hoping we all can get through it! One year I just want to go away on a trip during Christmas... But family doesn't understand that WHY would we want to be away from family?? Lol king sized anything verses your little tiny self would be funny
  7. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Do you have any idea why you are feeling sad??I know that feeling so well, paralyzed. Girl after last night I have no right to tell anyone to step away from the food.. But, step away from the food!!! We nned to get up! Yes me too. I've got things to do. I hate this, but I'm going to make a list of things that have to get done this weekend. Would that help you to do that to?
  8. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh yes guys Madison has been to a psychiatrist and has been on and off meds for some years.. We can not force her to take them so she has been off everything for a couple of years now.. I tried to give my children the kind of stable home life I did not have. But at some point I realized that isn't even enough for some people. You know that hole? The one I fill with food.. I think for me part of it was definitely nurture so I did for my kids the "right things" but in seeing my daughter I realize that part of it is nature.. It's a hole my mom filled with drugs alcohol and men and I filled with food. And my daughter is trying to fill too. Dorrie, wow we are on the same rough path with our daughters right now.. Yes, I hope that for the both of us some time and distance will heal things some with our girls.. I'm sure that when your daughter starts her married life on her own she will be able to see that she has a take responsibility in the outcomes of poor communication with people... Ok someone said happy Saturday!! Let's do this thing! Oh and yes globe, she did mention Germany.. I remember last time she was transported there she wasn't able to communicate with us for weeks!! I'm thinking she must be there again??
  9. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Wow! Thanks guys! It feels so good to get this off my chest. I'm feeling hopeful that she and I can mend some things.. She is a great kid in so many ways.. And is trying to find her path. She goes in for basic training in June so she will be gone for several months at least. I think the army is going to be good for her. Jane, the date sounds like fun! Lol I've never heard that name before, I mean besides the character on the show. Have you asked how it came about? His parents naming him that? Your a better woman than me! I only wear heels for funerals and weddings!
  10. No game

    My surgeon

    Jersey, thank you, I feel so close to you all and so liberated to be able to talk open and freely to people who get it. And wow the year flies by huh?? And when you go for your weigh in be a rebel like me and wear a belt and a necklace
  11. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Thanks for listening guys. It felt good to get that out. Wow I've binged once or twice (or three times) since being sleeve but last night was the worse I've done. I'm quite shocked as to how much food I crammed. There goes that pound I lost this week.. OMG I'm so hungry right now! You know the feeling, the beast is awake and wants to be fed. I'm almost thinking I should do a fast day.. But I really don't think I'll make it. So I'm going to allow myself to eat but really just stick to proteins and veg to detox a bit.
  12. Cindy it is not uncommon.. If you do a search here with the word gallbladder you will be kept busy for hours with all the information you need. Many people that drop weight rapidly WLS or not end up having gallbladder issues and eventually will have it taken out. Some doctors (mine included) actually prescribe a prescription (actigal) For the first six months to prevent any problems.. Once again do a search here with the word gallbladder...
  13. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yes Jane, I need to grow a pair! I'm not going to be a doormat and I've spent the last week letting them know that. Brown, I love that story! It's makes it even better that it had such a positive impact on your son. You handled that situation and teaching moment just right. Ladies I binged bad last night.. When I first started to write this I was going to say I don't even know why.. But I think stress and funny enough relief played a part.. My daughter and I fought again last night.. But I was able to be brutally honest and purge some things to her.. She has people believing I'm a horrible cold person that is verbally abusive. In fact one of her friends moms is supposed to contact me this weekend to "talk" according to her.. She comes at me with "what kind of mom is counting the days until her daughter is 18 to kick her out" so the fighting began. I let her know I feel like I've been living under siege by her for years she is violent and if I enter her room or get close to her she starts blindly swinging we've to tackle her several times my husband and me helping restrain her as he is trying to pin her down she literally goes crazy and even sounds like an animal and starts smashing things and swinging blindly. I'm scared of her on some level. I know that if she feels I'm in her face she will hit me (it's her strange defense mechanism) she almost goes into a fugue state.. Yes jane many years of counseling for her, it's helped some.. Especially when she was younger. But she refuses to go anymore. Last year it got really bad. We found someone who was supposed to be the best around it was an emergency situation and my husband called in some favors to contact this man. OMG he charged 300 dollars an hour! Not covered by insurance! He met us and her. She even kinda seemed to like him the first day. he had two sessions with her and on the third she was pissed that I was interrupting her life to do this (he only had appointments right after school so she had to come straight home) he came out afterwards and said they would not be going forward.. Wtf??? She refuses counseling now and we can't force her.. I let it all out last night. Told her she is abusing me, that I'm scared of my own daughter.. That I refuse to live like this anymore and that's why I count the days. I just want peace in my life.. So the relief? It felt good just to be honest (and sometimes it wasn't nice what I was saying but honest) And we at some point stopped fighting and spent the rest of the night together.. But I BINGED! I ate so much I can't even remember it all... I stayed up until almost 2 am eating.. I ate things like peanut butter, protein cookies (350 calories worth) a protein bar a granola bar, some chips, and this was after saying screw it at dinner and eating chicken tortilla soup and some cornbread. Sorry I needed to purge this and get it off my chest. It is done, I am done, Going to consider this all spewed out and I will move in from here. Thank you for listening.
  14. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Dee!! You look so cute I just want to squeeze you!!!! I love that smile it's so welcoming.
  15. No game

    To all veterans...

    I find myself watching obese people sometimes.. It could probably look like staring. But not judging.. I see a person and sometimes I see their sadness. And I feel like I know them. I fell like I am them just living in a different body now. It's funny but I feel like if they see me they judge me in a different way.. I want to say I know how you feel! I was you not that long ago! But of course I don't, we are only strangers to each other and to them I'm just some "normal" person possibly judging..
  16. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I'm so glad (sorry) to know I'm not alone in the dissatisfied family and food issues!!! And LOL!! I LOVE YOYO NIGHT Girl I can't wait to use that
  17. No game

    Thanks A Lot Obamacare!

    This is a bariatric support site.. Please if you have nothing to contribute leave it be.. Also she was not defending America.. What she was doing was bashing other countries. Not cool. Some of the things she said were edited so you are not reading the full story here. Again not sure why you are here.. But have a good evening..
  18. No game

    The 5:2 Diet

    Sorry your feeling ill Susie.. The up side? Your first fast day will be a success
  19. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Lol they are (my husband and daughter) complaining again because I'm forcing them to eat leftovers... It the comments like "wow" and "don't put yourself out" my husband works 12 hour days but geeez give me a break we have left over fish, chicken, chili potatoes, broccoli, salad, and two kinds of soups all from this week! That's my daughter always the best.. She broke her phone this weekend (on the wall) and is parlaying it into a new smart phone. She will be 18 may 15th Sorry about venting.. It's just been a long week of mutiny at home.. I actually wrote the worlds longest post earlier about the events of the weekend but felt like it was verbal vomit spewing forth and edited it
  20. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Jane I like the pipe fitter guy! He sounds like he might be good with his....hands lol if the shoes cause you stress practice awhile longer before you wear them! I know what you mean I do not wear heels unless I have too, so it's an adventure in walking when I do.. I'm Trying to let go of the things she told me this weekend.. It's funny she's actually been pretty nice the last few days? So maybe there is hope
  21. No game

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Lol the fudge recipes yum!!imma just skipping by.. Georgia you are just as much a part if this group as the rest of us!! And girl your weight loss? It's inspiring Coops, Remember when you were stuck at the same weight forever? You are an inspiration too, You taught me to never give up (you hear me Wanda) Sarah, The "old mom" I don't know we are in a power struggle over this right now.. I mentioned in another thread that I became a non person before when I became fat. NOTHING I did was for myself, not even hair cuts.. I would take my daughter (and son) to 60 dollar haircuts and spend 20 up the street at great clips for mine once or twice a year..Not thier fault, mine. They don't like much now.. Really I don't like to cook that much because it's not worth it to me because I'm lucky if one out of three like what I cook so everyone wants "better" meals they tell me this weekend.. They want me to become a better everything. But be the way I was before..
  22. No game

    No regrets?

    Well you already answered your own question about doing it on your own.. " I do not trust myself to be able to lose 100 plus lbs. on my own." So now it's all about loose skin and "easy way out" There is nothing easy about this. Anybody that has gone through this surgery will tell you this. This is a tool to HELP you lose weight but it will not do all the work. Loose skin? Well what looks better smaller and a little loose or keeping the fat to keep it somewhat taut? I had this surgery to get healthy not win any modeling contests. My hope was to get off meds and I said I'd be happy to look ok in clothes. Yes I've got loose skin.. Meh... I'm not on high blood pressure meds I HAD planter fasciitis not anymore So you need to do what's good for your health, know that though you won't look perfect, You will be healthier happier and mobile Isn't that what's important?
  23. No game

    Coffee and the Sleeve

    Great read whilst I'm drinking my second cuppa joe this morning Arts
  24. Tell her your are on the new "anorexia diet" It's all the rage, I mean look at those skinny bitches! http://www.pro-thinspo.com/the50dayanorexicdiet.html
  25. Quite honestly, I didn't step on the scale for the first two weeks.. I was concentrating on healing and also looking down at my stomach? It was huge! I mean more than normal I called it frankenbelly I was swollen from surgery so I didn't bother. Focus on healing and getting your fluids in, the weight will follow. Tired old saying time!!!! "It's not a race it's a journey" "We didn't get fat in a day it's going to take more than one to lose it too"

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